Working out alone

I usually prefer alone, other than when my DH can w/o with me...but that is few and far b/w these days w/ his work schedule and law school.

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

I usually workout alone 90% of the time. I can focus better when it's just me. Sometimes my sister and I will take a 6 mile walk or run bleachers at the local high school. I recently took a 4-week boot camp session and it was strange working out with other people. I found out that I have a tendency to grunt throughout my workouts. I don't notice it at home but when I'm in a group it can be embarrassing.
When I do Cathe I workout alone or with dogs. When I go to the gym, it is mostly by myself, but sometimes DH goes with me. I have to admit it is a bit of drag sometimes because he wants to do a much shorter workout than I. I like it when we go together, but I get frustrated when a limit is put on my workout.
I solo. I have an occasional visit from my 5 year old who loves to jump on my rebounder. Other than that, do not bother me and I will be in a great mood when I am done.:)

I workout alone now, but I used to have a workout partner. I liked having a partner. I was able to lift more because I had a spotter.
I fly solo, in a sense. I actually kick DH out of the living room when I workout, and basically ignore him when he starts chattering in my ear while I am working out. He's been told that I don't "do" conversation when I am working out.

The "in a sense" comes in because I tend to have a least 1 of my 3 cats in the living room watching me/snoozing while I work out. Sometimes they like perching on my TransFirmer step/fanny lifter and watch me or watch out the patio door.
I do most of my workouts at home on my own and I run alone but I meet my neice for yoga which is great because it gets me there when I may not want to go. I have started walking a couple of miles with my neighbor a couple of days per because she asked and I am trying to help her jump start her exercise program but still do my own workouts later in the day. Another neighbor wants to go to the Y and do ellitical training together. I may do that because she too is trying to lose weight and needs encouragment but my Cathe workouts are top priority and the rest may be considered bonus work to enhance and supplement the hardcore stuff I do with Cathe.
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
I enjoy working out's very therapeutic for me. I find when I work out with others(which is usually just walking) they call it quits way before I want to be finished so I usually just finish up on my own.

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