Windows Media Player for Machintosh



My WMP buffered and connected (I was so excited!) but the screen remained gray and I got this error message "This media is using server-side stream which is not supported." I don't understand what this means! Can this be fixed (supported)? This is driving me crazy! Thank you!


Hi Bobbi! THis has happened to me a couple of times. The first time I think I just gave up (Cathe Live Class) and the second time (Cathe TV) I think I just tried again and it worked. No rhyme or reason why it worked the second time, but it did. Maybe they weren't broadcasting and that's why it did it. Did you try it at a scheduled playing? It sounds like you've got it configured correctly, if you are connecting and buffering. Maybe SNM will chime in and help. You may need to give them a few more details, though. Good luck, you're almost there!

Elizabeth Kelly
Gray box is good

Lets see what happens when we broadcast next time. We did make some changes to Cathe TV this past weekend. We are now broadcasting from our server at our office to a remote server. This should allow more users to watch without video slowdown.I don't think so, but this may cause problems for some Mac users. In the meantime here is a link that may help you:
WMP on Macs...

Hi Bobbi,

The same thing happens to me too when I watch on my Mac... I missed all the broadcasts last week 'cause my (PC) laptop was being fixed, and I didn't feel too comfortable watching it at work (you never know when the boss walks into your cube LOL), and my Mac's WMP kept giving me that error *sigh*.

PS Even so, I'm still ultra-loyal to my beloved Mac
Hi Jennifer2!

Yes, you gotta love your Mac. What kind do ya have? I think I may be in heaven here, people who love exercise and Macs on the same site? What's a girl to do?
Now, if someone just felt like I do when it comes to politics, nah, that'd be hopin' for too much.

Elizabeth Kelly
my Mac :)


I have a G3 233. Can I just tell you that I DROOLED when I saw a clip of Steve Jobs unveiling that new G4 cube at the Mac expo a few weeks ago? Woowee, I would love to get my hands on that baby!
Another Mac person here, too! :)

Jennifer, I'm drooling over that new G4 cube, too. It's kinda cute. I use a G4 at work. On the CatheTV topic, I've been able to connect using WMP 6.3, but that may have been before the server switch was made.

Lucky ducky!!


I'm so jealous that you get to use a Mac at work
. I'm stuck with a PC *sigh*. Although we are starting to replace older machines, and my computer is 3 years old, so if they let me replace my machine, I'm going to lobby for a Mac *hehe*.

Are you the one who owns Apple stock too? I'd love to buy Apple stock, but now that price is up there! Wish I had bought it when it was down to $8/share, but I was a poor college student at that time and buying stocks was the furthest thing from my mind
I hate to Mac bash but....

I once loved my Mac. It's a graphite iMac but we call it the freezing, crashing machine. It's very eccentric. It won't let me install OS 9 for heaven knows what reason. I talked my husband, who uses a PC at work, into buying it (Hal) for Christmas and it has been very disappointing to me. Hopefully, I will be able to view Cathe's broadcast tomorrow. I don't know if I'll ever love my Mac as I once did.. TIME magazine really touted the virtues of the iMac and I couldn't wait to trade in our ancient Performa for the 128MB memory and bazillion gigs of harddrive space, etc, but as I said, the computer has failed to live up to expectations and I don't love it anymore. And my love is hard to kill. Besides, my husband loves to tell me he told me so. Do you suppose he has sabotaged the computer? Do you think I should quit reading mystery novels? Anyway, all advice on the Mac is greatly appreciated! At 37, I am relatively new to computers which is probably part of the problem. I don't want to have to know too much to use it but this computer confounds me! I know I am babbling! Thanks for all your advice!

Nope, no stock.

There are 3 Macs and 5 PCs here at the office (um, small office!
) and believe it or not, all the people with PCs come to me with their computer problems, too! Fortunately, they're pretty simple problems, or I wouldn't be able to solve them either!

Bobbi-I think you got a lemon

Bobbi -

I've been a Mac fan for 10 years and one reason is reliability. I'm fortunate to use Mac at the office AND home (it helps that I make the buying decisions!
) I think you either got a lemon or there is some flaw in configuration that a systems type person could fix (I agree with you - I don't want to know how it works, it just want it TO work). P.S. for what it's worth, I've heard OS 9 is VERY buggy. I would, however, very humbly defer to more educated opinions on that topic. FWIW, we de-installed OS 9 at our office. Don't give up on your Mac. My humble opinion.

Hi Jennifer & Elizabeth

I'm most likely very seriously dating myself, but the first Mac I ever used was an Apple IIe, and I've never used a PC since - not willingly that is.

Elizabeth - with regard to Macs and politics - I suspect Mac users are very astute, visionary and independently-minded when it comes to politics
, which goes along very nicely with being a Cathe fan
, don't you think?

Picture Quality


How is your picture quality? I use a G3 laptop and when I connect, including today's session, the picture is weird. I get the sound, but most of the picture looks like the video on news programs where they have the wiggly squares that block out "suspected criminals" faces (I get giggles thinking of Cathe and the crew as "suspects"). I looked through previous threads to see if I have a configuration/preferences problem but can't find a solution.

PS I agree about the new G4 cube - it's on the top of my Christmas list (since I splurged on the 8-pack, what else is left?)

picture quality

Janet, the first time I tried it on my G3, it actually did work, and my picture quality was good. However, after that, I began getting the error about the server-side stuff not being supported, so I never could use my Mac again to view the webcasts... After that, I began using my laptop to view it, but the picture on my laptop was exactly how you described it--really unwatchable at times (sometimes it'd even go gray!), although I did get crystal clear sound.

I won't be buying the G4 cube just yet--MAYBE next summer, we'll see.
Janet, I never give up!

Hal is working just fine right now and I did get the WMP to play. This computer does crash and freeze too much! Apple was very little help and I have all the books for dummies although I take exception to being called one! 8o). We haven't installed a great deal of software but I am aware of extension conflicts and I think that was a huge problem with the 9. I know the answer is out there! OS X maybe? At Christmastime, when we were shopping for computers, I put a picture of an iMac on my bulletin board and wrote "iMac or bust!" across the bottom. Whenever there's a crash, a conflict, a freeze and I or my progeny complain, my husband (who is really a great guy) gives me this look and says, "iMac or bust". Oh well! Steven King uses a Mac as do so many cool people and I know they are great. I was sold on that last December. If Hal is a lemon, I will stick with him. And hopefully figure him out!

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