Now, this is a subject I, unfortunately have experience with as well. All the males in my family have suffered from it, so it also is a part of me as well. I went through a few minor bouts as a teen, nothing major until 1999 when I suffered a severe episode while vactioning in Disney World of all things...
It, as my fellow sufferers can attest, can be hell on earth. Being a male, my inital reaction was to try and self-medicate, because real men just don't get depression, you know...what a crock of BS that is!! After I thought things through, I put all of my trust in my family doctor, held nothing back, told her of my drinking, and at that time, inactivity, and most importantly, family history of the disease.
Since that inital visit, I have been on zoloft and buspar for 10 years, and will be on them for takes only about 10 seconds out of morning to swallow my pills, then I move on to the rest of my day.
The only bad thing about anti-depressants is that they take a while to reach full effect. During that time, I anchored myself to my computer and being to educate myself on depression, and one thing jumped out at me BIG TIME...exercise, exercise, exercise..exercise is the enemy of depression, and once I was willing to accept that, I made exercise a priority. I learned I was a prime candidate for a depressive 1999, I didn't work out one iota!! Worked behind a desk, came home, sat behind a bar several more hours.
Are there times I miss that lifestyle...sure there are..temptation is everywhere, on a daily basis. Intead of fearing the temptations, I welcome them...I like a challenge...I am armed with an incredibly supportive wife, a terrific doctor, and I self medicate the right way...a major dose of intense workouts led by Cathe...and some very special friends I have met right here on Cathe Nation that I would walk through hell in a gasoline suit for!!
This combination has improved the quality of my life in ways I never thought possible. Depression will always be part of me, no 2 ways about it, but I can say this..
I have depression, it doesn't have me!
I'd be most willing to be a part of a check in, and I love any of the previous names suggested!!