winter break shape-up...


New Member
Hi Cathe,
I'm home for a 5 week break from school. The past 2 months, I have hardly worked out because I got a job. I can't believe how mushy I am now!
Anyway, now I have more free time and would like to go back to school looking and feeling better. What's the best way to do this? Before my break from working out, I was an advanced exerciser so I don't think I'll be winded or anything. I have most of your step tapes, MIC, MIS, and PS tapes. Also Taebo live advanced. My job is also active (waitressing).
Please give some suggestions!! Thanks!!!

The best way to get great results in 5 weeks, especially since you are already an advanced exerciser, is simply to stay focused and consistent(and especially don't give into those tempting goodies and quick fix fried foods on your breaks during your waitress shift either

I would suggest 2 weeks of cardio 3 to 4 days per week(you'll be surprised how winded you will get for the first two weeks after taking a two month break). Then I would do MIS once a week too(for those first two weeks).

After the two week period, I would do cardio 4 to 6 days per week (depending on how active of a waitress shift you had on a given day)for the remaining weeks before you go back to school. You can do MIC and your Taebo tape for two of your cardio workouts per week and try to do different cardio activities for the remaining days of that week. During those remaining weeks, I would also do MIS two times per week, non-consecutively.

Once back to school, do what you can trying to keep atleast 3 cardio workouts per week and also incorporating the PS tapes(one tape every other day)each week. Keep a healthy diet too. Good Luck!

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