Workout journal?


Does anyone think it might be motivating to keep a workout journal? I can never remember from one workout to the next what weight I used the last time or how well I did. I'm thinking maybe a workout journal will help me to keep track of my progress, which may give me added incentives?

Any comments or suggestions? Thanks.


"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself." -Eleanor Roosevelt
Yes Nancy-
I started keeping track of my workouts and I made a log. If you do not have Excel on your computer I could make a Word document out of it but here's a link to my log.

I colored in every other seven lines so you can tell one week from the next at a glance. Then you can see how many lower body, how many abs, how many chest, etc. you did in that week. It's 4 weeks at a glance. I print it on 2 sides of 3-punch paper and I 3-punch the other side so I can turn it over. I always keep the working (current) side on top facing me. That way I don't waste a second paging through anything in the morning.

As for keeping track of weights, I keep a separate sheet(s) in each DVD case for the workouts and fill in my weights (my forms are available at
When I go to do a weight workout, I tape the weight chart of the particular workout on the wall (I keep a roll of scotch tape for that purpose -- I suppose I could use a corkboard instead) in my workout area, until I'm done with that day's workout, then I put it back in the DVD case.

If anyone wants me to make any weight charts in Word format, just ask me because I can do it pretty quickly.
Just read that FVF is now a pay site (?!) and if so you can contact me directly for my weight worksheets. - C.
Just an idea for you. Buy a calendar just for your workouts. One with nice big squares so you can write your workouts down.
You can either plan ahead or just jot down your workout right after you complete it. I have one hanging just above my collection of workout videos. I attach a pen right to the calendar so there is no excuses not to use it. Just my two cents. I find I get really lazy with journals after about a month and they end up in my really BIG junk drawer. I love the idea of journaling, but never keep up with it. Good luck to
you in your journaling!:) I have saved the last 10 years worth of calendars. It's great to see the progress I've made. Does this border on obsession? My DH thinks so. Oh well. :)

Hi Connie,

FVF isn't a pay site. I saw the thread you are talking about & I went to, it's a completely different site. Your worksheets are still there! THANK GOODNESS!

Liz is still working on updating the new site. When it's done, it's going to be AWESOME!!!!

Deborah--formerly known as GettingFit, now the Fitness Goddess thanks to Cathe! LOL [|]

Thanks! Quattro Pro worked just fine for the log sheet. I'm not sure I understand why you keep the log in paper form. Couldn't you just fill it in on your computer screen?

As for the weight form, I am a member of FVF and was able to log in, but not sure where to find your forms. Can you give me a little more info on that? I like the idea of folding the paper up into the DVD case. For me, that would be the only real way to keep track of what I did with it!

Many thanks as usual Connie!!

BTW, I sent my stepson to your website for ideas. He has now lost 85 lbs., and is charting his progress on his own website. He liked yours very much, and is also using a series of pics of himself to show his progress.


"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself." -Eleanor Roosevelt
I'm not as "computer savvy" as these guys are so I just keep a spiral bound notebook that I log my workouts in.
By all means, regardless of the method, log your workouts, type, rotation (if you do them), weights used, etc.
It is a fantastic tool to not only chart your growth but you can refer back to it as far as what weights you used when previously doing a specific video, most of us use different weights for an endurance workout than we do for a strength based workout, so having a log will tell you where you left off and where to pick back up. Also, you'll see how long you've been doing something a certain way, and if you're not getting results, you'll be able to see, "gee, I've been doing this for 9 weeks, maybe I need a change!" So logging your workouts and the details in my opinion is not only beneficial, but mandatory for longterm success. I think in this series Cathe makes mention to it even more than once to log your workouts.


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I log all of my workouts in my daily planner -I have enough room in there to keep track to up to two years of workouts - that way I can tell what has worked and what hasn't worked.

Because there have been times that I think what was I doing back then when I looked my best? Then, it is just a glance away.

I have actually started a Rotation with Cathe's new Intensity Series. I have been working out with her tapes since 1995 - but never did a rotations - I would just sporadicaly pick which workout I would do.

I absolutely love this better - I don't have to think, what will I do today? Hopefully, I will have good results.

Hi Nancy,
I've kept a workout journal for about 3 years now. It is great to look back to see the progress I have made. On my inside cover I have some motivational things written down. It also helps me to not have so many rest days becuase it would really bother me to keep writing down "rest day".

Have a great day!

Last year I started keeping a notebook where I write down what tape I do, what weights I use, and how I felt doing it. It's really nice to see in the last year how I've increased my weights just a little.
Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to
I keep a journal so I when I say to myself, "Man I looked way better in March than I did in July," I can look back and see what tapes I was doing then. A lot of things come into play here, diet, PMS, etc., but it's nice to keep track of what I'v done. It it also fun to see progression. My journal used to say Mon. 1/2 of Imax. on 6". Now it says Mon. Imax 8", PS CST. It makes you want to keep going to see even bigger and better improvements. It is also humbling to see that Body Max only made itself onto my calendar 5 times last year.
I use a calendar, too, one of those cheapy two year pocket deal, and I write in pencil so I can change it.

Not very high tech, but it works for me.

Just Do It! :)
I bought my workout log from Collage Video for about $12. I love it. It goes for 24 weeks. I like writing down everything and having it in a handy spiral book form. I actually plan on buying 2 more just like it next week! Susan
Whoa, I'd be lost without a workout log. I've kept one since 1989. I've used regular calendars and cute little journal books. Either way, it is beneficial just as the girls above have already posted.
I'm currently using a calendar with wide enough boxes to fit in my workouts. In addition I'm using a spiral notebook that I fit 4 days to a page. I write the date, what I ate that day, my workout and notes about my progess. My diet progress under the food heading and my workout progress under the workout heading.

I put in my weight and measurments, my goals, what foods I can have.
Since I started out the year with the new Series, I also inserted pictures of the new workouts. On the facing page I wrote the name of the workout, for example Cardio & Weights. I put in the weights that Cathe uses, the weight I started out with and where my weaknesses are in the class. I also wrote down the Titles of the music. It helped in the beginning to see where I was on the tape. :D

I also put in what the crew did to prep for the new series, as this was a big motivation for me.

Connie, I love your worksheets. That is a wonderful idea of being able to see what body part you worked during the day and see at a glance what you worked all week. Thanks for posting your log.

This is probably way more than you asked for. :D Bottom line, whatever form a log takes, it is very worthwhile to have one.

I find that a simple journal helps me keep track of my workouts and motivates me to work on improving my personal best lifting weights. I have previously used a ring-bound notebook, but find that a smaller, stenographer's notebook works just as well. For weight workouts, I write down the weights I used and sometimes brief notes to indicate how it worked (too light? too heavy? too fast? GOOD!).

Hi Deborah,

Thanks for the clarification between and A weird coincidence - they are physically located only 50+/- miles away from me! I had never heard of them before I read the same post that Connie did the other day.

Thanks also for the kind words!

WOW!! I cannot believe how organized you guys are! Boy, do I feel lazy now. I wish I had organizational skills like that but I fear I belong more to the "junk drawer" group!!LOL!!!
I do get motivated to do stuff like this but I always fizzle out. Probably why I am always frustrated with my lack of poundage increases...
So glad to know VFF is *not* a pay site!

Nancy, this is just a way to limit my conputer time. I find too much computer time counterproductive to fitness. I do already spend an hour at least, each day just checking this forum and my e-mail.

Your stepson sounds motivated! I am happy for him!

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