Here are some to consider:
STS Meso 1-it rotates chest-shoulders biceps on one DVD, and then Back-biceps on the 2nd DVD. You could do half of each for a one hour workout. No specific core work, but your core is worked a lot in the exercises. You do 15-16 reps so it is quite similar. Meso 3 does the same thing but a little different: it has a shoulder-bis-tris circuit on one DVD and a chest-back on the next one. The rest periods are fairly short in sh-bis-tris but longer in chest-back. You are using much heavier weights and rep counts of only 6-8, so its not really as comparable to trisets as meso one is.
STS Total body-it has an upper body premix with trisets but is only 24 minutes in length. The core work is separate rather than blended in the triset. Adding core makes it about 35 minutes.
An older DVD is the Push-Pull/Supersets. These both alternate upper body, lower body, and core worked in a circuit fashion. It has a similar feel to the trisets DVD, and has tons of premixes-upper only, lower only, one, two or three times through, etc.. The upper body blast on Supersets is 59 minutes. This is one of my favorite "oldies" because I love circuit style weight lifting rather than straight sets. That's what I like about the trisets UB-no down time and extended rest periods are needed because you are going to a different muscle group with each set.