Workout Card question


Active Member
On the workout cards, why are some of the target weights listed as N/A when I've done my 1RM? I've gone back and re-entered my 1RM, but when I view the workout card, there are still target wts listed as N/A.

I'm trying to be as efficient as possible and want to be able to look at the card and get my wt and not have to guess at it. Does anyone else have this problem or a solution to this problem? Am I doing something wrong?


I've had that happen too. But I re-entered my 1 rep max and got it to show up. But there are also some exercises that SNM took out of the lineup because the 1rep max doesn't really apply to that particular workout. Could you be specific as to which exercises?
Hi Beth,

The Disc 6 legs, first item: front & back lunge; front squats narrow stance; calf raises with dumbbell. Disc #2, deadlifts w/dumbbell. Disc #1, seated rear flys into band pulls; seated front press dbl arms 1.5 and barbell curl wide grip.

I also noticed that on Disc 1, instead of N/A it says 0.

Thanks Beth,

Hi Beth,

The Disc 6 legs, first item: front & back lunge; front squats narrow stance; calf raises with dumbbell. Disc #2, deadlifts w/dumbbell. Disc #1, seated rear flys into band pulls; seated front press dbl arms 1.5 and barbell curl wide grip.

I also noticed that on Disc 1, instead of N/A it says 0.

Thanks Beth,

Disc 6 first item front/back lunges are body weight only for a warm up.
Front squats narrow stance: go to "all exercises" drop down menu and enter the same weight for that as you did for "squats narrow stance."
Calf raise-not that important
Disc 2 deadlift-go to all exercises again and enter the same as your deadlift test. Do the same for the front press 1/5 and barbell curl wide grip.
seated rear flys into band pulls-i had to renter that twice but I think it finally stuck.

It seems like a lot of the exercises are named a little differently on the workout card. If you find one like the deadlift one, you have to go through "all exercises" menu becuase its not showing up on the dropdown menu for the disc. There are so many duplicates I've been finding that way-you only discover it when you thought you tested it and it shows up as "NA" on the workout card.
Thanks Beth, I've noticed too that there are a lot of duplicates. I guess I thought a deadlift was a deadlift and would be copied to all deadlifts. Oh well.
Thanks again.

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