Working out with PACs



I just discovered Cathe earlier this year and am already hooked. I didn't think it was possible to get such a great workout at home. Thank you Cathe, for the great workouts you produce!

Here's my question to Cathe or anyone who can throw in their two cents: I routinely get PACs, premature atrial contractions, that basically cause a heart arrythmia and sometimes severe, rather scary palpitations. This usually happens a few times a day on good days, sometimes for hours continuously on bad ones. Of course it has been known to interrupt my new Cathe addiction. I take medication that helps control them to some degree, but they are still pretty disruptive.
Just wondering if any of you are familiar with or have this condition as well, and if you have any advice? Also, are you capable of continuing to workout while this is going on? My doctor has advised that excerise is fine during these episodes, but they stress my out and I usually just stop what I'm doing as a result.

Thanks so much, these forums have been a tremendous help,


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