Hi Warriors!
I can't even remember what workouts I have done. I did take a rest day on Friday. Yesterday I did Pure Strength Back and Biceps. Today I am going to do Meso1 disc 9 legs workout and run on the treadmill.
The event at the school was dramatic, what a show of force from the Sheriff's department. The armed suspect was long gone by the time the Sheriff's arrived, response time to the school is at least 10 -15 minutes. But - better to keep the children safe.
Heather - Your KB work shop sounded great, I hope you learn a lot today and that he uses you in his dvd. I bet your form was awesome. How do you like the heavier KB? I am really enjoying Steve Cotter's style of instruction. Check him out on youtube. As for your son - your youngest is still so young. He is just learning how to socialize. His shyness will dissolve as he develops more confidence and the responses he receives from people outside of the family become consistent and match his expectations. At his age it is all about testing and seeing the results. In terms of overbooking him, team sports etc... it is too early to tell. It is good that he is expressing interest in gymnastics and karate -both give him bodily confidence, and will keep him engaged and interested. Soccer at six years old is bunch ball. They aren't learning skills so much as running around in a crowd. This can be unnerving to less aggressive children. He may come to LOVE the sport as he grows. Six year old's still have one foot in being a little kid and the other foot taking a stride into being a big boy. This cusp is unnerving to some kids too - at times, it literally is one step forward and two steps back. If it were my boy, I'd encourage him to go to six practices. (Six bites of 'new' food he may not like, six soccer practices, six attempts at tying shoes, six minutes in "dead pose" when he needs a time-out, six trips to the car to help with groceries... and seven of the same when he turns seven. You get the idea.) Then re-visit soccer after six practices. By then he may have found a buddy he likes to hang with on the field...or he may have discovered he likes how the ball sounds when he kicks it. BUT if you and he decide to drop soccer make the agreement that he will give soccer two more tries - next year and one other year - before he gives up altogether. Once kids at his school start talking about soccer practice, soccer jerseys, soccer cleats, soccer games, and snacks after soccer matches - he may catch the fever and drop his resistance.
Cathy - How is Sparty? Your STS rotation sounds like it is really challenging you! Way to go with the increased weights. I can't wait to hear about how it works out for you. Do you take vitamin supplements? I take a magnesium/calcium combo that helps with muscle soreness cramping. The ratio is 1000mg magnesium to 500mg calcium, when my calves are sore this does the trick.
MJ - Hey! Too funny - I don't think my MMA moves would have scared the dude with a weapon, but yelling at him probably would've! Glad to hear you are getting some workouts in. What is your rotation?
Tara - Whoa! work sounds tough. I am impressed with how much you accomplish being a full time mom and working full time. Having a running coach is fabulous! Maybe that's how I'll solve my no-safe-place to run issue, I could hire a running coach to run with me!
One bit of good news I'll share - if you are still reading that is ! - we received news on Friday that our oldest son was accepted to UC Berkeley! We are so pleased. He'll transfer as a junior into a BA program, probably at the school of theatre and performing arts and dance.
Happy Sunday every one. We have sunshine today.
I planted tomatoes and peppers yesterday, life is good.