Workout Warriors Feb 21-27

Regina the planetarium alternates shows between older kids one month and younger the next and the shows they use aren't what they are currently showing the public. So, a lot of times they are older shows.

I basically just have to recopy our taxes in ink and get them signed. I had them done a week ago, but I'd forgotten to pick up one of the schedules I needed.

Not so fun workout today. I slept wrong last night and my mid-back is VERY unhappy with me. Even though it wasn't a back day, it was an upper body day. Disk 7 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps and every time I had to move in certain ways and especially getting up from being on my back it was rather painful. Hoping I can get it stretched and better by Wednesday when I will be doing back!

We had snow and ice yesterday and last night. So school is canceled today, so Nick's first day has been postponed. The music company goes to the schools on Mondays so now I have to find out when they will deliver his instrument, so we can figure out a new start day!
Hello Warriors (I know you are out there somewhere...;))

Today is an interval step day. Since there is no tennis tonight do to the city holiday (not a holiday at work for me unfortunately), I took the morning off and will do step later tonight. Over the weekend I played tennis and did a C25K walk/run. The run intervals are getting longer and so far I am hanging in there. Physically I am fine, I think it is more mental of just letting myself run and stop watching the clock. It probably doesnt help that I am in on the treadmill and not outside being distracted by what is around me. I wanted to wait until the runs start being continous in another week or so before taking it outside.

Cathy- I hope you get through the snow and ice storms okay and your back feels better.

Janis- Did you get your power back yet? Did you build an igloo or make snow angels?

Hello to everyone else as well. Come out and say hello. :cool:
Hi Everyone!

I am back among the civilized.

Sunday evening at 6:20, just about the time we were considering a hotel with broadband, our power was restored. We lost power Thursday morning at 7:40. 83 hours without electricity really makes you appreciate the finer things in life. For me, it was hot running water. On the upside I cleaned the refrigerator and freezer detailing it to brand-new condition. Oh, and our neighbor, the one growing marijuana and has taken up raising livestock – presumably to harvest their poop, plowed our 800’ driveway for us. For $$ of course. We are still unsure what caused the power failure, which we lost before the snow storm, but the amount of snow, road closures, downed trees and lack of access to the failed equipment, plus needing to bring in personnel from other counties all contributed to the delay. In the end we had over two feet of snow. I know for you folks in the mid-west this doesn’t amount to much, but for where I live it was a lot and made curvy mountain roads dangerous. My DS, Rowan and I sledded a couple of times each day…repeatedly climbing up the hill was quite a workout. Rowan liked to chase us, on our sleds, down the hill and wrestle us once we got to the bottom. It was pretty cute, except for the bruise I have on my arm from where he latched on and the time he got a hold of my pony tail. Ouch.:eek: We also played 100’s of hands of gin and poker, and played board (bored, ha!) games. My dh came home from a business trip about 24 hours after we lost power, his laptop has internet cell access built in, so with the limited amount of battery he had left DS and I were able to get messages to people – school etc.. Thanks for posting for me Morningstar!!! I considered doing my own legs rotation yesterday, but I just didn’t feel like thinking! And by that time my laptop battery was dead so I couldn’t refer to any of your rotations. I suppose I could’ve referred to books, but then that would require going into the cold end of the house. Brrrr. My dh and I built snow people, his looked like a Rodin sculpture…mine…well, mine looked more like Charlie Brown, but goofier.

This morning I ran on the tm – couch to 5k, then lifted to STS disc 19 CST…this is the double wave load disc….and holy crap…DOMS are setting in.

Donna – Have you used any of the training plans on Runner’s World? Both the website and magazine are great resources for preparing for different races. Online they even have a calculator you can use to build your own plan, pretty cool. Regardless, you’ll have a great time on March 5, at the end of the day, that is all that matters…that…and running injury free. (talking to myself here.) How was your visit with your girl-hood friend? Did you laugh until you cried and your abs hurt in the morning?

Regina – How cool that your husband does rotations with you. Do you lift at the same time? Going on the road trip together sounds like a very healthy and happy way to spend time together.…and make new fitness friends along the way. I hope you plan on going. Glassboro would be closer, but Orlando would be fun !!!

Kimberly – Is your trip to AZ for business or pleasure? Where are you going? Congrats for hanging in there with Cathe’s February rotation.

Cathy – How is your no-sugar pledge going? I almost caved this weekend – simply out of boredom and looking for diversions and consolations, but I hung in. Very funny about the hair cuts. My oldest ds used to wear his hair long, once when we went out to dinner the host said, “Follow me ladies” . I laughed out loud. The host realized his error and profusely apologized, brought desserts etc… DS buzzed his hair shortly thereafter. Lol.

MJ – Way to go, girl. You are fighting a good fight. I hope the HR pressures lighten up soon and you can take some much needed time off. Taking our runs outside will make running less will listening to music and running more consistently without walk breaks.

Jenn - How was Zumba this week?

Kim – No pics of Gucci? Have you ventured any further into STS?

Mary – How is Simon? Will you be able to see him again?

Tara – Hi honey. :):) Come say hello!

It is now midday and I need to do something functional - once again - it is time to empty the cat box. Rowan would probably enjoy helping me, but uh, yuck-o, that's not going to happen. He would probably enjoy a nice walk too, but with several feet of snow on the ground the best he can hope for is playing fetch.

Have a good one Warriors!
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Janis the no sugar thing is going quite well actually. It's funny because I'm actually having very few moments when I want something sweet, yet I'm having these crazy dreams about sweet food! Once was a huge tray of extra gooey cinnamon rolls, another was a huge tray of chocolate frosted/filled donuts (we call them long johns here), and then last night was pies! Normally, I don't dream about food.

Oh, and I think the last time we got that much snow here was in '78 and before that it was '67. In this area, we average about 5' for the whole winter. Now my parents who are only an hour south get a LOT more than that. They actually are without power now, as they got about an inch of ice from the storm. :( House was down to the mid-50's and my Mom's current chemo treatment has her extremely sensitive to cold (she has to wear gloves to get things out of the frig) and so they are at some friends and will stay there tonight if the power doesn't come back.

83 hours!! Yikes! Thankfully, knocking on lots of wood here, we've had nothing like that since we had the boys. The week of my baby shower/going away party at work (middle of summer!) we lost power for about 5 days. That wasn't so pretty and we were looking pretty ragged. :p Sounds like you certainly made the best of your time. My DH is being a pain in the you know what. He's all totally "whoa is poor me" about this latest storm and being all "we'll never be able to get the drive clear" It's about 100' plus a turn around. I've been out three times today. He went out once and moaned the whole time. I'd slap him, but it would just create more "whoa is me." He didn't have to work today anyway, but in his present frame of mind I would certainly like him to go tomorrow!! Hoping to get a couple more rounds of shovel max in today and then I'll use that as my workout in the morning, too.

MJ sounds like your running, tennis and workouts are going well right now! I'm sure running outside will be much more enjoyable. I had a treadmill long ago and I just could never go for any decent length of time because it was just so boring. Hope work improves soon and stays that way!
Hello All

Janis- Glad that your power is on. DH and I often do our weight workouts together but we do our own thing when it comes to aerobics. When he did STS with me, once he did the regular warm up but most often he got on his spin spike like the guy in STS.

Cathy- those cinnamon rolls sound quite good! I hope that your back feels better! Have you tried self myofascial release- foam roller therapy? This usually woks very well for me.

MJ- I find it easier to run outside than on the treadmill. Do you use cardio coach?

Workout today- KB - Lauren Brooks- Vo.l 3 (leg workout) and Booty barre (leg sections) only)
Regina: My husband and I don't do much weights or cardio (indoors) together. I'm set up in the basement. He has all his stuff in the garage and cannot stand being down in the basement. In the summer we do tons of stuff together. Tennis, golf, walking, jogging, and biking.

Peaceful Rainbow: For me the more sugar I have, the more I want. The less I eat, the easier it is to resist.

Janis: Welcome back! Brutal to be without power. Good job on the work-out! I don't know that I would be so dedicated. Congratulations! I am going to AZ for fun. My brother and sister-in-law have lived there for 16 years. They are in El Mirage. We will either be super busy, or sit on the couch and eat bon-bons. It could go either way. I'll let you know. I do feel quite proud of myself for doing the Feb. rotation. Didn't know my legs could stand up to all that work.

littlefiretop: Sure sounds like you play a lot of tennis. Singles? Do you play a lot of different people, or a few regulars?

Today is my rest day. 6 days of work-outs, two days with double workouts. Surprisingly, I don't really feel I need a day off, but I know I do, so I am taking it.

Today I'm shoveling and trying to get through on lack of sleep. I shoveled a couple times this morning. DH shoveled a little and then announced he was driving over what was left. Which he did, which of course packed it down so that it will be really hard to shovel now. I'm sure my van could do it too, but backing up down a 100' driveway is not my specialty. :( I really wanted the turnaround shoveled and we haven't even finished the main part of the drive.

Woke up around 12:30 totally congested and with a headache. Still have a headache, but as long as I'm upright the congestion is barely noticeable. It seems like it's sinus related, but I've never had problems with my sinuses. Colds yes, but nothing that seem specifically sinus related. It needs to go away! I'm feeling very foggy today and I have two extra kids here. Thankfully, they are pretty self sufficient and other than shoving food and drinks at them at regular intervals, I don't have to do much.

And that's my totally uncheerful post for the day. :p Need to focus on the sunshine and find a fun project to keep me busy!
Good Evening Warriors!

I had a rough night of nightmares last night, so I was quite tired this morning, so skipped morning workout (grrr...) but did manage to do my C25K run/walk tonight. So at least thats something. Definitely need a better night of sleep tonight.

Janis- I am glad you are back to the land of the living, sounds like you had a great time with the family in the snow despite the lack of power. I certainly hope the running gets better. Maybe once I get to the steady state runs it will be better and less clock obsessed.

Cathy- Sorry you are having a tough day today. Did you find something to occupy your time? Perhaps build a wall of snow at the end of the driveway so the grouchy DH couldnt make it back up without shoveling? lol

Regina- I have been doing the couch to 5k runs and listening to some podcasts associated with them. Basically various techno type music and some voice over cues and little encouragement. Perhaps when I graduate to big girl running I will look at the cardio coach programs. Do you run alot?

Kimberly- I have been taking tennis drill classes 3 days a week lately. In those we do drills, singles and doubles. There is a basic base of us who take the classes and then there are always new people joining and others leaving depending on their schedules and interests. I have been so busy and stressed with work and life the last year that I havent really been ready to compete in leagues, etc. Hopefully that will change later this year. In the meantime I am getting better and learning all the time. I just enjoy playing.

Alright, must try to wind down and get some sleep. Will check back tomorrow.
Hello All!

Kimberly- It is good that your DH and you like to do outdoor things together. DH and I like to hike together. He likes camping trips but I usually do not go because I do not really care for camping. I really love hiking and I have plans to climb Kilmanjaro before the ice caps all melt away.

MJ- I no longer do a lot of running. I now do a lot of biking. I particiapte in many three person team triathalons and I almost always now do the biking. I use to be a sprinter. My oldest son coaches Olympic sprinters and hurdlers. He has a few athletes going to the 2012 Olympics (if they have sucess in the Olympic trials).

Cathy- I hope that you feel better soon and it sound like you are sick of shovel max!

workout this am- supreme 90 - shoulders and arms

Have a Great Day!
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Didn't have a fun day, but I'm finally feeling better now! Had a rough night and headache was worse and by this afternoon really bad. Amazingly enough, I got in my STS workout for the day. Disk 8 Back and Triceps. I woke up with a headache, starving (but no time to eat before STS because of our schedule for the day). I was really pleased that I did it, talking myself through the whole thing. Then I had to take Nick to his first session with the band teacher. Originally we'd planned on 45 minutes and Derek and I ended up staying and 45 turned into 75. That got us home 15 minutes before we had to leave for dentist appts. So, I quickly tossed food for lunch and snacks together and off we went again. After the dentist, we hung out at the library until it was time to meet friends at the gym. Left there early and came home to lay down. 25 minutes later I still wasn't asleep and DH shows up having come home early so he could lay down. We ended up talking instead. About that time my headache started going away.

I think it was a combo of getting dehydrated (I'm really sensitive to my water intake and it had been on the low side for a few days), I don't think I'd been eating enough because I was waking up starving and that can give me headaches, plus it might be some delayed sugar detox. Whatever, I'm just glad it's gone.

Regina wouldn't climbing Kilamanjaro mean you'd have to camp on the mountain? I don't mind camping, but DH never sleeps well in the tent and my oldest really doesn't like it. He'd far rather be in a hotel with lots of cable stations. :rolleyes: When we were little though, we camped quite a bit. That's cool that your son trains potential Olympians. Did he go to China?

Back to the historical museum tomorrow. Program is a new one they've created called Michigan Manu-Factories.

MJ hope you sleep better tonight!

Hope you are all having a good week. :D
Hello quiet warriors!

Quick post before I attempt to sleep. Last night was a little better, but still was tired all day. Played tennis tonight and unfortunately did not play very well. My mind was a million miles away going through all the things I am dealing with instead of concentrating on the ball, which never works in tennis. Oh well, I will play again this week and hopefully be better.

Cathy- Glad you are feeling better today. Good job on getting the sts done. Enjoy the museum.

Regina- I am impressed with mountain climbing ambition, dont think I could handle that one. lol Hiking is good though. It is definitely one thing I miss living in the south now instead of the old growth forests or mountain trails to hike.

Alright, off to bed once again. Check back tomorrow. Good night.
Far better day today! Did MMA Fusion this morning, and then spent another busy day getting Nick to band, trying to catch up on the cleaning and then the museum. Shoveled about an inch and a half of snow off the drive for additional exercise and because we're supposed to get more tonight and that may be the difference between being able to drive out in the morning and being stuck in until we could shovel. Backed the van in so I can just drive straight out! We have a cement pad in front of the garage that's maybe as big as the inside of our two car garage, but probably a bit smaller and I can actually do about an 8 point turn on it and get the van completely turned around so I can back in the garage. My new skill for the week. :p

MJ sorry to hear that work is interfering with your tennis. :( I sure hope things improve for you soon. Are you anywhere near where the controlled burn got out of control the other day? My sister had to drive through part of the smokey area the next day and she said for about 5 miles they could hardly breathe. :(

So what's keeping you all so busy lately!!
Good Morning Warriors

Cathy- Glad that you are feeling better. You had quite a full schedule yesterday. Yes, hiking up the Kilmanjaro will involve camping but I will live with that because I really want to do the hike. My son did go to the China Olympics and two of his athletes won medals.

It is suppose to rain here all day today. No complaints because I would rather rain than snow.

We decided not to go on the Cathe Disney road trip.

Workout last night - Insanity- Max Interval Circuit and Rainbeau Mars- Yoga

I am going to do a leg workout today but just not sure which one yet?

Have A great weekend everyone!
Regina that's wonderful that your sons athletes won medals!! It must be such an incredible experience to be able to not only go to the olympics, but be where all the action is with the athletes!

This morning was Disk 9 and I think the bonus exercises in this one may be the hardest of the four Meso 1 leg workouts. After we got back from band, I shoveled the drive out again. Thankfully, we only got between 1-2" last night which was on the low end of the prediction. They are saying another 1-2" tomorrow, and I would be quite happy if that just evaporated before it gets to us!

Still playing catch up around the house.
Happy Sunday Warriors

I'm amazed at how much I'm enjoying STS. I've had a very disjointed week what with visitors / appointments + Birthday last Tues - so everything got out of whack and STS just had to get jumbled in there somewhere. I was tempted to take a swerve on one day but I'm a shave OCD and that wouldn't have sat well at all so I knuckled down and got it done. Wow - I really enjoyed that one.

On the leg days wk 1 was a total breeze. Wk 2 was a total killer - that came out of nowhere (plenty DOMS) so I was warey of last week which was bearable. So I'm looking forward to seeing how things pan out this week.

As far as upper body is concerned I'm amazed at how quickly I can increase my weights and how visible the results even after only 3 weeks. There is definite sculpting, which I've not seen the like of just with all the stepping. I think this programme is incredible, but not sure what I'm in for Meso 2 + 3 :confused: :confused: :confused:

This is double amazing as I'm not eating real clean at the moment. I always struggle this time of year as I'm an absolute Sugar Junkie and we usually spend Jan finishing up the Xmas over-buy then Feb sees Valentines Day + my Birthday. March DD Birthday and then cruise on through Mothers Day and Easter and then I can usually pack up til after the summer. Sorry you guys are doing your sugar-free weeks this side of Easter as when the sun appears around here and all the bits I've been secreting under layers and gorging on sugar are exposed to the World suddenly it's all "No thanks - not for me".

Cathy - bearing in mind this isn't first time round for you, what will you do for our rest week? Cardio only? Cardio + some weights? Shovel Max only?? I must do Gym Style Legs during that week. The last time I did that I had ferocious DOMS (also Butts & Guts, although never had DOMS with that b4) - so will be interested in the comparison after my STS experiences.

Hello everyone else. Janis 83 hours with no elec eeekkk. When it came back on hope your first w/o was Power Hour :p Oh yes and also, put us out of our misery - what was the decision on Rowan Mk II???? Are we about to hear the patter of tiny feet?

DD working away all w/e, so after very disjointed couple of weeks I'm also trying to pull the house into shape. Who am I kidding. It's always a disaster round here these days - never used to be. Not sure what happened there. We live in C.H.A.O.S.

Anyone waiting impatiently for more pics of Gucci - form an orderly queue. They're on the way. :rolleyes:
This morning was 4DS Boot Camp cardio and PUB Abs. I'd rather do any of the Core Max workouts. My wrists just cannot handle all of those pikes at the end. I made up until after she does the single leg lifts and just could not do the last set of pikes. Could have taken a break and then done them, but opted not to do that. Every other workout where she does pikes she takes breaks or does a short enough set that I can make it through.

Kim here's what I'm doing for the first rest week, and I'm absolutely hoping that there is no shovel max involved!!

Kick, Punch & Crunch
Hiit 30/30 AC Stability Ball Abs
IMAX 3 AC Pilates
MMA Fusion
Intensity AC Weights & Plates
Rhythmic Step
Rest or Make-up Day

Cathe really pretty strongly recommends that you don't do any weights during your rest week because it can mess up your progress. I tried to find her comment about it, but it must be hidden in a thread. All I found were people referring to her comment. You might find it helpful to go back on the STS forum to when Cathe did it with everyone the first time. She has a thread for every disk.

Personally, I like Meso 2 and 3 better than Meso 1. I've discovered that endurance workouts are not my fave and the crazy equipment changes pretty much disappear. The weights get heavier, but the reps get lower, and I just found the workouts overall more enjoyable.

Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Did you do something special? Have a party?

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