workout mats


I'm looking for some expert advice on what kind of workout mat to buy. My workout space is carpeted and it makes some of those steps in Cardio Kicks and some of the CTX stuff a little dangerous - I just can't slide on it very well!

What kind of mats are good and which ones should I definately stay away from?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Liz,

I have the mats from but I got them for help absorbing impact, not for "slideability". Really I don't know if they were any more slippery than my (low pile, rather smooth) carpet, and they are, at the moment, under my carpet. But maybe this idea from the forum at will be of use to you--go to or just go to the forum and search under "taping shoes" for a thread by Colleen about pivoting on carpet. HTH --Karen
Hi Liz! I also have a carpeted workout room! When doing kickbox tapes or certain exercises that involve me to pivot and shuffle or cha cha-- I wear Otomix crosstrainers!Certain workouts do need certain sneaks!It does make a difference in performance! That's why there are soo many styles availableYou can find these sneaks at any martial arts store---or or luck in solving your problem---this will help!Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hey Franci!

There are soooooo many types of shoes out there I don't even pay any attention to what they're supposed to be good for. Just as confusing as trying to find the best phone plan ;)

Thanks much for the links and the suggestion. I'll go check it out.

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