Working out after work?


Does anyone find that if they don't workout right after work (for me, this usually means going to the gym on the way home), they won't workout?

This happens to me ALL the time! I intend to workout, but once I relax, it's like murder getting up the motivation to exercise! It's tough for me to do 3 cardios a week since I graduated college, which isn't that much!

Any suggestions?
PS- I am NOT a morning exerciser either!
I've been doing my workouts after work for probably 5+ years, and it works well for me. I know if I came home, relaxed, had dinner, etc., and then tried to muster up motivation, it wouldn't happen. I think for me now, it's become such a part of my daily routine, that I don't have a problem with motivation. It's become automatic for me. On weekends, I exercise in the morning though. That way it's out of the way, and nothing else during the day can create a schedule conflict. I think each of us just have to find a time that is reasonable that we can committ to. Post-work is the only thing that works for me.

~ Nicole
I am EXACTLY like that, and always have been - no way can I work out in the morning and good luck if I've sat down and relaxed once I get home at night. Something about lack of momentum. I have found though that if I am feeling like I can never get off the couch to workout I just put in a workout tape and start it. Just hearing the music usually makes me want to get up and work out. Give that a try next time the earth's gravitational pull won't let you off the couch! I got that idea from something Karen Voight wrote and it totally works. She also recommends splashing cold water on your face too to kind of perk yourself up. I also have my day set up (purposely) so that I am not 'released' until I've worked out. My day isn't done until I do it.

Good luck!
ME Too!!!

Hi All!

I am exactly that way .. in fact tonight i pitched a fit like a baby when it got to be 6PM and i hadn't started yet!!LOL But i managed to get thru Power Hour.. !! Yayy LOL I need to try what you all do .. don't let my butt hit anything comfy till its done.. Thanks All
RE: ME Too!!!

I have a snack, change my clothes, pour the water, talk to my daughter a little and then just hit it. Sometimes I procrastinate a little, but I find if the thought "I won't workout today" enters my mind, something inside panics and I rush to start!
Two words- Don't relax! It is always difficult to get up to exercise if you sit down on a couch! So I really try not to do that. I work out after work exclusively, and DH knows that I start dinner when the workout is done. It works well for us! Hey, anything's better than trying to work out at the crack of dawn.
When I worked out after work, that was the method I always had to use....hit the door, then do the workout immediately. If I hesitated at all, I wouldn't do it.

However, now I always work out before work, then it's over with and nothing can get in the way. It seemed like I was limiting myself too much in the evenings if I always had to go home and work out. Besides that, if you have a gym membership, after work hours are the busiest times.

To each his own.....whatever works for you is what you need to do.
I work out in the evenings too but I sort of have a schedule. :) Each workout day I walk in the door changing clothes but each week night the start times may vary (and my family knows my schedule too!)

Mondays - 8 pm. If it's not a repeat I watch 7th Heaven then pop in my tape. If it's a cardio day I jump on the stairstepper while watching my show.

Tuesdays, class, so rest day considering I walk in the door, check on the kids, start dinner, grab a snack, grab my books, head for class. I don't get home until 10 pm. After class if I'm wired up, I hop on the stairstepper for 15-20 minutes.

Wednesdays - start time is 7:30

Thursdays - as soon as I walk in the door! Must be finished by 8 pm. to watch CSI! This is important, very, very crucial!! :)

Fridays - I have until 9 pm to get my workout done. But if I'm tired I rest and just put forth extra effort on Sat. and Sun.

Sat/Sun - early am. workouts or late afternoons. Depends on what's going on. I usually do my toughest weight training and cardio workouts these two days.

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