Workout with Cathe only?


When working out to videos, do you workout with Cathe's Videos/DVD's only or do you use other types of programs too?

I've gotten to the point that I feel like I'm cheating if I use something other than Cathe. I guess I'm really addicted to her workouts. Wish I had them all. Now if I could only be in the same great shape that she is. (maybe someday)

I love Cathe's intensity, her style, her personality, etc. and so when I try to do another work out I find myself comparing it to Cathe & the other work out always loses! LOL

Cathe has killed the Firm for me...I just don't enjoy it anymore and I was a total Firm addict prior to trying Cathe's stuff!

I even tried Christi Taylor who is very popular but I couldn't get into her at all so I sold the dvd just recently.

I just bought Patrick G's amazing ball choreography work out and did it last night for the first time. It's a fun and different work out but not very intense. More of a fun factor to it than anything else. I'm going to keep it for lighter days....

I guess Cathe has spoiled me for other instructors!;)
When I first discovered her, I just couldn't do anyone else's videos at all. They just didn't cut it for me. Now, I do mix in some P90X or some Powerstrikes every once in a blue moon. The powerstrikes are awesome material but the production is really bad. Guess I'm just too spoiled by Cathe.
I try to do other types of workouts by other instructors for cross training, but I find it difficult to either like the workout, the music, or the instructor. I'm trying different workouts from Netflix right now but have yet to find something I enjoy as much as Cathe. I am trying to incorporate more yoga into my workouts and I do some Sharon Mann. I would love to get Power 90X, the transfirmer series, and some of Tracie Long's workouts, and maybe a little bit of Mindy Mylrea, but I can't afford to purchase those and all the future offerings from Cathe. So for now, it is mostly Cathe, but I do foresee that changing one day. I have also been tempted by the Turbo Jams. I even thought about cancelling my Cathe preoder to get some different workouts, but I knew that I would be really upset when they came out then I would have to buy them full price and WAIT some more!
P.S. My hubby asked me what kind of perfume I would by myself if I were to by meself some perfume. I'm tempted to tell him that instead of purchasing perfume I'd like to order a few workouts for Valentines Day...but I do enjoy new perfume so much too....hmmmm......
Hi Jean, you are so right, Cathe's workouts are addicting. She has spoiled us and we deserve it!;-)

I use Cathe's workouts about 90% of the time. I still enjoy Charlene Prickett's floor and step aerobics as well as Shelley McDonald's 'Carribean Workouts' especially her step kickboxing (I so wish that Cathe would produce a step kickbox workout). I have a few Christie Taylor and Seasun Zeiger w/o's but don't do them often. I will always prefer Cathe but do enjoy finding other instructors to motivate and challenge me, the problem is that Cathe sets the bar so high that it's difficult to find those instuctors. I just got a Baron Baptiste yoga DVD that I really enjoyed and one of these days I am going to try a Mindy Mylrea w/o, I hear great things about her.

Take Care
>P.S. My hubby asked me what kind of perfume I would by myself
>if I were to by meself some perfume. I'm tempted to tell him
>that instead of purchasing perfume I'd like to order a few
>workouts for Valentines Day...but I do enjoy new perfume so
>much too....hmmmm......

If you decide to go the perfume route, you should check out Calvin Klein Euphoria. It's a bit strong at first, but after a little while it smells SO GOOD! I receive tons of compliments when I wear it.

I have gone through phases where I used mostly Cathe's, but not for a long time. I find that I get better results, avoid injury, and have a more balanced routine by mixing different instructors and styles. I only workout to video/DVD/CD, and I find that Cathe is strong in some areas, but not in all, especially in recovery-type workouts and functional fitness, which I find are more and more important.

My current "best of the best" list would be:
Interval cardio: Cardio Coach and Cathe
Upper body weight training: Tony Horton
Lower body weight training: The Firm and Cathe
Core workouts: Tony Horton, Cheryl Soleway (Fitball Challenge)
Functional Fitness/prehab: Tracie Long, Cheryl Soleway
Kickboxing: Powerstrike
Traditional strength training and functional fitness combo: Tony Horton
Cardio and weights combo: The Firm (transfirmer set)
Stretching: various instructors (Madeleine Lewis, Karen Voight, yoga)
I'm with everyone else, it looks like. I used to have only Firm workouts, then I got Low Max and haven't looked back!!

I have a few yoga workouts that I do in addition to Cathe, but I can't seem to do any of the other ones. With all of the different workouts and premixes in my Cathe library, I don't feel a need to expand beyond her!!! :p

As for being in the same shape she is, well, I think that just has to come with time. LOL, a lot of time and a huge amount of work!!! But that serves as an inspiration for me to keep it up! :)
I've been doing mostly Cathe for about a year now, with biking, hiking and treadmill as alternative cardio. But last month I started my first ever P90x rotation and I have to say I'm having great results with the change. I think the change has pushed me past a plateau I didn't even realize was there. From now on I'll be sure to work in other instructors and programs for strength training. Cathe is still my favorite, though.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Count me in as another Cathe Monogamist. A friend of mine was kind enough to give me Mindy Mylrea's "Cardio Toolbox" for X-Max this year, and while it was nice for variety for one workout, I can see myself doing segments from it mayyyyyyyyyyyyybe once a year. I used up a Sports Authority gift card on DVDs this December that were so atrocious my DVD player almost went into shock; same with some DVDs from Collage Video.

I normally rely on Cathe DVDs for all of my land cardio and cardio-lower-body circuit work, as well as almost all core / ab work. Not so much the strengthening workouts, although certainly I steal her lifts on a semi-regular basis. And I do my own stretch-out. However, I always buy all of her advanced DVDs on the first day of presale; I store 'em up like a squirrel stores nuts for the upcoming winter.

I use a mix. I Use Cathe for strength training but for cardio I mix in a variety of things along with hers like Carb solution burner, taebo workouts, my bike, jogging, the firm jiggle free abs etc. Every now and then I might do the firm Body sculpt.

Since I work out six to seven times a week, I often go to my gym for three days, do Cathe workouts two to three times, and make the seventh workout an easier one like a Firm tape.

I also have trouble keeping my heart rate up doing kickboxing such as KPC even though I wear one pound weighted gloves. I recently previewed Powerstrike Millenium 3, and, although I have yet to do it, I suspect it won't be intense enough for me.
Cathe is the bulk of my workout collection. However, I really like fun cardio and Christi fits that bill. I also like Mindy. I have recently discovered Kelly Coffey-Meyer who is becoming a favorite with me. I still do Tae Bo once in awhile. Like the saying says, "variety is the spice of life." I think I would get sick of Cathe if that's all I did. No one can top her Imaxes for a really tough workout though!
I do only Cathe. I used to be a Firm Believer until I found Cathe. I try different instructors, but I'm really picky and can't find anyone else I like. Last week I ordered 5 new DVDs from Collage Video. This week, I'm sending them all back as I am able to find something wrong with every one of them.
I love variety, some of my favorites are:

Petra Kolber
Gin Miller
The Method (Ball & Yoga)

I'll never go back to Kathy Smith...she was the one I started with originally. Her cueing is horrible!

My newest love is Carole Paradise's Step by Design, wow is that a awesome step workout.

I also hit the gym 2-3 times a week and walk my dog daily. I have to keep it interesting.

Cathe is one of my main workout instructors, along with P90X (Tony Horton) and Slim Series (Debbie Seibers). I have some yoga and turbo jams that I add in here and there, but haven't touched any for awhile. I've just recently been useing the Cardio Coach (Sean O,Malley) CD's and they are going to be a favorite. I've been using them on my Stationary Bike to get ready for Mountain Biking as soon as the weather warms up. As, soon as that happens, I'll be doing 90% of my cardio outside on my bike, hiking, running etc. I can't wait to get outta the basement and get some sunshine and fresh air!
I believe in having results and breaking thru plateaus you must change up. Meaning even Cathe.

I am doing the P90X rotation and seeing amazing and fast results!!! I also like Patrick Goudreau's Body Design, using a body bar and it works your core/stability strength. Also, Tracie Long's TLT's I just finished a week rotation of the recovery week of the P90X and incorporated the TLT's in this week. Great program.

I like Cathe for cardio and some strength, but to be honest I have seen quicker results, with watching your diet with the P90X program. Now, what to do when I am through with Tony....;(
As far as video w/o, I only do Cathe now. I agree w/ everyone that you become spoiled in terms of what you get ;)

I do go to the gym a few times a week for spinning, running, and to use weight machines I don't have access to in the home. Plus my son gets good playtime in the babysitting room so it's a good 2 for 1 deal :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Hi Marla!!!

>When I first discovered her, I just couldn't do anyone else's
>videos at all. They just didn't cut it for me. Now, I do mix
>in some P90X or some Powerstrikes every once in a blue moon.
>The powerstrikes are awesome material but the production is
>really bad. Guess I'm just too spoiled by Cathe.

Holla to ya, Marla! :) How ya doing, girl??

I haven't pulled out a Powerstrike in at least a year. I swear I'd almost forgotten I own them! I wonder if I'd enjoy doing one now, or if I'd be bugged by the production quality and repetitive music (which I do remember were my two chief complaints)??

I'm an almost-Cathe-monogamist like Smoogster. I do sprinkle in a truly occasional P90X and have tried the new Tracie Longs, which I do like (especially with Susan "isn't this better than dieting" Harris). But they're so different I can't yet figure out how to rotate them in properly. Anyhow, I am otherwise not interested in anything but Cathe videos for cardio or strength. I am, however, a [huge fan of Cardio Coach audio, which I use on my elliptical trainer and just love!

Anytime I get a new series of Cathe tapes, too, I use nothing else at ALL for weeks. :) Kathy S.

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