workout burnout


New Member
after a month of straight cardio i decided it was time to start muscle training.i put myself on a schedule which consited of my weights and abs with 60 min.of cardio at least 5 days a week.well,after a week now i've noticed that i'm getting fatigue after only 30min. i'm wondering if thats normal or am i just doing too much cardio and i should give my body a break? i take vitamins,extra protein, and eat regularly to keep my metabolism going.any advise?

When you say "weights and abs with 60 min. of cardio" do you mean that the total workout time is 60 min or that you are doing 60 min in addition to weights & abs? If you are doing 60 min of cardio 5x/week plus weights & abs, that is way too much in my opinion. Are you fatiguing while doing weights or cardio? Cathe always says to listen to your body, and your body may be telling you to slow down a bit.

I'm getting tired just thinking about your routine lol!

Yes, please clarify. Are you doing an hour of cardio PLUS weights/abs five days a week? If so, your workout sessions are too long and are backfiring on you. Rest is important if you want to build muscle. No amount of vitamins, extra protein and clean eating will help if you force yourself to keep going.

What is your fitness goal, btw? If you're looking to build more muscle, you may need to lessen your cardio by half or even a third of what you're used to doing. Too much cardio can burn muscle.

to clarify,i am doing 60min. of cardio in addition to my weights and abs. i didn't realize that i was doing so much. i will redo my workout schedule to make sure i'm getting enough rest. my goal is to look "hotmama" as my bestfriend says. i want to look fit and lean. i really apprieciate your input. thank you.

Hi again,

Thanks for clarifying. As Pinky said, cut down! If you keep up your current routine, you risk injury and will probably burnout which is not good for the body or the mind! I think cutting back to an hour per day total would be good and still give you plenty of benefits.


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