Women and fertility


Hello ladies,

I am neither pregnant or a mom - but would like to be..
I have been with my SO for a long time - and we are getting married in September.
I am 37 - turning 38 this summer..

I have been on a suppressive does of thyroxine for a few yrs - following surgical removal of my thyroid for cancer...

The dose of the thyroxine I am on has completely suppresed my other hormones too.
Although my FSH is 5, the others are quite suppressed. As well - my periods are extremely light - more like spotting than anything.... it just lasts longer (8 days or so).

My gynocologist told me I should start trying to conceive now - and if by september I haven't - she will send me to a fertility clinic.

My endocrinologist says that I may have to try clomid.

Has anyone else been in a situation of 'advanced age' adn suppressed hormones - that have been successful in conceiving....

Given the cancer- I didn't have a choice about conceiving earlier - and now it feels like the biological clock is really ticking (given this latest bloodwork).

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance - Yve.

The women here are so supportive and if anyone has any experience, I am sure they will share with you.

In the meantime, if you don't already have the book, Taking Charge of your Fertility, get it now and read it immediately. Other women here will recommend the book as well. It is truly amazing what you can learn about your body, just by paying attention to the little hints that it is giving you. You will learn a tremendous amount about your cycles that may prevent the need for expensive and invasive medical procedures and tests.

It is by Toni Weschler. She also has a website with message boards at www.ovusoft.com. The ovosoft boards are so full of women with all types of fertility issues! I have had multiple miscarriages, and I visit the boards there almost daily.

Best wishes on your upcoming marriage and TTC!

Hi Tina,

Thank you so much for the book recommendation - and your kind and supportive words.

I am sorry for the obstacles you have faced in TTC - and wish you all the best going forward.


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