Working Out after Breast Augmentation


Active Member
Hi Cathe,

I had a BA a little over three weeks ago. I am absolutely thrilled with the results and had an excellent surgeon and easy recovery. However, I have still not been given the go ahead to weight train or to do any running or high impact cardio. I'm lucky just to be able to do some speed walking. And I believe it will be another three weeks before I can do any chest exercises. I had gotten your Intensity Series shortly beforehand and loved it. It's actually quite depressing to see it sitting there on top of my VCR knowing I can't use it. :) I also have your Pure Strength Series, Power Hour and MIS Strength. I have a treadmill and a recumbant bike and an elliptical machine.

Since I've been recovering (and part of my recovery had me on Prednisone so that didn't help) I've been getting quickly out of shape. Mostly my waistline, but everything has gotten very soft. I'm about 8 lbs over my ideal weight. (I'm only 5'1" so 8 lbs is a lot on my frame).

Is there any workout or rotation that you would recommend for me to ease back into working out and get my body back? Of course I will run this by my doctor before starting anything.

I appreciate your time - and I have to tell you that you are a true inspiration to me. I just turned 41 - and it's great to see women over 30 in such remarkable shape.
Hi Wolfie! Once you get the go ahead to resume exercise, simply come back doing your routines at half the intensity. Gradually increase the intensity every few workouts until you are back to what you were before. Be sure to ask your doctor if there are any specific exercises you should not include and at what point you can re-introduce them into your workout program. Good Luck!
Thanks Cathe. I did the Lower Body Pyramid without weights and without any plyometrics, and got a great workout. JUST what I've been needing. I missed that muscle soreness the morning after. :)
I was wondering if you are now able to run? I've been on the fence about getting a BA but I haven't gone longer than 5 days without a run in 6 years so I'm curious how long until I would be able to run again. Of course I still have Cathe but running is my favorite :)

RE: running


I had a BA 6 weeks ago. Like you, I was afraid to miss any workouts. I ran various races and ran my first Marathon, May 2003. Even after the Marathon, I workouted that week. Not a good thing, I realize, because even though I felt great, it would have been good to give my body a rest.

I have never given up more than 1 day rest for weekly workouts for years. The BA forced me to rest from weights and running for 1 month. To my surprise, it was the best thing I could have done for my body. I was allowed to walk on the treadmill after I stopped taking my meds which was day 4. I walked for about 2 weeks at a comfortable pace (level). At 2 weeks post op, I incorporated hills and speed into my walks. By week 3, I was running (slow pace) with little grade levels. Week 4, I was doing Cathes' strength and cardio dvd's (very exciting).

Now I am in week 6 post op. I am doing my own "Lower body solution" rotation using Cathes's DVD's and running. I was thrilled to be able to do IMAX 1 and 2, Bootcamp, running faster, etc. and I am also doing pushups, tricep dips, stability ball core work, you name it. It is like I never even had the BA!

Angela, if you really want it, I say go for it. You will get back into running in no time and like me, will be pleasantly surprised how quickly you will be at the level you were before the BA. Just remember, research as much as you can prior to the BA( and listen to your body during recovery. Recovery for me was easy. And even though everyone is different, you are in such good shape with running that you may be back in the game before you know it!

Good luck with your decision...

babydollsea :)
RE: running

Thank you so much for your response. I have been hesitant for the exact same reasons as you! I am afraid to miss my workouts and even more afraid of not being able to run ever again which you have just cleared that up for me :) We must be pretty similar in discipline because after my races I always continued to workout afterwards. There was no way I was going to lose my cardiovascular level! Pretty silly excuse I know but I'm so glad you understand!

I figured the BA would certainly force me to rest from all activities but I just don't know for how long. It is very comforting to know that you were walking on the treadmill by day 4 and by week 3 you were running at a slow pace. YAHOO!!! That gives me such hope!

I have read a lot at the and still pretty confused on how many different shapes, textures and insertions there are. So many decisions and then there is the placement. Above the muscle or below? If you don't mind could I email you or can you email me so I can ask you specific questions? If not I totally understand!!! You can email me at [email protected]

I'm so glad that at 6 weeks post op you are doing so well!!! Thank you for your encouragement!!!


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