Woohoo...new workouts arrived!


Yesterday when I came home from work, there was a package waiting for me from Cathe. I only ordered it days ago. What great order/delivery service Cathe has!!!

I bought the Classics Volume I with Step Jam, Step Heat and Step Max. This is only my 3rd Cathe DVD so I'm sorta new.

Which one would you start with? Do you have a favorite from the past?

You'll have fun with these "vintage" Cathe's. I learned her stepping with these videos. Of the three, Step Jam is the hardest, so I'd start with Step Heat or Step Max first. I think I started with Step Heat.

Have fun!
Step Heat is still a part of my rotations after all these years. I think this is the one that stands up best with time.
Of the three Step Max is my favorite. I am plannig on doing it today actually. I can follow it almost perfectly and do all the moves and it is very fun. I can't stand Step Jam and probably won't ever do it again. All those arm movements with basic steps drive me nuts!!!

Have fun! I recently ordered Boot Camp and Imax2 and I can't for them to arrive. It's like Christmas when I get a new Cathe dvd.
Step Heat!!!! :)

I'm new to Cathe too! :) I first ordered Step In Motion. I think this was her first tape? I thought it would be easy, but I'm choreo challenged, and I just didn't seem to like that routine very much. Then, I bought The Classics vol1, and I am HOOKED on Step Heat! I can't tell you how much I LOVE that step routine and the music (high energy/disco dance type tracks). Makes me remember my old clubbing days! :p The step routine's not "dancey", but more athletic, imho. And it does make me sweat, so it's just what I wanted. The best part is that I now can do the entire Step Heat tape almost in my sleep, which makes me feel choreo-able, for once (though it took me a good 4 days or so to get the routine down at first). I've only been stepping to Cathe for about 7 weeks now, and I am completely addicted now. I ended up buying all her step dvds, and 9 of her weight work outs. lol And I'm still wanting more more more!

Cathe is just AWESOME!!!! I've always hated cardio/loved weight training, but now Cathe makes me actually want to do cardio!

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