Thanks, Cathe
Thanks for sharing that tip with us. I like it when you tell us what weight you're using (I immediate start subtracting to gauge my OWN weight, LOL.) I also appreciate that you didn't to max out on your weight, because you needed that extra strength for teaching. It is your clear instruction and excellent form that make you such an outstanding role model. Well -- that and the fact that you never teach DOWN to us, instead you give us goals to work toward.
I'm really looking forward to all your new workouts. I hope you're enjoying the break from filming and the opportunity to get caught up. But you'd better brace yourself for when those new videos start arriving on our doorsteps -- because I can guarantee that you and Pat and Chris will be working overtime to answer all our questions and compliments!
P.S. -- I already have ideas for new videos. Can you believe it? I'll spare you for the time being. Otherwise, I might find a bomb instead of a video in the package that Mr. UPS leaves on my doorstep.