Working mom who needs help getting back on track and making my health a priority again...


I'm a 36 year old working mom of a almost 21 month old amazing and beautiful little girl that I adore more than anything in the world. Like many working moms, there's not much time left for taking care of myself after taking care of everyone and everything else. I haven't worked out consistently since a few months before becoming pregnant so it has been a long time. I lost all of the baby weight but then gained back some of what I lost, my body is so soft and out of shape, and I'm constantly tired. I hate it and am so unhappy with myself. On top of not working out, I admittedly haven't been eating great either lately. My husband and I would like to have one more child, but I want to get my body back in better shape before getting pregnant again later this spring/summer and hopefully will continue to exercise throughout my next pregnancy. I realize that even though I'm not a morning person, I'm going to have to get up extra early to get in my workouts before work or it'll never happen if I wait until after work, errands, dinner, spending time with my daughter (and husband) before she goes to bed, then cleaning up and getting ready for the next day.

Cathe, I just don't know where to start with my workouts without getting discouraged at how hard they're likely going to be for me until I build up my strength and endurance again. I have a treadmill and have so many of your workouts (yours are the best!). I do not have STS, but I have most of your workouts and workout series going back to Low Max (an older one that I still love) and KP&C. I even have Ripped with Hiit and Xtrain but haven't tried any workouts from either one yet. Any advice you can give me on how to get started and which workouts would be good to ease me back into working out again without overwhelming me too much would be greatly appreciated. My fitness goals are to lose 10 lbs, firm up significantly, and have more energy.


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