Work your hamstrings harder!

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! We all know that during the squat the quads get worked a little harder than the hamstrings so if you want to put a little more focus on your hamstrings on a given day, in addition to your isolated hamstring exercises, do a wide plie squat and focus on the low end of the movement since the bottom range of this squat is where the hamstrings work the hardest. Ie: you can do 3 sets 6 of my slow and controlled "low ends"...where you go down on count one, come up half way on count 2, back down on count 3, half way up on count 4, back down on count 5, half way up on count 6, down on count 7 and all the way back to standing on count 8. Again, do 3 sets of 6 reps....yowsa!:eek:

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