Butt work without squats and lunges
I've found that some floor exercises (which most people hate) work the glutes well. If you put an ankle weight on, get on all fours, and kick back your leg (held at 90-degree angle), the glutes and hamstrings are worked well. You can vary the exercise by using a straigt leg, or by crossing your working leg over the "resting" leg when lowering. Be sure not to arch your back when doing this exercise. If you feel you need more back support, you can go down on your elbows.There is also a ball exercise, using a large inflatable ball, that targets the glutes. Lie on your back, with your legs bent and heals on the ball. Press into the ball to lift your butt off the ground. If you use the same position, but are farther from the ball, it tends to target the hamstrings more. The latest issue of "Shape" magazine also showed a ball extension that targets the glutes. Lie face down on a ball, holding onto a stationery object for support. Lift your legs up until your body is horizontal. Why not try 3 sets of 20 reps of each exercise, every other day, for two weeks, so see what happens?