Workout Question


Okay here's my question. I did Leaner Legs Monday night. I did Stepworks last night - with much pain involved since I really went heavy on Leaner Legs. Today - my legs are still very sore and tender. Should I workout tonight or should I take a rest day? I planned on doing some cardio, but all of Cathe's tapes seem to work the legs, esp. Imax. Do you all work through the pain or do you take a day off? Thanks.
I would recommend either taking a rest day or doing some very light cardio just to keep the blood moving in those legs - sometimes that helps relieve some of the soreness.
hello. in my humble opinion,and if you are so sore that you are in pain, you know...PAIN, then definitely take a rest so your muscles can recouperate. i read once somewhere that muscles grow during rest. maybe some gentle stretching may be in order? i hope you feel better soon.
I'm not saying this is best, but I work through it. However, I may try and shift more focus to my upper body. For example, I'll do kickboxing and hold really light hand weights. Or I'll do a circuit workout where the weight circuits work large upper body muscles. I agree that getting the blood flowing through the legs helps loosen them up and make them feel better. Jeanne
Why not just do upper body. An hour long thing like a slow and heavy tape, or the upper body part of MIS. Sometimes I do PowerHour with absolutely no weight on the leg portion, just to give them some circulation, and full weight on the upper.

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