Working in Austria for 6 months!!


Hi All,
I am going to Austria around December 1 to work for 6 months. The company I work for bought a little business over there. I will be helping with the accounting and heaven forbid Sarbanes Oxley stuff.

Anybody ever travel for work like this? What should I ask of my employer? I am very excited. I guess I will be reading a lot since there is not much english TV. I am from Minnesota and I suppose this is a good time to go if the vikings are playing so terrible!!

I would like to do some more traveling and sight seeing in Europe but not sure if I can expect my employer to pick up the tab on things like a Eurorail pass. I am not sure if I will be staying in a hotel yet.

Would love to hear anyone's comments on the area!

I would love to be going out of the country, for ANYTHING! My friend was in Saudi w/ her husband and I do know that she said a cell phone is a definite must. She had to purchase a calling card. I don't know for sure who paid for what, but she really relied on that cell phone.If you prefer a specific TOTM item, make sure you take enough in case they don't have it there.
Congratulations. What a great opportunity for you. Will you be staying in a hotel, company apartment? At the very minimum your housing and phone calls should be paid by your company. If the company is not providing transportation (rental car) I think they should pay for a Eurorail pass.

As already mentioned, be sure to take anything you might need that may not be available there. Don't forget to take a camera.

You will have a wonderful experience.

What a great experience this will be! Congratulations! But groan over Sarbanes Oxley crap! I am in software and we are dealing with this and it's a royal PAIN!

Good luck!

Hi Winter,

My home country is next to Austria. I'm from Hungary. You will love there. Austria is a beautiful country. If you will have time to travel go and visit Wienna.Florence, Roma and Venetia in Italy, Praha and of course Budapest.
We have DISH and other satelite programs in Europe so you can watch TV.
Fitness clubs are fantastic,they offer great and challenging step workouts.
People are friendly and they usually speak english.
I hope you will have as much fun over there as much I have here.

Good luck!

Congrats! That's awesome.

My daughter is suppose to spend the spring term in France, but with the rioting I'm not sure. She isn't in Paris but seems it has spread everywhere.
My job never sent me out of the country, but did send me for extended periods to other parts of the country. They picked up housing (hotels), three meals a day (I opted for a lump sum based on the IRS code), and transportation to and from work as well as to stores and other places that you really need to go (drug stores, etc.). If they provide a rental car, they should pay for the car and the gas for the car and any insurance (as for business purposes). Also, my job gave me a lump sum for incidentals (like tips). They paid for laundry every 7 days (the soap, fabric softener, and machines as well as ironing). I also got a phone call a week back to my home (or a family member). I used my cell phone for others.

Others in the company who were sent overseas told me that the company paid the same expenses for them. Also, look into foreign-earned income issues if you stay longer than 180 days. (I figure that you are an accountant, so you probably know this already!)

Where in Austria? I love Salzburg( been there a few times), and enjoyed Vienna, even though it was a little too congested for my tastes.

WHile you are there, you could pick up a little German! Austria is a beautiful country, and I envy your getting to spend 6 months there!! Have fun!
How exciting!!! I would pick up a Lonely Planet guide, and read as much as I could about the country. What are you planning to do for excercise?
I envy you. The U.S. is a wonderful place but visiting other countries puts a whole new perspective on things. Wow, and to live there for awhile. How cool. I've heard Austria is beauiful.

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