Workout buddy?


Hi! I used to workout with my friends all the time, and they were awesome motivators. When I moved away from home, I would still e-mail my workouts to one of my good friends (she would also e-mail hers). We would motivate each other through e-mail a few times a week. Well, she hasn't been working out lately, and I have been slacking BIG TIME!!! It seems like I need that motivation to keep me working out and watching what I eat. My husband workouts a little bit, but he is far from a motivator, especially when he can find just about any excuse in the book not to work out often. I need a buddy to get back on track! I love Cathe's workouts, and have many. I also go to the gym, and have started incorporating running into my weekly routines (but I lack motivation). If anyone out there would like to be a workout buddy with me, please let me know. Or, if you know of any websites where I can sign up for a workout buddy, let me know! Thanks!
Hey Jen ;)

I have a few girls from here or VF that I chat with regularly through email and I agree that it's very motivating. That, and they're the few people I can "talk shop" with regarding health and fitness who understand my vidiocy :) Email me if you'd like and we can get keep each other honest ;)
[email protected]

Hi Jen -

I'd love to have a workout buddy. I too love Cathe's workouts. It's good to have someone to check-in with. It keeps me more motivated. Please email me if you're interested at [email protected].
mogambo or anyone else - I would like a buddy too.
I work out 5-6 times a week (or at least I try to workout that often) using all Cathe.
I could certainly use the motivation if you still need a buddy.
[email protected]

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