workout questions -- this is long!



I have worked out about an hour, 5 days a week, since I was 15 (I am now 21). I recently decided to upgrade my workouts as I like a challenge, and all intermidiate/advanced seemed too easy and I reached a plateau. However, I think I over-did it and now need some advice.

I bought all advanced aerobic tapes, 2 kickboxing, 1 extreme interval step tape, 1 step/kickboxing/funk tape, your Maximum Cardio tape and your Pure Strength series. I also take "spin" class twice a week.

I bought all these tapes thinking they'd last me a long time if I inter-changed them and crosstrained every 6-8 weeks. I also have a lot of time now for workouts, and want to achieve a strong body now and maintain it w/ a little less time but more intense workouts later. However, many of the tapes work in intervals (which I did not realize) and two of them say not to use them for at least two days after I do them (and I suppose I should not do one that says that and then another).

My typical workout week right now is:

Sun.- weight-train (biceps, abs, back)
Mon.- Spin class, stretch
Tues. - Kickbox, weight train (chest, triceps, shoulders)
Wed.- Stretch, Spin class or interval tape
Thurs. - kickbox, weight train (back, biceps, abs)
Fri. Kickbox, weight train (chest, triceps, shoulders)
Sat. - spin or step class
Work abs everyday (trouble-spot)

My questions:

Is this too much?
Too monotonous (too much kickbox?) for long-term?
Is interval two days in a row o.k.?
Is this too much high impact? (Don't want to hurt knees)
How can I maintain this level of being in shape and strong when I do not have two hours everyday?

I am currently also trying to lose ten pounds, mostly around the stomach and back. I want to make sure to keep it off when I have a little less time for excercise. I gained it on a 5 day a week (1 hr.) cardio plan. I am hoping more muscle will replace it, but how do I keep burning fat as I age and have less time? If I cross-train, will these video workouts last me years (as I am hoping) as long as I alternate them?
I rarely do the same video more than once or twice in a week, so each session is diferent. I am paranoid of reaching plateau again -- does doing a different tape everyday help prevent that, or does doing the same 5-6 workouts every week for six weeks spell out plateau?


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