Working out each body part per week or by body type?


Hi Everyone!

I've been working out with Cathe tapes for about 9 years now and I'm just wondering how others who have been lifting weights for quite a while might feel about the following-

I'm finding that by making sure that I work out each body part equally per week, I'm bulking up a bit in the upper body... nothing terrible like the Hulk, as I know that's not really possible as a female ;), but in the last 6 months or so all of my shirts are shorter, meaning that my shoulder span is really broadening. My back is much broader, too. I feel great and strong, yet I'm not sure if this is really what I'm going for.

A few years ago I was a pear-shaped person, and I've definitely changed to hourglass thanks to Cathe :) but my goal is still to tone up in the lower body / abdominal area.

So, do you cater your weekly weight workouts to your trouble zones i.e. 2-3 strength workouts for legs and ease up on the upper body(of course, cardio is in the mix, too) or concentrate more on total body / functional fitness.

I have to say that it's nice to get to the point of being fit enough that I can play around with things a bit, make changes and see results. Cathe's workouts are so flexible that way.

Phew, that was long... :p

Take care,
Hi Jen-

Not knowing what you are specifically doing as far as weight work, I would say "yes" focus on your trouble zones..

What about doing two intense leg training days/week instead of one.. perhaps the leg portion of S and H one day and then do Legs and Glutes a few days later in the week?

Then, for upper body, perhaps do two overall upper body endurance workouts only a week. A suggestion would be to do PH or ME and just fast forward through the leg sections. That might lean out the bulk but still keep you cut and toned.

Lastly, do you do any of Cathe's kickboxing workouts? That is a great way to work arms and core without bulking. And, I think all of the kicking drills are a great way to shape inner and outer thighs! A nice complement to the strength work on your other days if you did the above.

Personally, I think 3 days of intense leg training is lot, esp. if you are doing Cathe's step tapes or other high impact cardio throughout the week. I think it will put you at a risk for injury and overtraining.

Take care,
Lynn M.
Thanks for the response and advice, Lynn. Actually, in the last few months I haven't really been doing so many "all upper body" workouts in one session. I've been doing 1 or 2 upper body parts and then an hour of cardio. I usually go pretty heavy with the weights- I think that maybe it's time to work more high-rep, lower weight routines into the mix. Lately, I've been doing 2 heavy leg workouts per week and, yes, I love kickbox, especially KPC! :) My leg development just can't seem to keep up with my upper body. x(

I'll change my routine a bit and see what happens in the next few weeks. Thank you again!

Hi Jen, I'm very impressed with how you've changed your body type. I'm pear-shaped and have been working out with Cathe's DVD's only since last May. My body is definitely tighter, muscles are popping out slowly in my arms, the sleeves of my shirts feel tighter especially when I bend my arms, my waistline is almost as small as it was pre-baby, and my legs are toned. BUT I'm still pear-shaped and I'm wondering if I should continue doing those squats and lunges with heavy weights. Not only are my knees complaining but I read that pear-shaped people shouldn't be doing these exercises as the muscles that form in the lower body only push out the fat that refuses to go, as dictated by one's genes. And maybe it's true because now that my legs have muscle, you can easily see where the fat is stubbornly sticking. And it doesn't look very nice.:)

Like you, my goal is still to tone up from the waist down. I still do only 2 leg workouts a week as my knees can't stand more than that. Lately my knees seem to be complaining more so I'm doing more circuit-type workouts that target functional/overall fitness. I haven't stopped doing heavy upper body work as I still need to broaden and even bulk up a little, just to balance my upper and lower halves. I guess right now, I'm just doing what I can manage.

Hi Pinky!

Sounds like you're doing a great job at working on the upper body... just keep that up and believe me, you're shoulders will broaden out... Slow and Heavy and PS are great for building the upper body strength, I think. (That's what I need to lay off on for a while!) :p

I'm a pear, yes, but my legs respond best to heavy weights. It's honestly the only thing that slims them down. I think that everyone's different in that respect. If I do high reps with lower weights, it really doesn't seem to do anything for my lower body. I make sure that I put in plenty of cardio, as well as one interval tape per week, to burn off that stubborn fat layer on top. Kickboxing has done wonders for my lower body, too.

Keep up the great work! :7

I've been going through the same upperbody dilema as you.
I only work out my upperbody once a week and maybe one other time, when I do a circuit workout. My back and shoulders are getting to broad for my liking. I'm even thinking of doing upperbody once every 2 weeks. I have been doing power yoga and that works the upperbody well. I wonder if just doing power yoga is enough for awhile. I need to concentrate on firming the lowerbody not my upperbody. So, I'm confused on what to do also.
Hi again-

In regard to lower body work, do any of you run? My butt and thighs are my bane and I have seen great results incorporating a couple runs /week for cardio.

I usually run 2x/week.. one day is a longer steady run for about 40 minutes, the other day is running interval sprints for about 30-35 minutes.

Where I have seen a big change is in my hips and outer thighs. It seems like I can't make any changes in that area if I am only doing squats, lunges and alot of standing heavy weight work. Weird, huh?

Take care, Lynn M.
RE: Working out each body part per week or by body type...

Hi Lynn, the standing heavy weight work has done wonders for my butt, quads, hamstrings and calves. My problem areas are my outer and inner thighs. Without these saddlebags, I wouldn't be calling myself "hippahips".:) I can't work out my legs everyday. My knees would simply give out. I'm not a good runner, and since I have bad knees I also avoid running, especially on pavement. I did start the new year with more kickboxing and you know what? In a month I lost 3/4 of an inch from my hips. Couldn't believe it. If I lose another 3/4 I'd be happy. I also think that cleaning out my eating even more has helped, but it hasn't been easy at all. Thanks for the suggestion. I do think now that it's not enough to do just cardio. You have to pick the right KIND of cardio workout.:)

Jen, thanks for the encouragement. I still have a ways to go but it feels good to know I CAN change my body.


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