Workout log for week of October 12th


Hi ladies! Thanks to all for your prayers and encouraging words last week. I made it through last week. Yahoo!! I am feeling better and the baby is moving around more. My workout week is not up to par--but I'm listening to my body and not pushing too hard. My goal is 4-5 good workouts this coming week. I think I will do the CTX series. I'm at 26 weeks (last week of 2nd trimester) and I've gained 18 pounds so far. I'm really aiming toward 30-pounds total if possible. ;O)

Sun: off
Mon: off
Tue: Imax 1 Intervals 1-5 Plus PS CST
Wed: Boot Camp
Thurs: Yoga Mama
Fri: off
Sat: off

* Boot Camp beat me up. I was really sore the next day, although it didn't seem bad when I was doing it. Yoga Mama isn't for me. I'm just not very good at stretching. I"m real stiff (which is why I should be doing yoga) and I'm a cardio junkie who thrives by becoming real sweaty and slippery. Oh well. :eek:)

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi gals.....

Melanie - I think you are doing great! I am glad you listened to your body and took the needed rest! Looks like maybe that extra water helped!??? Congrats on only gaining 18 lbs so far! Keep up the good work.

I start my 24th week tomorrow! I can't believe it. My belly is starting to pooch out more finally.

Here is my workout log for last week. I wanted to get 1 extra day in there but just got too tired and busy at the end of the week. I made up for it today though ;)

Sat - rest
Sun - Stepheat + bodymax + PH shoulders & chest
Mon - Rest
Tues - Treadmill walk/run 25 min
Wed - Rest
Thurs - CTX All Step
Fri - Rest

Have a great week girls!!!!!
Hi girls! Melanie - good job for listening to your body!! Fitnut - I can't believe that you are just starting to pooch out! This is my second child and I am already starting to show!! I'm only 12 weeks! Anyway, I had a pretty good workout week - here it is:

Sun: C&W cardio
Mon: MIC step + yoga
Tues: Firm - Super Body Sculpt
Wed: Viper - cardio only and a long walk to the park in the evening with my son
Th: Body Max - upper body
Fri: Body Max - cardio + legs
Sat: Fit Mama yoga + stretching (no salsa dancing)

Have a great week girls!!! Keep up the awesome work!!!! :D
You women are amazing! Wow Fitnut--your Sunday was incredible, THREE videos? I don't know if I would do that non-pregnant. And Sara, you worked out EVERY day! Again, this isn't a habit I'd done when I WASN'T pregnant! Way to go!
My goal is/and has been to workout at least 4 days/week. If I workout 6 days/week I feel fabulous. :eek:)

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
You guys are doing great. I was debating not even posting this week as it is a blur. 8 days ago (Sunday night) our English Mastiff went into labor around 10:20 p.m. and we ended up delivering puppies all night long. She had 11 which means we have to do the "puppy swap" every 2 hours around the clock...kind of like having a baby. My exercise consisted of running up/down two flights of stairs (if I'm upstairs) about 200 times a day (we have her on closed caption TV so we can always see the puppies and make sure they aren't being laid on). On Friday our other mastiff was supposed to have gone into labor and didn't so I was at the vet bright and early for a csection. The surgery was done around 12:00 and she got "shocky" and for the next 6 hours...they tried to save her (lots of transfusions and CPR and life support, etc.). She had two puppies who are doing well, but she didn't make it. They said it was probably a bad reaction to the anesthetic which is not too common as they were "extremely careful". We had four vets and a tech who watched her vitals continuously throughout the surgery. She actually did very well, but an hour after the surgery she began to go down hill. This was one of the most stressful days I've had in a long time. She was definitely MY DOG and followed me everywhere I went, it was really hard to bury her. Anyway...that same night both children got croupy with a bad cold and all the other's followed. By Sunday I was a basket case, hadn't slept and wasn't eating and had lost about 3-4 pounds (I'm not complaining about that). So there's my excuse and I hope I don't need a better one any time soon.

Hopefully workouts will go more normal this coming week. Thanks for listening guys and glad you are doing so very well.

Oh Briee, I'm sorry you about your dog. I don't know what I would do without mine. They are such important members of our family. I am so sorry that you have had such a horrible time.
Oh my gosh, Briee!!! I am so sorry for your loss!!!!! Boy, when it rains, it poors!! I will definitely keep you and your family in my prayers! I hope that the kids are feeling better and that you are finally getting some rest. Again, I am so sorry for your loss!!!
Hi ladies,

It has been tough for me to get all my workouts in too. Before I got pregnant, I was working out 6 days a week. The last month or so I've been lucky if I got in 4 or 5. But last week I was able to do all six. I am so happy!

Sara, I am 11 weeks today. Like you this is my second child and I am already showing. I am a size 8 and now I can't button any of my jeans. I can wear my comfy pants but no denim nor dress slacks that button for me. In fact this past weekend I went out and bought maternity clothes! I hated doing that so early but I refuse to buy too-big clothes. (it took me a several months to get to an 8)

Briee-I hope you'll be ok. You've got us to talk to!

My workout for the week is:
Monday-Step Fit
Tuesday-PLB: Standing work/Bodymax warmup and cardio
Wednesday-CTX/PH Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
Thursday-PS Legs (floor)/PLB (ball)/PS abs
Friday-CTX/MIS Back & CTX/PH Biceps & PH Abs
Saturday-MIC (will definitely modify)

I may alter this rotation a little because Cathe didn't have much cardio in the October rotation.

Have a wonderful week
I"m sorry to hear about your loss Briee. I haven't had to deal with the death of a pet yet-- my 1st dog is still around. He's a chocolate lab & he's 11 years old. I'm fortunate, I suppose. Anyways, you & your family will be in our prayers.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Oh Briee,
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. It must be especially hard because it was unexpected--not like she was old and sick and had lived a good long life(which is also hard, but at least one can prepare oneself).

Please take good care of yourself--
Congrats on entering the last trimester! Also, you will be so happy you kept your weight gain down after you deliver. (believe me I am now regretting deeply all that late night Tillamook Mudslide ice cream);( :p

take care,
Maggie, I guess I didn't really think that I HAD kept my weight down! 18 pounds feels like an awful lot. People tend to gain the most weight in the third trimester, right? I was really hoping to gain 25 pounds total, but I don't think that's realistic to gain only 7 pounds in the last trimester. Now my goal is 30 pounds. My weight has been an issue that I've been concerned about throughout my pregnancy. My mom gained so much weight with her pregnancies & she's been battling it for 15 years now! Just wanna stay healthy. Whatever it takes to have my healthy little boy in my arms!
Today I finished painting one my rooms. I'm really starting to get anxious b/c we're shuffling 4 rooms around and not even one of them are ready. I've been waiting & waiting for DH to kick it into gear. Today & wait no longer. I begin to take things into my own hands. I am even more impatient pregnant!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I think 30 lbs is very good and healthy. You will probably lose whatever excess you have in very little time. You are doing great!
take care
One room complete...Three rooms & 13 weeks left !!!!

Job complete. I succesfully painted & transferred my complete computer room two rooms over. Amazingingly, the water softner guy came over right when I wanted to move the computer desk--and he helped me move the desk. In my wildest dreams I wouldn't have thought that I'd be able to accomplish all this today. I even hooked up a phone line for the modem (I've never done this before). You should have seen me stripping the wires for the telephone trying to get them into this little white box. I almost cried when I got a dialtone when I tested it! Unfortunately my back is really sore now though. Urgh. I took a nap & relaxed the remainder of the day. I didn't do an official workout, but my guess is that I was able to burn some major calories with the furniture shuffling & painting. My DH has offered me a backrub later. I can't wait!!
Thanks for all the encouragement Maggie, it means a lot coming from a pro!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: One room complete...Three rooms & 13 weeks left !!!!

Thanks to everyone for kind words regarding our doggie situation. I'm doing much better now and hugging our other mastiffs all the time!! The puppies are adorable.

Anyway...Melanie...please come to my house (after your back quits aching!!) you are incredible, what a workout!!!! I have so many rooms you could work in. We bought a new home that was 70% completed and it's probably got 20% to go still. We have 10 bedrooms to finish 5 upstairs, 2 on first floor and 3 down can knock yourself out!!!! I'm very proud of you!! By the way are you really in the third trimester now??? I believe I'm in the fourth trimester ha ha - actually yesterday marks 32 weeks complete and only 8 to go - yippee.

I'm feeling a little more chipper, but can't believe the weight I lost from the last 2 weeks. Melanie, I'm not wanting to gain much more than 5-7 pounds in these last 8 weeks and hope to stick to that, that's about what the baby will gain right?? I've heard that you gain the most in the last trimester, but I've always seemed to gain more in the beginning for some reason. We'll see!!

RE: One room complete...Three rooms & 13 weeks left !!!!

Briee, 3rd trimester technically begins on Sunday, but we can say that I'm there now...I know YOU won't mind, right?!?! hee hee.
Congrats on the purchase of your new home. How exciting. I"m still trying to figure out where we're going to be putting everything and everyone! We have a lakehome, but it's a small home, with only 1200 square feet. The room shuffling will help. We despirately need to add another closet somewhere & a bigger garage with perhaps a loft room. Okay, I"m dreaming with the loft room, but a bigger garage would help. I am an organizer by nature & I am confident that we'll figure it out. This might sound silly, but I'm already thinking about my NEXT pregnancy! Where is THAT baby going to go? I'm so silly, aren't I?

I heard that you gain the most poundage in the 3rd trimester. My belly is getting bigger, but I haven't really gained any additional weight in a few weeks. Yeah! I also recently read somewhere that the baby gains more weight, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we will gain too much more weight. One can only hope. I'm allowing myself 12 additional pounds. It's funny, I say it like I actually have much control over it. When it comes down to it, the baby will add as much weight as he needs, right?

By the way, my back is feeling much, much better today. I really took it easy the rest of the evening & slept almost 10 hours last night. I will take it easy with my workouts. As far as workouts go, I've still been doing the jump lunges & biojumps and all that bouncing. I wonder if that's been part of the reason my back hurts? I feel like I am physically able to do it when I"m working out, but later my back gets so sore. I caught a glimpse of my profile when I was working out in the reflection of a picture frame & I just started laughing and laughing. If someone was peeking through my windows and saw this woman with a massive belly bouncing up & down they too would think it was pretty comical. It's amazing what we can do with all that extra weight,eh?

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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