Workout Blender


Ok, I'm clueless. Can somebody fill me in on what the "workout blender" is supposed to do? I tried it on the SS & PP DVD this morning and all I could get was an option to choose chapters from one workout, not from the different workouts on the DVD. I thought that's what was meant by "blender"???

Someone feel free to jump in and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the Workout Blender (tm) is intended to give us the option of arranging the workout in whatever order we want, without having to program the DVD player. This rearranging/blending can also be done (and with a lot more flexibility) if you know how to program your DVD player, but many people seem to prefer the 'blender' because it makes our randomly selecting the chapters seem easier - it's just point and click.

I would love it if we could use the 'blender' across 2 different workouts on the one DVD, but for now we can only blend within one workout. I still think it's a pretty cool feature that Cathe/SNM has provided for us.

I hope all that made sense. :)
Yes, Lisa, that is right. I love how easy it is just to click and "go". It WOULD be great in the future if we could program different segments form different workouts, but for now, I'll settle for this awesome feature!
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Thanks for answering ladies. What is Mix'n'Match then? BTW, this is my first go-around with DVDs.

Hi Linda! The Mix & Match feature is so AWESOME! You can click on whatever you wish to do & it enables you to customize your own workout. For example, yesterday I clicked on 4 different exercises between Supersets & Push/Pull for my back repeating each exercise 3 times then I went onto biceps did 3 times the DB Biceps Curls & then did 2 times in Supersets the DB Concentration Curls. It allows you to cross over the 2 different workouts. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this DVD!!! If you need some more clarification, just let me know. HTH, Kathy:D
I tried the Mix 'n Match on SJP and SB this morning and I pushed "warmup" from SB and it just immediately started playing the warmup. How do you get to pick different segments?
Hi Linda what your doing is right. You just pick what you want and it will play that section and when that section is done it goes back to the mix and match screen and then you pick what you want to do next. Does this make sense?

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