Workout Mishaps :o


I bit it hard while I was working out today.

Thank God I was at home:eek:. I've never, ever fallen while exercising, but it finally happened. I was doing the KPC/LG circuit premix, which I've done tons of times before, and while doing the reverse lunges with my front heel on the three pound weight, it rolled out from under me and I went air born. The funniest part was that I watched it in the mirror! I was bringing my back leg up and the next minute I was flat on my back. Thank God I didn't get hurt. Scared the living daylights out of me, though. Anyone else had this happen?

Good grief! I'm glad you didn't get hurt!!!

I've had a stability ball shoot out from under me before, when my back was too sweaty after doing cardio, then going straight into abs. I've also bit the dust doing those pegleg pivots in SB - I love those things and was completely shocked when I missed the step coming back around. I whacked my elbow pretty good on the tile floor, but bounced right back up and kept moving. No way are you getting me to stop SB!
I'm glad you're all right!

I've never had this particular mishap (though I've always disliked the move, and instead of a dumbbell, use a weight plate), but years ago, I stubbed my toe on the step and fell doing a "Jazzercise" step workout. First and last time I did that workout (too much dancy stuff that made it easy to stumble)
Ouch! Years ago when I was new to gyms I was using the cable machine that you could hook a weight up to the top and the bottom. The lat pull down bar was on the top and I hooked up the ankle weight at the bottom to work inner thigh. Pulled the pin out without taking the lat bar down and WHAM it came crashing down on my head. I was too embarassed to stop working out and finished with a huge lump on my

Edited to add the treadmill mishap. First time I ever used one. It was my roomates and set up so the end of the treadmill was against the wall. I got on it, stood on it, and turned it on. Not expecting it to be going full speed, it threw me up in the air and crashing down into the wall. Then I had a 10 month old puppy thinking I was playing biting at my waving feet and arms as I was trying to get myself off of it. Thank god no one saw that one.

Yesterday I dropped one side of the barbell on my right leg/quads. Fortunately, I caught part of it with my hand but it still hurt a bit. Lucky for me, there's no pain or bruising today but I wasn't able to squat or lunge very low while doing GS Legs yesterday.
I'm glad you weren't hurt! I did that same workout today and had a hard time keeping my balance on that excercise when my left foot was on the weight.
I had a little mishap with the new Reebok stepper I bought. It doesnt have's a one piece design that goes up to 10 inches. I raised it all the way up to do a weight segment on it and as soon as I put my foot on it to lift up, the whole underneath part of the step cracked in half! I went down hard and I was holding weights at the time. I brought it back to the store. I'm not THAT heavy! It was a manufacturer's defect or something..the plastic just split all the way down the middle.
I smacked a 12 pound dumbell against my knee after a set of lat rows. I couldn't work out for like a month after that and even then it took me months to work up to the weight I'd been using for lower body.


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
It's in as good a shape as it was before I hit it. I've injured it a few times when I was younger and my doc told me it'll never completely fine. I'm really clumsy and was always lousy at sports so I hurt myself a lot growing up.


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
I too have experienced the rolling 3 pound dumbbell, but not as badly as you. I don't use it anymore, as a result. It just feels too unstable.
Kelly -

I am right there with ya! I did this about a month ago - same exercise - except I went into the splits. The whole way down I was thinking I am going to get hurt and not be able to work out for months! Lucky - I was not hurt. Unlucky - I was not alone! I was working out with 2 friends!

Oh these are priceless. It's so nice to know I'm not the only one...

I make mine public as well... I had just gotten clipless pedals for my mountain bike, and was doing pretty well with them, so I decided to take DD on the tandem (the one that hooks to the seat post of the adult's bike and has pedals...). We were riding on a MA and PA trail in Maryland, having a grand ole time when we come up to the rest stop. Never one for passing up a trip to the restroom (water, water, water!) I stopped, but could not get my feet out of the clips... I had enough time to get DD off the bike and out of the way before I SLOWLY toppled over - with about 50 people watching....
In addition to wacking my knee with a dumbell, I've been hit in the face with a baseball, hyperextended my knee when attempting to do gymnastics in high school gym class, skidded across the pavement after flying over the handlebars of a bicycle on a very steep hill, tripped over my step while doing step aerobics (I know it's just plastic but MAN, it hurts when it whacks against your shins), and dropped a 5 pound weight on my dogs head (fortunately the dog was more scared than hurt.) I'm probably leaving a lot of stuff out. I've tried to block most of my youth athletic experiences out of my memory.


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
I tripped over my step one time and it felt like I was going down in slow motion.... when I landed, the top of my head was centimeters from the TV screen... not sure how I'd explain my head through the TV screen to my husband...:p
I constantly live in fear of kicking the tv over or putting a dumbell through the screen.


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
My DH made me a little exercise space in the garage as he was terrified I'd put a barbell or myself through the flat screen in the living room. Probably a valid fear, too...
I've fallen over putting on my SHOES, not to mention actually working out with equipment!!

Done a pike and fallen left. Done a pike and fallen right. Done a pike and somehow got myself up, over, and on my back on the other side.

Dropped weights and have gouges in the floor to prove it. Skid marks all over the sides of my step. It's really rather pitiful!!!

Falling while trail running has left the most marks on me by a long shot, though. Falling like that is just silly because I get up so fast I don't have time to check and make sure I'm okay-- I just high-tail it out of there, LOL!!!

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