I wish to report a robbery. Nine weeks of my life have disappeared. Nine whole weeks since we started STS. Can't be. WHERE HAS THAT TIME GONE?????
I meant to say last week that I thought Cathe's new Newsletter was gr8 + very informative. Obviously planned to coincide with the announcement of the very exciting new series. I will admit, having seen a lot of the Low Impact request responses when the question was raised about new workouts ahead of the last set being launched, I was very surprised that there wasn't more of a nod to what 'the peoples' seemed to be needing last time. Question answered. Go Girl. I shall be very interested to see what she comes up with.
Low Max
Janis will kick your pretty little butt. Lots of fun.
Bring it on............... Since starting with the STS I've got quite adept with the old paper plates. In fact I'm so loose and grooving all the way on in down there now, I can't even remember what it was (forwards, backwards or side(wards
)) that I wasn't doing so well with back in Week One all those lifetimes ago. I went so far down the other morning that I nearly did the splits. I could feel my hip flexor pulling on each slide, all the while thinking "I'm really gonna pay for this tomorrow" but
NO. Before (long ago and far away), I had DOMS on my DOMS but now being as how "I feel real loose, like a long necked goose - Like a.... Yow baby dat's what Ah liiiiiike".
OK enough of that.
ALSO I learned something off that newsletter this week. I won't tell y'all what exactly that was, otherwise that'd be like letting you all in on just how ignorant I was before.
Cathy you mentioned a little while ago about how I said something in inches instead of cms. Well you confuse me because your temperatures are fahrenheit (can't even spell that one) but we use celsius - so when you say it's 20 I think "oh that's nice and warm"
. Anyway 70 was the last one you posted which is about 21 for us which is about the warmest day of any we've had so far. It's so nice to be able to get outside. Spring cleaning continued this week with a car wash among other things. I could so see improved muscle definition while leathering that baby off - ok that sounds rude
Now I'm giggling
Janis Congrats on the puppies awwwwwwwwwwwww.
Jillian Michaels. OK huddle up girls - I've been meaning to flag this up for ages and ages. I've identified a huge gap in the market over here for proper workouts. I'm being quite serious -
we've got nothing - like you wouldn't believe. I cruised the shops a while back checking out what was on offer. Zilch. Or to qualify: 'Zilch' in terms of quality. Some fluffy-floppy and insulting celebrity endorsed bilge (did I say celebrity???) "OK", I think, "maybe wrong time of the year or something - I'll get this all straightened out" and I popped off to Amazon(UK). Same Same. I kid you not. The only thing that I did see on there was that Jillian Michaels had some stuff - I was meaning to ask if she was OK (I'll go with
Janis' recommendation) - also there was Turbo Jam which I posted about on here a little while back and received a very luke warm response. So, that's it, take your pick, Jillian Michaels, Charlene Johnson (Turbo Jam only) or some K-lister non-celebrity who lost 20# (big WOOP). Right, I may have misjudged this, because this is getting my heart rate elevated - so maybe its working after all?????????? Yes, right enough, we can get Cathe and everyone else's stuff from across the pond, but its all hassle and expense. We've got to research who's who and who does what and be really sure it's the right one before getting it shipped over here at great expense + add 30/40% import taxes (ouch that stings harder than a band workout) - easier not to bother if you can't just dump it in your cart right along with your self help manuals and enough vodka to see you through Saturday morning TV.
Someone should be jumping all over this. Hell, I'm 52, there must be a gaping market of 20, 30 and 40somethings crying out for some reliable
QUALITY home vids.
What?? Shut up already?? Aw OK - I was just getting warmed up.
Monthly check-in guys??? Seriously???