>Thanks Kathryn! So I should do arms and chest one day with
>cardio, legs and cardio the next and back and cardio on
>another day? What about abs,everyday or every other day?
If you like to do both cardio and weights on the same day, you could do chest/shoulders/triceps (pushing muscles) and cardio one day, legs and cardio the next, and back/biceps (pulling muscles) and cardio the next. Then take a day off (or do cardio or stretch) and start again.
Or you could do chest and cardio one day, legs and cardio another, back and cardio another, take a day off or do just cardio or stretching, then shoulders/arms and cardio another day, then cardio or off.
Or you can split cardio and weights, doing cardio one day, lower body the next, then cardio, then upper body, then cardio... This actually seems more effective for some people, because you can give your all to one type of exercise.
There are numerous possibilities.
Cathe has several weight "split" routines (that divide the body into several parts rather than working the entire body each day) that are based on different combinations.
Abs every other day is fine. Though you can do a bit of abs daily if you prefer (like calves, abs have a lot of endurance fibers in, so they can be worked more often).