Workout Warriors April 12 - April 18

Starting off a new week here with sunshine and a promise of warm day. :)

I'm planning to do one part per day, so I started off with chest using the Gym Styles Chest & Tricep. I definitely was not using my heaviest weights because of rep speed/# of sets and reps, and at times felt like a wimp because of it, but OTOH I was really struggling to get those last reps in and I'm pretty sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow. I'm also pretty sure I could have lifted heavier if she hadn't put all those nasty drop sets of push-ups at the beginning! I guess I should just be thankful they aren't at the end!! After that I did 4DS Kick Box.

Hope you are all enjoying beautiful weather as well. We have a class at the zoo today and then tonight the boys have baseball practice and DH has softball practice. Every year he signs up in hopes that he can play a reasonable amount of games, but last year he hardly played until July when the boys regular season is over.

Wishing you all a great workout day. :)

I think spring is officially here! I am hoping to be able to put away the winter coats this week!

Yesterday I went for a 30 min. run and followed it up with a BodyRock TV workout. I am not sure that the run at the beginning was such a good idea! I was beat by the end! Today I did Kettlebells Vol1 and it was great! and then I followed up with a kettlebell core workout. Felt good!

Anyways, I want to hear how everyone else is doing!

Cathy - Hope your having the same great day that we are! Did you do just chest from GStyles? or both Chest and Tricep? I hadn't thought of doing one a day. If I remember correctly GStyles I used lower weights too but the sequence of the moves and counting made it just as hard!

Janis - What is your plan this week?

Tara - How was your weekend and what does your week look like?

MJ - Hope all is well out there!

Tomorrow I am going to do a CC run and probably a BodyRock TV workout. I just have to figure out which one.

Talk to you soon
Good morning Warrior Women

I am not having the lovely spring weather you two are having. Pick any torrential storm from February, multiply it by 2 and you have the weather I am having - hail, thunder, lightening, high winds, steady sheets of rain, heavy dark clouds. Have I mad you depressed yet?

I couldn't bear going out to the garage to run on the treadmill, it is just too damn dreary. So I did Imax2; I had a great time. I am starting to really get the hang of it, although the ricochet series still confuses the heck out of me.

I (another sentence beginning with "I", so self possessed am I!) had an enormous lactose intolerance reaction to milk on Friday evening and have been suffering all weekend. I :)eek:) seem to be recovering, the cramping continues and I have heartburn, but the pain has abated, thank goodness. No more dairy for me. I can sometimes tolerate small amounts of milk in tea, but the chai tea I drank seems to have been made with milk, which I drank on an empty stomach.

My plan for this week is hypertrophy using p90x, a few Insanity, plus running (maybe) it depends upon my mood, and more yoga.

Cathy - it sounds like you had a great time at your conference! It has been along time since I have had a fun and social weekend away from the family. Your 5 day split sounds like a great plan.

Heather - I am looking forward to the kettlebell workouts! Did you watch instructional videos/tutorials before you started, or was Lauren's instruction enough to get you started?

Tara - Ugh! A fitness test! The pressure is what would bother me the most! With the remaining weeks you have gradually add more minutes to the running, you'll get there, I know you will!

MJ - Shall we send out a search and rescue party? I miss you bunches. Were you able to sign up for the road trip?

I have mountains of laundry to fold, I had intended to do that yesterday but never got done.

Hello Warriors!

No need for a search party, I have found my way back from the wilderness lol (although, I do appreciate the thought ;)) Wont even try to explain what pulled me away the last week or so, except to say that on top of all my other insanity, I am working on buying a new car which is quite the experience. Let me tell you, sexism is alive and well in the auto industry, which I knew of course, but to have to experience it over and over again is quite another thing. lol Although, now they are just annoying me with the assumptions that I know nothing about cars, buying one or how to negotiate, so I am now hitting them with a big stick (metaphorically of course, although a real one would be better) everytime they try to treat me like I am a silly little girl. It is actually becoming quite amusing at times as well. lol Its the warrior in me I guess. :D

I am starting a new round of the Undulating rotation since I did so brilliantly at staying on track last go round. lol I layed it out for the first six weeks, so maybe if I take it in smaller amounts of time I can get through it. Playing psychologist with myself again. :p

Anyway, I missed all of you in my wanderings and will need to go back and read last week's thread to catch up. Hope everyone and the families are doing well. Be back tomorrow....really, truly, I promise. :)

Btw, I decided against the roadtrip this year. Too many other things going on, plus need to watch spending with a new car in the budget. I hate the idea of car payments again. Ugh! :confused:

Hey Warriors

This morning I just did CC4. I guess I shouldn't say just! I ran hard and it was a huge sweatfest! Last night my knee was a little sore and I am not sure if it was from all Kettlebells or all the squats and lunges that I have been doing. Running did not seem to bother it so I just kept going.

Tomorrow is some sort of circuit I think...not sure which one yet.

MJ - Glad to hear that you are back in action! Car dealerships are unreal. I ended up last time doing all my research online last year so that I had a really good idea of a couple cars that I wanted and then doing the test driving. Even when we thought we had the price that we wanted they somehow made it more when the car actually arrived. I do not envy you! Make them pay!!!

Janis - oooh I understand your pain!! I often feel like a tipping bucket with dairy. I can't go and have a glass of milk or put it in my tea but I might have some milk chocolate and not have any major issue on day but have it two days and the tipping bucket fills and over I go! I usually just avoid it all out but eventually I do crack a little. My DH's family never really believed me that it was an issue so they would put it in stuff and tell me that it wasn't in it. Then one Christmas they went overboard and I was sick for the whole day and now they believe me! For wheat they seem to believe me and have not tried any funny business. Hope your weather clears up soon!

Tara - How are you doing out there?

Cathy - What are you up to this morning?? Have you been sleeping better?

Talk to you all soon

We had to get around early and leave as the boys had the first of their 4 session yoga class today. Nicholas actually liked it - Derek not so much, but I'm hoping to run through all the warm-up exercises that she taught them with them twice a day, so they can get more comfortable with the positions. The instructor is from India and she's also a physical therapist, so she knows the body well and is able to give them usual information on why things are done a certain way and the benefits to each body part.

As for me, I did Gym Styles - just the triceps today and followed that with 4DS LIS Step Only and B&G Stability Ball Abs. My triceps are already tender, so I think I did good this morning! Janis I'm just doing the one body part per day, with the Gym Styles. I think next week I'll do that with 4DS though I'm dreading chest already because she does sooooo many push ups. :eek: I think the last week, each day I'll redo my 1RM's for one body part. I figure if I lift heavy and put a couple minutes in between, I'll get a good workout for the area and still get a legitimate 1RM.

Janis sorry to hear you had a bad time with the milk. I don't have problems with it, but I'm vegan, so I don't do it anyway. Too bad you didn't know it was in the tea! Heather what is up with relatives trying to feed people things they react to? I've had friends who's kids have allergies/intolerances and family - especially Grandma's want to push them to eat things that will make them ill. Crazy!

MJ I am so glad I'm out of the car buying business! The last car I bought myself was in Nov '93 and my husband is still driving it. It was a total impulse purchase and my brother worked at the dealership and I got his discount. Way easier than my previous purchases. We've gotten two used vehicles since then and my husband does all the buying which is just fine with me. Good luck with that and with your rotation!

Tara - good luck on the testing. I'm sure you'll have no problems! As much as I workout, the idea of any kind of fitness test wouldn't thrill me in the least, but it's all mental.

We're home for a few hours and now I have to clean and do school. Then we have to leave and go up to the varsity teams double header as the club teams are going to watch and learn. ;)
Heather I meant to answer your question about sleep because I'm finding it very interesting! If you'll recall that really bad week I had sleeping, was right before I started my period after a 66 day cycle! By the next week I was sleeping really well again. So, there I was being all cocky thinking 66 days and that the next one would be long, too, and so when I went to the conference I took nothing I might need for such an event with me. :rolleyes: Friday night I literally woke up at least once an hour. It was different then the last time it happened though because 1) I wasn't at home 2) my roommate had brought a white noise machine for her and her son 3) when I woke up I didn't lay there and listen for a) kids b) cats c) DH snoring! and I just fell back to sleep each time. That should have clued me in, but it didn't and SURPRISE mid day Saturday I started my period. After only 21 days!! So, the machine in the bathroom got a fair number of my quarters the rest of my stay. :p

So, now I'm wondering for how many cycles this will happen and at least next time it does I'll be a little more prepared. :D And I went back to sleeping well after that one bad night, so I think the few days of bad sleeping may well have been because the length of my cycle last time. Long cycle = more bad nights sleep. Short cycle = one nights bad sleep.
Hi Ladies

Today I did a round of Insanity, Cardio Plyo, and then p90x back and biceps. Tony isn't Cathe. I am enjoying the break from STS, but seeing the work of other production companies makes me appreciate Cathe all the more. Tony's form and the form of his participants is needing major improvement - it looked like injuries in the making.

The weather is still disgusting, but at least I am not tempted to build an ark. Good news is all the lakes, rivers, reservoirs, creeks, vernal ponds, fountains and reflecting pools are full. We'll have an abundant mosquito population once it warms up.

Heather - thanks for commiserating with me about my food intolerance woes. I think some people assume food intolerances are simply food preferences. The upside is - even though I am consuming the same amount of calories, and keeping my macros balanced, I have lost a few pounds of bloat. Your run was plenty of work today.

MJ -YAY! It is great to hear from you, and I am over-joyed you are living, breathing and putting up the good fight. :D Buying automobiles can be fun, we always stick to the out-the-door price we are willing to pay and walk away if they start doing the sales-dance. Carrying a big stick might help! Are you getting any tennis in? Have you started lessons yet?

Cathy - YIPES! Insomnia and cycle issues - again. I guess this means no babies for Derek! :p

Tara - How are you this week? Have you accomplished what you set out to do?

I plan on running tomorrow - maybe ccv7, I'll go for more effort this week after last weeks mediocrity - then more Jill Miller.
Today I did Gym Styles Back, and Cardio & Weights Step and abs. Triceps and chest are sore, so we'll see how my back fairs tomorrow.

It's going to be around 70 here today! and we're off to the park this afternoon followed by Nicholas' practice tonight. Should be much nicer then sitting at the varsity game last night when it was 50 and dropping! Oh, and they were supposed to be watching and learning, right? The majority of them ended up playing stickball with some chasing of foul balls mixed in. :rolleyes: I believe it was the chasing of foul balls that led them to the discovery of a tennis ball and plenty of good size sticks. Mine at least watched more than others.

Janis how are you doing with the Insanity workouts? I really struggle when I have to watch someone with bad form - especially when they are in the position of demonstrating! One of the reasons I've never even consider getting p90x, as I've heard numerous account of the quality of the workout. We are definitely spoiled by Cathe. I do hope your weather improves! And yes, it really shouldn't be April showers bring May flowers, it should be April showers, bring May mosquitos!
Good Morning Warriors

This morning I did a combination of BodyrockTV and Kettlbells. It was 20 sec work with 10 sec rest for
KB Swings, Low Jacks, Dynamic Push-ups, Jump Squats, Half Burpees, One Leg Side jumps, Pull-ups, Step ups with jump switch, Dancing Crab, Butt lift and toe touch, Twist jump, Flying Angel, KB Swings Glute lift on ball, Assisted Pistol. So it was 30 min total plus warm up and cool down. Very different and very fun.

Cathy - Gotta love when you have no idea that your cycle is coming... Isn't always on a trip? Too bad you didn't get to sleep way from all your usual distractions! Hope your back doesn't make you pay tomorrow!

Janis - I am wishing nicer weather on you... I thought it was always sunny in California? I was going to run tomorrow too... maybe I'll do CC7 just to join you. We actually collected some frog spawn for Logan to take into his class and see if they can grow some tadpoles...

MJ - So what kinda car did you buy??? Did you win the war?

Tara - Somehow I missed the thread about the fitness test... How did it go?

Talk to you all soon
Hi Warriors,

I've missed hanging out with you all! This week has been unusually busy & tiring for me, so no workouts so far. :( I'm hoping to get them started up tonight (if I get my after work second wind) or tomorrow. I'm still planning to do some 4DS workouts.

Heather, what fun-sounding & challenging workout you had this AM! It's nice to mix it up once in awhile! My fitness test is a few weeks off (on May 13th). It was suppose to be in June, but they moved it up. So, I'm a little nervous as I now only have 4 wks to practice instead of 8wks. But on the other hand, it'll be nice to get it out of the way sooner!

Janis, Glad you got over your lactose reaction. Didn't sound like fun! Congrats on loosing some poundage though!!! I'm still trying to figure out what I need to do to get the pounds coming off again. I have been back to doing WW & have managed not to go above my points (when I factor in the activity points I've earned as well as using some of my extra weekly points). Hopefully the scale will begin to move in my favor!

Cathy, I think it is most frustrating when your period is unpredictable & just pops up whenever! I have used the Mirena IUD for the past 4 years and have been lucky enough to have my periods stop (I have sometimes still gotten the PMS though!). However as it only has <1 year before it expires, the amt of hormone released has decreased. As a result, I had my first real period in like 3 years on Friday. I was like, "What the H*#!?" I didn't even have any pads or tampons in my house! I have gotten a little spotting every 2-3 months for the last 3 years, but not a real period! I may have to see if I can get the one I have removed a little early & then have a new one put in with some fresh hormone that should get the periods turned off again!

MJ, Good to see ya! I hope the car buying goes well. I hate dealing with car dealers. I usually try to hang on to my car for as long as I can so I only have to deal with them once every 7-8 years!

Well, let me see if that second wind is going to come or not.

See you all again soon!
This morning was Gym Styles Biceps and then some yoga. Normally once I'm done my biceps don't bother me, but they aren't real happy at the moment. Maybe they'll actually be sore tomorrow. I'm finding this week a good reminder of what happens when I'm not exactly following a rotation. It's easy to grab easy stuff instead. I'm going to be home this afternoon for a change. The only afternoon this week! And I'm planning to do a cardio then.

Tara for decades I had 28 day cycles and was totally predictable. I've found perimenopause to be an adventure in so many ways. :D It's sort of like pregnancy. I didn't exactly enjoy being pregnant, but I found the whole process totally fascinating. Did you get a workout in yesterday?

Heather that sounds like one heck of a workout! Some of those moves sound downright scary! :D Are you getting this beautiful weather? Supposed to be up into the 70's today.

MJ do you have that new car yet?

Janis sending you beautiful weather vibes!
Morning Warriors

This morning I did CC7 and it was a sweatfest... I did manage at one point to step too far forward and land on the plastic shield that covers the motor on the treadmill... There were some funny noises for a while and now if I go over 7.5 mph then it starts to vibrate. I really hope I haven't wrecked it!!! The noise when I landed was not good, or the fact that I was so surprised that I forgot to lift the other leg and it kept going backwards!

So tomorrow is another Kettlebell day and then we are taking a little family vacation and doing great wolf lodge. Just one night but it should be fun.

Cathy - It was fun to do something totally different but I know what you mean about not following a rotation and picking easier things. I am always worried that I am not following anything useful and as a result there won't be a outcome that meets my goal (losing fat). Did you do 40/20 yet?

Janis - How was CC7? I kept telling myself that I wasn't going to do the 3rd challenge, but when it came time then I said that I would do just 2 minutes and then it was, well I can handle just one more and all of a sudden it was done! I really like his workouts seem to do that! Even if I doubt myself you still finish strong. Good thing that you have already done STS and know your form while doing p90X. I still think that it is good to do different things.

Tara - I have some questions for you!!! I am going next week to have a Mirena put in. The doctor thinks that it might help with my iron levels (remove monthly iron loss) and gives DH and I another 5 years before we have to make a serious decision. So was it unpleasant when you had it put in? (I almost said installed... can you tell I live at a tech house?) How long before the periods went away and have you had any other side affects with it? Obviously you like it now or you wouldn't be thinking about another. Just really curious.

MJ - Hope all is well! What is on your workout list this week?

Talk to you all soon
Happy Thursday Warriors!

Today's workout was p90x Chest Shoulder triceps, Push ups Push ups and More Push ups might be a better name. I did fine, I modified and did most of them as standard push ups, slow, controlled and on my toes. After my 50 minutes with effervescent Tony, who is really growing on me, I did B&G with Cathe.

Yesterday was my ccv7 run. It is a sweatfest! I DIDN'T do the final challenge...right before we were to start my body told me, loud and clear, we were done for the day. About five minutes later my knee started acting up, I guess I was a bit too vigorous on the hill to sprint runs! Stretching, nice and long, did the trick; my knee is fine today

Heather - I am glad you didn't hurt yourself while you stomped your treadmill to death. Maybe a (gentle) kick from the front will pop the contorted part back where it should be...? Please tell me, because I am dying to know, what is "Wolf Lodge". Whatever it is, it sounds like something I would love to do!
Have fun with the family.:)

Cathy - Your beautiful weather vibes worked, it is a glorious, sunny, California day. Ah! Makes me soooo happy to see blue sky. Enjoy your afternoon at home. I am getting ready to shape loaves of bread to rise. What cardio are you doing this afternoon? Something fun?

Tara - Isn't it frustrating having to figure out -over and over again - the magic formula that kick starts weight loss? And once we get to our desired weight- keeping it off! It's a billion dollar business. For me - it simply comes down to calories in vs. calories out, well, that, and also trigger foods. If I don't eat enough complex carbs that seems to trigger cravings and me reaching for quick fuel sources (chocolate chips, anyone?) and if I eat too many complex carbs the excess gets stored as fuel to be used after the Apocalypse or in the after-life. I am starting to find some balance in there, though, including the occasional chocolate to keep things interesting.

MJ - How are your workouts going? Have you started your undulating rotation yet? Have you had a chance to use your roller blades yet? I think you should get a "littlefiretop" personal license plate. Uh, too many letters for a Florida plate. Hmmm. "Firetop" would work though. :p

My bread dough is bursting out of it's container - gotta go.
Tomorrow - running and yoga. :)
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Janis what is this cardio of which you speak. :eek: My cardio yesterday turned out to be a nap - I'm sure I was active in it though :rolleyes: I had someone with extensive background in body physiology tell me once that a woman going through perimenopause was in many ways like a kid going through puberty and had higher sleep needs than normal to give the body a chance to put it's energy into the changes happening. Of course neither group seems to actually get the extra sleep they need. However, I've found myself taking a great many naps in the last year. Oh, and they do seem to come at certain times of the month and not others. Often even following what appeared to be a good night's sleep. That's the long version of I didn't do any cardio yesterday. ;)

This morning I did Gym Styles - Shoulders only and then came up and made muffins for the guys. We're going grocery shopping today and we ran out of pretty much all breakfast stuff, so they needed something. Now I have to finish my shopping list and do a few more things so we can head out. They love shopping with me so much....ok not really. But, Nicholas has a tournament this weekend and so they don't have a choice if they want food.

Janis I'm glad my beautiful weather thoughts worked. Would you send some back now, because I'm going to be at baseball games all weekend and it's not supposed to get out of the 40's tomorrow and barely 50 on Sunday! Not my idea of good weather for such activity.

Heather I sure hope your treadmill is ok! And I'm glad you're ok, too!! Are you going to a Great Wolf in Canada? I think we only have one here in MI and that's in Traverse City. We haven't made it there, but everyone who goes loves it. Since I've never been, I'll let you explain it.

Tara and MJ how are things going? Smoothly I hope!
Hey Everyone

Today has been a busy day already! I did Vol 2 of the Lauren Brooks Kettlebells this morning and I have not stopped moving since! I managed to do the Ab work at the end but MAN it is hard with a 20 lb kettlebell. I can see why you would want more than one kettlebell of different sizes!


Janis - Great Wolf Lodge is a giant hotel with an indoor water park, with waters slides, lazy river, splash pad, etc. The boys are very excited!!! I am actually pretty excited too, I love water slides! There is one is Canada but it costs more than twice as much compared to the ones in the States... who knows why.

Cathy - Glad to hear that you got a workout in this morning and made muffins! No need to beat yourself up about yesterday! It's just the way things go sometimes! We are going to the GWL in Sandusky as it isn't too much farther and as I mentioned to Janis less than half the cost of the one in Canada! I'll let you know if it's worth the cash. This is our big "trip" this year! We are going to pack food to help keep the cost down as the rooms have microwaves and fridges.

Tara and MJ - How are things going?

Talk to you probably Sunday night
Have a great weekend Warriors!!!
Hi Everyone,

Okay, I'm finally working out today!!! Will be back later to give a report. Just popping in to tell Heather that I'm sending you a PM about the Mirena. :)

See you all soon!
I'm on a roll. I woke up at the right time to workout, and right then Derek came in and had had a bad dream and by the time I got him resettled it was too late. :rolleyes: I did do a few laps to the bathroom at the tournament which definitely wasn't close to the field. Mid to upper 30's and brutal northwest winds. Back tomorrow morning for more of the same and hopefully less wind. Temps are supposed to be similar. :(

Now I've got to do some cleaning!

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