Woooohooo! I just got my CTX Upper b


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-02 AT 12:45PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-02 AT 12:44 PM (Est)[/font]

I am at work and I just got the new tape...Guess what I will be doing tomorrow morning!

Just wanted to share my excitement. :)

Blessings from my home to yours, Runathon
Me, too! And the Abs tape. I am trying to figure out how to work it into a rotation (I have only finished my second week of a PS rotation). I think I will wait a couple more weeks and then, it's going to be

Sunday: Leaner Legs + CTX cardio

Monday: CTX Upperbody

Tuesday: 60 min. Cardio + abs routine

Wednesday: 60 min. Cardio + abs routine

Thursday: MIS or PH

Friday: 60 min. Cardio + abs routine

Saturday: Rest

This gives me about 30 min. more cardio per week than I have now.

I just love the idea of a complete upperbody workout for one day.
Not a bit. My 60 min.cardios are going to include one kickboxing and one step and one interval training.
On this tape, is there a warm-up at the beginning? If so, what is it like? I have the DVD and I'm curious for a warm-up idea. This upper body section rocks and is a great compliment to BodyMax upper body.


Thank you, Lynda. I printed it out and I'm putting up your rotation in my workout room. I gave you name credit on the printout:) !
Cathe uses the warm-up from CTX All Step. I previewed the tape yesterday.

I am still on my PS rotation for another week. But then I think I am going to shift into the one I posted. I have only done Leaner Legs in half-doses, so I am rather dreading doing the whole thing, but I am ready.
Hi everyone who has this tape,

I'm thinking about buying this tape also. But my concern is "barbel" Do everyone actually own a barbel at home? Or what do you use instead if you substitute it with something else. And what is your recommendation as far as buying some dumbells? How many different sets do you actually need?
I recommend you start with dumbbells. A pair of 3 pounders, a pair of 5's and a pair of 8's. Do the workout a few times and you will know what you want/need next. When doing overhead presses and bench presses with dumbbells instead of a barbell, I think Cathe does this in CTX, you bring the hands closer together at the top of the movement, without banging the dumbbells together (as opposed to raising a barbell straight up). Hope this helps. - Connie

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