Working out and Depression


New Member
I suffer from depression and find that when I work out I do feel better. I am on meds and see a therapist. I was wondering if there are other people out there who suffer the same affliction and would like to share their stories with me. I know that there are times that I can't bring myself to the gym and use food to make me feel better. Also, I do realize that when I eat the wrong foods, its a temporary fix and I feel guilty afterward. I am looking for any suggestions and stories from members here who are willing to share their thoughts.
Amylee, you're definitely not alone on this one. I just wrote on another post earlier today that I've suffered from depression for a very long time, and it was only in the past year that I was honest enough with myself that I couldn't handle it on my own. So, I went to the doctor and got the help I needed (as in meds) and ever since I feel like a new and better, happier person. Not that I think that's the way to go for everyone, but for me, medication made such an immediate and positive difference in my life that I know it was what I needed, and it was what my brain was missing chemically.

Working out has always been a part of my life, and anytime I have let myself get away from it for long, the depression worsens. So I make sure I stay in a good exercise routine. I also have definitely used food for the wrong reason -to numb myself, and that always leads to a downward spiral. I'm kind of an off-and-on good eater/bad eater. This one's the tough one for me. But I'm still trying.

So, don't give up. Keep working out. Keep trying to work out your food issues. Exercise is truly the best therapy I know of. You are in the right place, and you have everyone's support in these forums.:D

i suffer with anxiety,post traumatic stress and depression. i don't no meds but i am in therapy. i also workout a lot. using the tools from therapy and pairing it with workouts that help with my emotions has really helped me a lot to step back and take deep breaths and press on. i also raise a child diagnosed with autism/adhd/sensory intergration. i still have a lot of weight to shed from my past which is related to anxiety and stress but the load gets a little lighter. and after a bad therapy session i usually like to do kickboxing!! its why i love having my home workouts b/c i just pop in a dvd and its all good. yoga helps me calm the feelings and let bad things go and organize thoughts to solve my problems with mediation and breathing. my weights make me stronger not just in body but in spirit b/c of what i am able to accomplish every time i pick up a weight or hit the smith machine. step and hi-lo cardio just make it fun while the treadmill and elliptical make me feel like i am an athlete and role model. i take these feelings and use them positively in my life, makes me feel my worth.

it takes a lot to keep going but one day at a time don't get overwhelmed. one foot in front of the other and you will be there before you know. my eating habits still need a lot of work but the healthier choices i reach for the better i feel. i still enjoy the "bad" foods like pizza and french fries but they are starting to wane a bit, if i do have some i keep it reasonable(except mother's day when i did four slices with meatball!!:eek: )anytime you have a feeling and makes you want to eat try to do a workout for at least 5-10 minutes, anything that strikes you. angry-kickboxing and pretend you are kicking but on whatever is bothering you. saddness-step and hi-lo with great music really cheers me up, anxiety and disorder-yoga or pilates b/c you have to focus so much on mind/body/breath that you forget about everything that is causing you over stimulation. even weight training-i have my bad days and its hard to lift but if i keep pressing on i can feel proud and feel my worth for what i have done. if you feel the need to have that food portion it out and put the rest away. if it stays out then you are more likely to keep reaching for it.

had my mom put that pizza away on sunday i wouldn't have eaten four slices LOL its b/c it was there and i was bummed b/c dh worked on mother's day and i had tons of laundry and housework to do. i was pretty sad that i didn't get a break or any breakfast in i was having a poor me moment that made me feel i was unloved and under appreciated. i am just a worn out mommy that also reaches for food for comfort. i carry alot of guilt b/c of my daughter a lot of anger at family members and a lot of sadness from loss and just going through some very bad things. but doing therapy and doing something for workouts and taking those mini steps to better eating is doing good and take those little achievements as a big deal. the more proud you are of yourself no matter how small the goal, the more you are likely to keep repeating it.

sorry to ramble hope you are feeling better.

I also suffer from depression and working out really helps. I also am on meds and there are days I really do not want to get out of bed (especially when the weather is bad). But then I remeber how much better I feel which forces me to get up. I also found that eating organic foods helped. It was very subtle but helpful. Another thing that has helped me was discovering my spiritual side, and getting rid of negative things that I can out of my life. All these things have helped me over a period of time. Know that I am thinking of you and you are not alone. Right there with you!!!!!
You're definitely not alone. I too suffer from depression. I did take meds, but feel strong enough to be off of them now. I find that working out and exercise really helps me a lot. It gives me extra energy and prevents me from focusing on the negatives or on stresses that start to bring me down. I find that even when I REALLY don't feel up to exercising and want to just go home and crawl in bed and hide, getting up and exercising is the best thing for me. The only problem I start having is being highly critical of myself. I see every single, itty bitty, teensy flaw and have a tendency to get down on myself if I don't think I exercised hard enough. You know those days when you just don't have it in you to give it your all.

I typically do all exercise at home, but have found a group step class at my gym that I really enjoy. The energy is so much different. I typically have to talk myself into going, but once there, am always glad I went.

Maybe we need a check-in and challenges thread for support...

Thats a great idea!

Maybe we need a check-in and challenges thread for support...


I think it would be a great check in. I too have suffered from PTSD, depression, and find that exercise helps me to function. I started to lose weight. As it turns out exercise has a better effect over time than meds do (not that I'm advocating not using them if it helps) So for me, I went with the exercise because I was already obese and the idea of suffering that side effect was more than I could bear. Your testosterone level is up in the morning and so is your insulin. Your insulin level comes up to help you absorb the sugars that your liver makes. Insulin, when it is not properly absorbed, behaves like testosterone and can make you feel angry/hostile and for me it seems to trigger anxiety. As I do my AM cardio, I start out feeling anger, wanting to do real damage, and feeling hopeless and like I couldn't possibly bother with another minute of living. By the end, I'm just hot and sweaty. I'm too distracted by needing a shower, catching my breath, and looking for food that I don't feel my emotional distress as acutely.

Honestly, the working out only helps with the weight loss if I'm in my THR for 60 minutes and I'm eating really clean, low carb with a calorie cycle thrown in. I do it for my mental outlook more than my waistline.
Anyone else interested in checking in? What should the check-in thread be called?
Exercise for Mental Health
Exercise Keeps Me Sane (some days)

Sorry, I know it's serious, but laughing is good too.

Maybe we need a check-in and challenges thread for support...


I think it would be a great check in. .[/QUOTE]
My DH just sent me an article that had to do with running, but it had this in there and thought it was very appropriate for this topic:

Regular aerobic exercise will not only help you lose weight and improve cardiovascular health, it will also help reduce stress, boost your energy levels and instill a sense of overall well-being.
Anyone else interested in checking in? What should the check-in thread be called?
Exercise for Mental Health
Exercise Keeps Me Sane (some days)

Sorry, I know it's serious, but laughing is good too.

I think it would be a great check in. .

How about:

Crazy For Exercise
Depression Warriors
Sweat Out The Sadness
Aerobics For Phobics

Just a few more for the list!:D
I am really glad to find this topic here ince I have just come off a very dibilitating week after going into depression over the last three weeks. My immunity after a very bad cold is down and I began having severe chest pain diagnosed as costocondritis, a very bad inflammation of the ribs at the junction of the breastbone. Has anyone else had this and how do you deal with working out? I haven't been able to work out due to the pain in the core area and don't know when I will be able to - the only medication is over the counter such as ibuprophen. I am hopeful this will last no more than a week as I have made such great strides in my workout - I never dreamed I would be in this condition.

Now, this is a subject I, unfortunately have experience with as well. All the males in my family have suffered from it, so it also is a part of me as well. I went through a few minor bouts as a teen, nothing major until 1999 when I suffered a severe episode while vactioning in Disney World of all things...:eek:

It, as my fellow sufferers can attest, can be hell on earth. Being a male, my inital reaction was to try and self-medicate, because real men just don't get depression, you know...what a crock of BS that is!! After I thought things through, I put all of my trust in my family doctor, held nothing back, told her of my drinking, and at that time, inactivity, and most importantly, family history of the disease.

Since that inital visit, I have been on zoloft and buspar for 10 years, and will be on them for takes only about 10 seconds out of morning to swallow my pills, then I move on to the rest of my day.

The only bad thing about anti-depressants is that they take a while to reach full effect. During that time, I anchored myself to my computer and being to educate myself on depression, and one thing jumped out at me BIG TIME...exercise, exercise, exercise..exercise is the enemy of depression, and once I was willing to accept that, I made exercise a priority. I learned I was a prime candidate for a depressive 1999, I didn't work out one iota!! Worked behind a desk, came home, sat behind a bar several more hours.

Are there times I miss that lifestyle...sure there are..temptation is everywhere, on a daily basis. Intead of fearing the temptations, I welcome them...I like a challenge...I am armed with an incredibly supportive wife, a terrific doctor, and I self medicate the right way...a major dose of intense workouts led by Cathe...and some very special friends I have met right here on Cathe Nation that I would walk through hell in a gasoline suit for!!

This combination has improved the quality of my life in ways I never thought possible. Depression will always be part of me, no 2 ways about it, but I can say this..

I have depression, it doesn't have me!

I'd be most willing to be a part of a check in, and I love any of the previous names suggested!!
Yup, I've suffered from depression. I took zoloft in my teens, and again for postpartum and I also tried paxil. After therapy, I've found that my depression was actually due to undiagnosed ADHD, and a perfectly natural reaction to a seriously jacked up childhood/adolescence. So now I take adderall and see a therapist. I also workout frequently.

It's a difficult journey, but you learn a lot about yourself in the process. I think that the number one thing to do is to be as healthy as you can be, don't beat yourself up about things, and get help! It's unfortunate that so many people are losing health coverage because it's difficult to get mental health things taken care of without it.

While it's important to acknowledge and learn, it's also important to move on with things. Sometimes focusing on something other than yourself can help. Caring for a dog, volunteering, setting small goals in education, etc can do wonders.
Yes for Crazy for Exercise

Hi all

I think a check in would be excellent for all of us. I am diagnosed with OCD (I check compulsively) and also I suffer with depression. Workouts really help and working out with Cathe has really helped me alot in the past. Exercise really helps lift depression. I also take meds and really I don't know how I would have got better without them. My prozac meds have helped both of my conditions. I would also love to join a check in as it would help us all and provide motivation to all us with this dreadful condition.

Shall we start this check-in thread on Monday? I've noticed some of the check-ins just start one for the week, others daily.

Shall we start this check-in thread on Monday? I've noticed some of the check-ins just start one for the week, others daily.


Monday sounds good to me. I know nothing about check-ins though. Could someone please explain what we do? :)

sounds like

You tore some connective tissue in the lung area and or got it caught between ribs when you were ill. I really hope you feel better soon, can you walk? That might be the safest thing.
how to do a check in

Its easy. You post a thread over in the "Check-ins and Challenges" forum giving it a title that most people in your check in would recognize. I usually put the date. I had been in the Cathletic supporters and then I did the yoga one. I'm just so busy and sometimes forget who I was checking in with :rolleyes: And then people find the thread and post how they are doing, workouts, eats, or whatever else comes to mind.

Just for giggles I will post one for us. I will use the "crazy for exercise" thread title. See you there!

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