Workout Warriors Unite May 3 to May 9


Hey Warriors
So this morning I went to go for my run but then realized that my DH was supposed to be awake and went back to wake him up. SO then I went downstairs and did a kettlebell interval workout followed by a short Tabata workout. I was really sweating and everything was much harder with the heavier kettlebell. I think that I need to get one in the size down from it now (this is getting expensive). Having fun with it though!

I was going to go and run today too but I will save that for tomorrow and do a CC run as my muscles are feeling it today.
Hope everyone is having a good morning! and happy workouts!

Don't see a way to delete the thread I started, so I'm copying this here and just ignore the other one. ;)

Disk 7 this morning and might I just say that switch from Meso 3 to this was totally killer! I wanted my longer breaks and NO push ups. I survived it - though I did most of the push-ups on my knees. I used all the right weights except I realized after the fact that on one I'd forgotten to add more weight into my wrist weights.

It's sunny here and I sure hope it stays that way - chance of rain this afternoon. I've got my to do list ready for the day and I'm off to shower now and get to it!
Hi Happy it is finally May Monday! (and spring weather is sure to stay)

Heather - I agree with Cathy, follow through with the KB dvd, you'll have fun, learn a lot, and you'll be setting a good example for your boys. :) I have been looking at heavier KB. I just don't know who to buy from, who I can trust, and the shipping costs - cripes! Any ideas? My son will focus his studies on theatre/acting, not dance. He has a natural interest and intelligent understanding of the production side of things as well, so I can see him excelling in that area too.

Cathy - Congrats on your Meso 1 workout. Yeah - that switch from Meso 3 to 1 always took me by surprise. I'd freeze too if a dog, friendly or not, was running at me! I love dogs, even so, all that animal energy and teeth - yowzer. Maybe Nicolas can take the offense position and act like a charging bear in response. ? To delete the other thread I think all you need to do is go into the edit function and choose delete.

I went out for a run today at the vineyard. It was so beautiful. The first half of the run was fantabuluous. (That's a word, right?) When I turned around to tackle the hills and run back to my car, my right knee started giving me trouble. I think my right leg weakness has caught up with me, it might just be an ITBS issue. I ended up walking back to the car. I was disappointed that I was unable to run, but I burned tons of calories anyway. This week in my rotation is full body endurance workouts, at the end I'll add Morningstar's 3 day split Tabata challenge to the workouts.

One other bit to share- my husband and I came to an agreement about running outside. He'd like me to buy pepper spray to carry with me on my runs, and also to be diligent about not developing a predictable pattern of where and when I run. He knows I will use the pepper spray! Given the two provisos, he is comfortable with me running outside again.

MJ and Tara - Waving a gigantically big hello and sending love and kisses. :):)

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Happy Tuesday Warriors!

Yesterday I did HIS and Disc 3 legs...I remember now why endurance is not my favorite kind of workout...ouchie! lol This morning I did step moves and med ball abs.

This past weekend I finally went rollerblading! My friend came over and made me go out on them with him so I would get over my initial reluctance to trust myself, visions of road rash kept creeping into my psyche. lol I did really well, was able to keep up and other than needing to practice stopping some more so I feel more confident I am on my way. Now I wont be afraid to go tackle it by myself when the urge strikes.

I also finally broke down and bought workout flooring to go over my berber carpet in my workout room. I knew that I needed it for some more cushioning and because carpet is so rough on the joints when turning, etc, but it was pricey so I resisted. It finally went on sale and I also had a $100 gift card, so I was able to swing it without completely killing the budget. Anyway, its really great now that it is down.

Janis- Congrats on your son getting into the theatre department! That is so great, I originally went to college for theatre, but alas I ended up choosing a different path in the end, but I still love it and I hope he has a great time! Glad you got your running figured out. It is really the best any of us can do, is take the necessary precautions and stay aware, otherwise we would stop doing things we love out of fear, which is just no way to live.

Heather - Congrats on getting into the next round of the kettlebell dvd. I agree as well, you have to go give it a try and see what happens. I may just get a kettlebell if you are in a dvd. lol

Cathy - Good job on meso 1. It is tough to switch back to it, the pushups are killers and who knew that 15 reps of everything would seem so long. lol I have no advice on the dog, my allergies keep me from living with animals, so I didnt grow up with them, plus I am still a little jumpy with dogs. I hope your son adjusts soon so he can enjoy having the dog around.

Tara - Hope you are surviving work!

Alright, back to work for me. Check back later. Have a good day!

This morning I did MMA Fusion which is definitely my favorite of the MMA workouts. I'm switching up my mornings for awhile to see if it works better. I generally just get up, feed the animals and go workout, but for awhile now I've been waking up starving. Courtesy of my hormonal shifts I'm pretty sure as I've been pretty much working out without eating for a couple decades! So, I had breakfast and waited an hour and then worked out. Seemed to be ok. I got a little bit of the housework done, so I'm pretty much at the same place in the day I would have been - just everything in a different order. The only downside is that it means I'll be up here when DH is getting ready for work and he's NOT a morning person and tends to be grumpy.

Janis from what I can tell, you can delete a post within a thread, but not delete the thread - which explains why at times you'll see people reqesting the SNM delete a thread they started or someone changing it to "ignore this." Would certainly be a handy feature to have.

I'm so glad you've worked something out so you can run again! I hope your new is behaving better today. I've got to get myself a new bike helmet - mine got incorporated into a "hockey" helmet for the boys roller hockey games and somehow is no longer safe as a bike helmet. :rolleyes: I'd had it since the late 80's anyway, so it's not like I wasn't due for a new one.

Crazy afternoon here. We have a class in Lansing (35 min.) and it ends at 2:30 and we have to come home and free Sparty for maybe an hour and then head back to his baseball game in E. Lansing (40 min.) away, and only about 5 minutes from where we'll be the first time. :rolleyes: If we hadn't paid for the class, I'd be skipping! Next spring I'm thinking we'll avoid signing up for things in May. Of course, at the time I signed up we didn't have Sparty and could have just hung around the area until the game.

Wishing you all beautiful, sunny weather today like we're having!
Hey Everyone

This morning I tried to destroy the treadmill... We had fixed it and glued all the fan blades back on with special plastic glue. Well I started CC6 and got to the first sprint and was running away when POW things came flying out the end of the treadmill and then the noise started again. SO I went outside and tried to do it out there. The hills were never in the right place but I did run faster to pretend I was on a hill. It 's funny on the treadmill you have to stay at the speed that you set and you have to move your legs (or you'll land on your head). But outside you can be sprinting and then feel yourself slow down but still be going all out. I think I still burned as many calories but hey!
I was really sore after yesterdays kettlebell workout and Sunday too. So just a run for today.

You guys have inspired me to go to the finals... I did get an email that said I was on the short list and that there were 15 other people I was up against. So that made me feel good.

MJ - That's great that your friend made you try the rollerblades! The dread factor can really be a hinderance. They are really fun and it will be something different to try. I really like workout out on the workout flooring. It just makes you feel a little more like you are getting a little higher! It will be worth the money for your joints when you are old and grey!

Cathy - I love doing the kid chaffuer run around! I swear last Thursday I drove to the city 4 times in one day (one was for me though). I am sure that Sparty will appreciate your sacrifice!

Janis - That's great that you came to a compromise with your DH! Here is a link to the guy who teaches the class and is going to do the video...hopefully it will let you see it.
So did you finish all the P90X ??? Did you like the yoga part?

Tara - Hope your running is going well and you are keeping you head up at work!

Now I had better get to work!

Wow Heather you certainly are having problems with that treadmill! I'm glad you haven't gotten hurt! Chauffeuring is certainly going on my next resume. ;)

Janis I meant to say that I hope you "knee" is behaving today. :eek: Apparently, my proofreading was a little shaky earlier.

We're on our break between activities. Going to make food for the boys to eat on the way there and try and think of a big enough bribe to get Sparty in the van.
I think I'm taking the day off. I had a very minor hardly more than a nuisance cold, but it's left me with a nasty cough. :( Had trouble falling asleep last night and finely moved to the couch where I could prop myself up and sleep. Then around 3 a.m. there was a cat fight that got Sparty up for a bit and I had to fall asleep all over again. Going to make myself some fresh squeezed orange juice and then move on to fresh pineapple juice and maybe juice my way through the day.

I managed to lift Sparty in the van last night, but then he parked his butt in the doorway and wouldn't budge. Today I'm going to try leaving the van door open with treats inside and see if he'll go in voluntarily, if there's no pressure. Maybe a few days of that will do the trick.

Enjoy all your workouts!
Hey Everyone

This morning was a Kettlebell rotation morning. I wanted to practice some of the things that the trainer had taught me so that I would be ready for Sunday. So I did a combination of bodyweight exercises with KB stuff. It took longer than I expected and my hands started getting sore. I need to toughen up!

My body was tired after the last couple days so I need to do something light... or easier tomorrow.

Cathy - When we had a german shepherd he wouldn't jump into the truck but he loved to ride in it. He would put his paws up and then I would have to lift his back end... problem was as he grew he still expected me to do it even though he was getting REALLY heavy. Sometimes a rest day is just required. I found that I needed more of those with the STS undulating rotation. As it was a rude shock week after week!

Janis - hope you knee is feeling better. Nothing is worse then getting midway into your run and having to walk. It is also so tough to make the decision to walk and stick to it! Have you done the RICE thing? rest, ice compress and elevate?

MJ - I will send you all a copy if I make it into the video!

Tara - Hope all is well

Hi Ladies

I went for a run today in the forest. I chose a well known, well traveled, and well marked route. Beautiful day. Too many hills on this run, especially after my hill run/walk at the vineyard, even so - it was very nice to get outside.

Heather - Should we have a moment of silence for your treadmill? {laughing} It's a good thing you stomped it death in the spring and not in the dead of winter. As much as I am loathing my treadmill at the moment, I am thankful I have it, it has gotten me through some rough weather. So - do I have this right? You have a 12kg KB and a 16kg and you're thinking you might need an 8kg? Or do I have this all wrong? Steve Cotter recommends using chalk to keep the hands soft and your grip slip free. You definitely sound like you need a rest day before Sunday! I am excited for you and I'll be anxiously waiting to hear how it goes.

Cathy - I can just see you, you tiny little thing, lifting the hind-end of a dog into the van. lol! :) Sparty probably LIKES it! (lol!) Maybe you could prop up a plank of wood and he can use it as a ramp to get in the car. I hope your juice fast kicks your cough to the curb. Being sick in spring is the worst....well, maybe being sick in the summer is the worst. Do you suffer from allergies?

MJ - I love that feeling of freedom that comes with rollerblading, you almost feel like you are weightless and could take flight at any moment. Have you been out again? What sort of workout flooring did you buy? I am using puzzle mats, I can't believe how long I worked out on concrete before I got some sense and got appropriate flooring. :D

Tara - How are ya girl? Have you been running with your coach? (I almost wrote!) Are you doing sit ups and push ups for your fitness test too?

Alrighty - tomorrow I am doing another full body endurance workout, Max Intensity Strength, in the afternoon I will do one of the Insanity Plyo workouts. Yesterday I did Power Hour. Criminee - I was wondering if this is the dvd that inspired Jari Love's workouts.

Have a great day and evening everyone.
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Good Morning Warriors!

Have to run to a meeting, so this will be short, will post more later but I had to quickly say...


That is so great and I am very proud of what you have accomplished. I must say now though that I am completely jealous of the muscles! You may as well be Cathe herself at this point! lol Did you think you were going to sneak this story past us? lol Thanks for the shout out on the check-in friends, we are famous now too! ;) I know I could get through these workouts now without your support as well.

Now for the important question....what are you going to get with your gift certificate?

Alright got to run to the meeting, check back later...
Hey Everyone

This morning it was much cooler but my crazy story of the day was that there was a tornado in the field across from our house. We (myself and both boys) were in the car on the road next to the field. I had taken a picture of the sky to show my DH how crazy it was so my phone was all set to take pictures while we were driving... my youngest said "Mom is that a tornado?" and I said yes because I was so shocked. It never really got into a full on tornado but we were actually driving away too fast to watch to see what it did next. I would post the picture but I am not sure how to do it.

This morning I went to a SS run that was not as fast as I have been going and then I came back and did a workout from (this is a girl from Belfast, she does KB's and bodyweight stuff and ball work. I really like her stuff and there is no porn element! Anyways it was a series of ab/arm work - aka forms of push-ups and planks followed by a 4 min. Tabata. I feel very worked out but energized.

Janis - I only have an 8kg bell and the 16 not the 12Kg bell. That is the one that I really need. I did overhead swings today in the workout and I almost lost it with the 16 over my head. That would not be a pretty sight! My new goal is to try and find a replacement part for my treadmill. DH has been using it in the evenings and I don't think I could survive winter without it! CC is just not the same outside! I will look into getting some chalk and look into Steve Cotter.

Cathy - When you said that you were sick my first thought was allergies too but then there is something going around right now as my DH has pneumonia... (he as asthma and gets chest infections alot... lucky guy). Hope today goes better for you!

MJ and Tara - Hope your weeks are going as planned!

Talk to you soon
MJ what the heck do you know that I don't!!!! I just sent in something late afternoon yesterday and was going to tell you guys about it now. Ok, I just found it. They certainly work fast! Here's the link:

Unfortunately, there was a downside to the whole thing. I had written up the story, but needed pics. So, since the boys and my workout stuff was downstairs, I decided to take the camera and go down there. As I headed down the stairs I felt a pull in my LEFT calf. :eek: Thankfully, I hadn't felt any tearing. It's still a bit sore this morning, but I've been doing lots of stretching and I can walk with just the tiniest of discomfort. I can also go all the way up on my toes and back on my heels. Whew! Something I couldn't even begin to do when I messed up the right calf. So, I'm just going to take a few days off from cardio and stick to weights. Not sure what the deal was as I've been stretching that area very regularly and thoroughly. :( At least, it's not like the last time and I'm hoping to be back on track by Monday. But, damn the timing was really rather eery.

I didn't work out this morning, but I'm planning to do my second upper body workout of the week today and then I'll do legs either tomorrow or Saturday. I'd have time to do it Saturday, so I'm going to see how my calf is feeling tomorrow.

Janice I now have this image of Tara running with her couch. :D Very glad to hear you got a run in! I hope things continue to work out for you to be able to run outside.

MJ have fun with the rollerblading. I enjoy it, but nowhere to really go here and no time in my life to regularly get some where I could! Glad you got better flooring for your workouts.

Heather - a tornado! Glad you're all ok! I've never actually seen one, though we do get them around here. A couple years ago, we found out after the fact that one had passed through the pasture to the north of us and clipped a roof on the rode a mile east of us. Are you like us, with no warning system nearby? We rarely have the radio on and no TV, so we generally find out after the fact when they are nearby.

No allergies here. Actually none of us have any - knock on wood.

I hadn't planned to take Sparty to the park with us yesterday and went out to leave and discovered the boys had gotten him in the van. He gets the middle seat with a blanket and by the time we got there it was drenched in drool. The only time he drools is when he rides. He got to play (on leash) with a couple other dogs while we were there and then parked his butt on the grass in front of the van when it was time to go, so I had to lift him in and give him a shove. He loved being there and seeing the other dogs and people and all the food that the kids dropped on the ground!!

Tara hope things are going well!
Hey Everyone

I must have started posting before MJ put up her post because I didn't see the message about our resident celebrity!!!!

That is so great Cathy. You are ripped! You look terrific and it is so nice to have been along for the ride for your story... although I wish that there was no reason for the story. I really hope that your calf is not in trouble... maybe you can start doing the exercises that your doc gave you for your right calf with your left and get it strong.
It is a little eerie how you were writing the story and pulled your other calf!

Talk to you all again soon!
Happy Thursday Warriors!

Woohoo! Cathy! Great story. Great photo. You look fantastic in your pink Cathlete t-shirt. (hope your left calf gets the message- soreness is ok, injury stay away!)

Heather - you are the second person I have heard refer to Zazuna's workouts as porn, oh me oh my! Speaking of which, thanks for the link to I'll check it out. Way to go on your tabata workout. I was tempted to buy an 8 kilo kb, but I have a 15# er, for the 2# difference, I thought I'd tough it out, who knows maybe I'll change my mind. Runner's World has some play lists for steady state runs on their website, the downloads are pretty cheap. Yeah, I'd have to agree, CC is perfect for the TM, but it is difficult to match his intervals to outside terrain.

MJ - Thanks for giving us the heads up about Cathy. How are you doing with your workouts?

Tara - Did you ever buy a pink Cathlete t-shirt?

I did MIS this morning, crap, those high rep workouts kill me. What I said yesterday feels confirmed today - Power Hour and MIS must be Jari Love's inspiration.

Tomorrow - Friday - I am running on the treadmill and then taking one of the cats to the vet. Getting the cat in the carrier will probably be enough of a workout!:p

Congrats Cathy.
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Ok, are you ready for this......I mean really ready. :rolleyes: Last night I was working in the concession stand and afterwards the coach wanted to meet the parents over past the dugout to go over some things, so I head out the door step down and :eek: there officially went the left calf. It's in a different location than the right one was and I don't get the sense that it's any worse and maybe not as bad. It was rather painful last night, but this morning it's not as bad and I've got it wrapped. I'm just going to minimize use and keep it wrapped and decide Monday whether or not to go in. Since, I'm pretty sure it's no worse, I can just follow what he told me last time. It's really weird because it's like I'm in such a state of bemusement that it happened, that I can't even be upset! It's like the Universe is sending me a message that I didn't get the first time, so it's trying again. ;) Anyway, I'm taking a few days off completely and Monday I'll look at starting up something with upper body, floor leg work and abs. I'm also going to get a bike helmet and be ready to start biking when I can as I remember riding was one of the things that was easier on the calves. Unfortunately, there's no flat place to ride out here as there are lots of hills. Definitely need to figure this all out, because I'm thinking the Universe might not be so kind the third time.

Speaking of porn like workouts, is anyone else old enough to remember the 20 Minute Workout that was on early mornings back in the early 80's. I swear it's only real purpose was to jump start the day for the males of the world. :p Hmmm...maybe it got better after I quit watching as I found this quote "camera angle was excellent, after alot of people complained, about the angle shots and the blowing of kisses. (I didn't care). " The initial camera angles were definitely designed to elevate the heart rate - of guys sitting on the couch watching!

It's raining/thunderstorms today and I'm guessing Nicholas' games tomorrow will be rained out. Third weekend in a row that will have happened to them. :(

Hope you all have sunshine today!
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Wow Cathy that is terrible! I am so heart broken for you!!! When I was reading your thoughts about the universe is trying to tell you something it really does make sense! Either that or your body is trying to tell you something. At first I was thinking of tell you that maybe you should do less step workouts as I find that they get my calves going but then I wouldn't like it very much if someone recommended that I do less running.
Ahh Man! You sound very composed for having just been through this! It will get better and you know what you are doing now!

So this morning I did another myomytv workout and it was really good. It had 3 rounds of 45 max effort and 15 sec. rest. It had all body weight exercises and then I added in pull-ups. I am trying to get to be able to do at least one pull-up. Right now I am at jump and pull up...

Tomorrow going to be a rest day and Sunday is the final tryout. I am a little nervous.

Janis - How is your weekend going? How is the knee holding up?

Tara and MJ - Hope your weekend is going well and your running and roller blading is keeping you busy.


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