workout log week of Aug. 25


I am still feeling well. Boy is stomache growing. My new house is finally coming together and hopefully I will be organized before baby arrives. Well, here's my workout log:
Monday-Gay Gasper-Greatest Step
Tues-Firm-super sculpting
Wed.-Cathe-wedding tape-step
Thurs-Cathe-wedding tape-toning
Friday-Cathe-step heat(modified low)
Sat-Firm-Body sculpt

3 weeks to go. Due date 9/21/03
You're doing so wonderful! I cannot imagine keeping so consistent with an exercise regimen when you're just moving into a new house. You are so disciplined! Way to go!

I,on the other hand, was less disciplined this week. I was really sore. I finally figured out last night that my muscle aches and cramps are probably from calcium deficiency. I haven't been able to drink milk for a few months now. I guess I will need to find a supplment. I'll work on that this week. :)

Here's my pathetic week:
Sun: off
Mon: CTX Step & Intervals + abs on stability ball
Tue: off
Wed: IMAX-1
Thurs: off
Fri: FIRM tough aerobic mox + abs on stability ball
Sat: off

I'd really like to see more 'on' days that 'off' days. Next week will be better. BTW, I am officially 1/2 way there. A.K.A. 20 weeks/ 4.5 months/ 5 months/ almost there/...

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Give yourself credit for doing some tough cathe work. My schedule has been conducive to exercise since I don't go into work until 10, so I work out at 8 am before I have any excuses. My house is getting there although we have many boxes in the garage which I try to ignore until dh can help move them. Most though are my clothes which certainly won't fit me for a while.
Hey, I did Gay's Greatest Step today. I just cannot seem to get that very last step section. How long did it take for you to get it?

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Melanie, I first used this tape when I was not pregnant and probably picked it up about the 3rd time. What part is giving you problems?
Shopaholic--I am impressed. You are doing great with 3 weeks to go. This last week, I have had absolutely no energy all of a sudden. I am so tired. Keep it up. Moving into a new house and working will make the time go quickly I am sure.

Melanie--Your workouts look quite intense, which makes up for less frequency. I can't imagine doing Imax 1 in its entirety not pregnant, much less pregnant. This one is a goal for me (as are a bunch of other tapes) post partum. I have done Imax 1, just heavily modified. I want to do it with no modifications someday, but when I lose more weight. I think I am too heavy for all that high impact jumping and it would not be good for my knees.

Anyway, here is my workout week so far:
Thurs 28--LL*, 20 min stationary bike
Fri 29--CTX UB (took all the will power I had to get thru it)
Sat 30--heavily modified C&W, with leg work (no weights) instead of upper body
Sun 31--too tired
Today--plan to do MIS legs and some biking, I will post later to tell if this actually happens:p.
Tomorrow--MIS upper body and some biking, again, we will see.

*after the sit and stands x( my legs cramped up and refused to do any more leg work. This has not happened before. I was able to bike at a very low intensity for a while after I recovered.

I was thinking of finishing this weeks rotation and then taking time off to rest until the baby comes. Maybe I will just do super light workouts so as to stay in the habit of exercising. My OB says that I am dialated at a 2 and 50%effaced, but that does not mean that labor is just around the corner for me. Ack! I don't want to be late.

Take care everyone!

due in 1 week and hitting the official end-of-pregnancy emotional basket case stage where every day is an eternityx( :p ;)
Gay's workout is confusing the very last add on section of step. She does a kick off the side, then a box step (called something else), then she does a turn step, then... Her terminology is a little different than Cathe's. Not only is the choreography tough on this last part, but then she turns it all around and does it with her back turned to us. I've only done the video 2 times, maybe next time I'll get it.

Maggie, you are doing so incredibly well. NOONE would possibly blame you for taking it easy & not exercising for the rest of your pregnancy. Just think, this time next week you'll be sharing your birth story with us. I can't wait!!!

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
My workouts for the week :

Monday-Power Hour
Tuesday-A-jocks prego mish mosh(all 3 seg.)
Wednesday-All-step&step&intervals warm up/imax 2 cardio and only the last blast seg.
Thursday-CTX- chest,back,shoulders
Friday-Imax 2
Saturday-Cardio&weights(cardio only) & CTX bi's &tri's

Do you all do your abwork on a incline?
Well, MIS legs was much better for me. Shorter and more rest periods. I also lightened up the weights a bit. I biked for 20 min.

Smiley2- I do chest and triceps work on an incline, but I am ashamed to say that I have not done any ab work since about 13 weeks. I will be paying for this post partumx( . I hope that some of the other ladies respond because many of them have succesfully done ab work during pregnancy.

Melanie-thanks for the encouragement. I am so addicted to the Cathe Boards that you all will get more info than you probably want:p :p .

Due in 1 week
Smiley2, whoa women, how far along are you? That week was amazing!
I managed to cathc a flew/cold thing last week and have been sick ever since, so if you really must know I only did Keli Roberts Ultimate Step on Monday and Power Hour on Tuesday, than got sick, woo hoo! Let me tell you sickness and pregnancy in the first trimester don't mix! I thought I was going to die or just go into a coma I was so tired. I will be starting off tomarrow with a better week hopefully. I plan on doing Power Hour, we'll see how week I am. It will be interesting.
I had originally given up IMAX 2 in thoughts that intervals are not very good for you during your pregnancy, but maybe if I took them down a bit and modified them I can still do them, what do you think?
MSJ, I completely understand wanting to rest this week, you deserve it, get as much sleep while you can!
Melanie, I feel like I know you, I don't know why, but you seem so sweet. Anyway, congrats on making it to the half way mark, that is always a nice feeling. I will be looking forward to that as well, just concentrating on the first trimester right now though!;)
Take care this week!
Kathy, YOU"RE so sweet!!! I just about got tears in my eyes when I read what you said. I have to tell you, there's the most wonderful bunch of gals her on this forum. My husband thinks I've been a monster ever since we've found out about the pregnancy (despite the fact I try to smile at him real big every time our eyes meet)...

First trimester was tough enough without having the flu. I feel for you. Drink lots of fluids & OJ and you'll be through it before you know it. Second trimester is oodles better!

I still do IMAX's when I'm feeling real strong. Lots of water & lots of breaks. It makes me feel sooooo good. A huge release of endorphins. I'm such a cardio junkie. It's difficult for me to taper down to lower intensities. I do listen to my body & take lots of breaks.

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi guys.

Maggie your exercise requirements for this coming week involve lots of finger work. Type EVERYTHING!!!! I want to know all the details, loss of mucous, bloody show, mild contractions which sometimes occur a few days before the big event, and we want to know when you "think" this is it so we can all pray for you!!!! (was that explicit enough?) No other workout is required, prepare for the "big workout"!! I'm just so excited I can't wait!!! And I'm hoping we won't make you crazy, I know how it goes when you go over and everyone keeps asking and you want to hit them if they ask again.....we will try to contain ourselves right girls????

Melanie...IMAX I, boy your doing great!! And smiley, can I keep giggling that you did the entire AJ mish mosh??? Great job...when are you due??

Shopaholic...your amazing too, your right behind Maggie, we'll be bugging you next for details!! Can I ask you how much weight you've gained? I'm amazed at all your doing!!

Monday - busy and rest
Tuesday - CTX upperbody
Wednesday - Bootcamp
Thursday - really sore from BC, went for a LONG walk with all the children to our neighbors
Friday - rest
Saturday - Upperbody really heavy ala AJ, very thorough workout, so I was feeling it VERY MUCH on Sunday
Sunday - rest
Monday - CTX upperbody - was still so sore, but I was hoping this would help. I have to get more leg work in this week - what is it with the legs feeling like weights? Planning PLB tomorrow, that should get 'em good, providing I make it through!!

Ok, so what are all these AJ workouts, and where do I find them? I know they are from Aqua Jock, but is there a link that maybe one of you could provide me with so I can give them a try? I don't know if I want to or not though, sounds like they are really tough.
Melanie, that is so funny that your husband thinks you have been a bear since you found out, that is the way I was last time. This one I'm much more layed back. So far at least! We'll see how it goes with the DH in finishing the basement while I'm prego. I may not be so nice as I progress and it doesn't, we'll see!
Briee, you rock, I don't know why you seem to think you aren't doing as well. I am going to eventually get to where you all are at, it's my new mission!
Maggie-how exciting-only one more week!!!
Briee-did i read awhile back that you did ab work on the floor?I was wondering if it really was a big deal -it is so awkward doing it on a bench.I cant imagine doing the terminators on Bootcamp!!Mabe i will have to try it someday soon!
I am 16 weeks along-Kathy..the second trimester has been much better!
Kathy I tried to find the link-but i couldnt here is the one i did....
Prego Mish-Mosh

cardio&weights warm-up
Imax 2 warm-up
Rythmic Step warm-up
Imax 1 warm-up


CTX Power Circuit warm-up&low impact segment
MIC warm-up
Circuit max warm-up


CTX kickbox warm-up
CTX 10-10-10 warm-up
Cardio kicks warm-up
Hi Ladies,

I just found out over the weekend that I was pregnant. How soon did you begin modifying your Cathe workouts. Because I haven't seen my doctor (took HPT) I didn't want to work at the usual high intensity that I normally do so I decided to lower the intensity until I go to my doctor's appointment (9/30).

I did Imax 1 this morning. I didn't do to much jumping this morning.

Also, since you are all active, did you experience alot of morning sickness? I work out early in the am and usually don't eat anything prior to my workouts. What are some of your experiences?

I have been doing ab work on my back. It's a personal decision for me. With my first pregnancy (about 10 years ago), there was no warnings about laying on your back at all. I slept every night on my back. I didn't exercise then, but I'm not nervous about it. Your vena cave (major vein running along your spinal cord) supplies oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. When you lay on your back, there's some pressure on the vena cava, thus by theory the baby may not get maximum oxygen. Shiela had posted the statistics once on the percentage of decrease depending on the angle you are at. My ab work is 10 minutes max, so I personally am not too concerned. It is a decision that you have to make on your own though... There's nothing to worry about until the 2nd trimester (this is when experts say to modify)
I haven't modified my workouts too much as of yet. The only exception is I drink lots more water & take more breaks throughout the video. I know as I get larger I will have to modify though, and I am mentally preparing myself for this.

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
That looks like it would be fun! Of course I'm sure it helps if you have them all on DVD format, huh? OR if you even had all of them, huh? Oh well, just mor emoney I can look forward to spending in the near future! I do have IMAX2, Rhythic Step and MIC, but not Circuit MAx, or any of the kickboxing ones, or the CTX ones yet. I do eventually plan on getting them, I just don't know when. But then again, I bet when I get the new Body Blast vids I can sub the kickboxing ones for those! I think. Oh so many wants, so little time or money! Maybe if I didn't go all out on the Body Balst I would be willing to spend more right now. But I got the whole shibang, so I will be waiting a while to get more.
Thank you for the info, much appreciated!! I love this forum, everyone is so nice!
okay.....I can't remember who asked what as this thread is growing!!! (isn't it a great place to be???) and a pregnant brain can only remember so much! x( x(

I do work out on my back, ab work, everything. This is your own decision. I get frustrated with the ACOG or whoever they are that keeps revising pregnancy guidelines as the wind changes. I would like to see concrete studies that show that a baby is truly deprived of oxygen while I'm lying on my back and why for 60+ years the OB's have insisted on delivering babies that way (which is a time when the uterus is contracting and a baby is having a harder time getting oxygen anyway), until women whined loud and long enough and now every hospital in the country is sporting "birth by design" type slogans where they entice you into their hospital ($$$$$$$$$$$$) and hide the monitors and machines until you are in such pain that you don't care what they do. (ooooooooo now isn't that an opinionated reply!! :p :p :p). I respect Sheila highly I want to add, but I'd like to know how they determined that the baby gets less oxygen at certain angles etc. When the baby is bigger, I'm going to have my husband monitor the heart rate of the baby as I'm doing my ab work to see what's really happening in there....and even this wouldn't be conclusive, but I am curious. I've never in my life been light headed while laying on my back while pregnant, but for those of you who are....obviously don't do it. Some doctor said you should cut your weight load in half when your pregnant if you weight lift. WHY? Your bodies gonna let you know if you need to slow down.

I've had weeks where I've been wiped, well guess what I cut back, I did boot camp without modifications last week, was just having a good day, but I couldn't do it every day. I encourage you to use common sense and listen to your body!!!

And congratulations to the newly prego person up there, if your stressed out about what you can do then by all means modify.......I don't, I increased cardio to everyday and lifted 5 days a week when I first found out I was pregnant. Believe me you'll slow down when you have to, but for me it's usually in the ninth month....or eighth month Melanie he he (except for these few weeks that I've just been incredibly wiped)????

Briee (I'll shut up now!!)
Briee--You're so funny. Well...not much seems to be happening, honestly, but I had a pregnancy like this before, my first child--nothing happened and then 2 days before my due date my water broke and I went into labor later on that night. So we will see. I have had a couple of really long and somewhat painful contractions, but they are isolated incidents. My ob said that I am at a 2 and 50%dialated, but we'll see on Thursday whether anything has progressed. The baby is extremely high still.

I had a scary thing happen at a church picnic which caused one of my famous end-of-pregnancy outbursts of dramatic emotion. My husband brought me a hamburger that looked very cooked on the outside but when I took a bite, it was completely raw inside. I immediatly spit it out and wiped out the inside of my mouth with a napkin and then I began to cry hysterically (spellingx( )and had to go straight to the car. I called the doctor later and she was not worried, but it freaked me out--the whole e coli thing.

I too read the whole thread, but I am having (like Briee) severe pregnancy brain and can't remember what everyone said. But Smiley2, I have often wished that I had the dvd option, because stringing a bunch of the warm ups together sounds really good.

6 days until due:p

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