Will it REALLY make THAT much of a difference?

RE: Awesome Post Clare!

Keep the posts coming Clare! Wonderful, informative, balanced advice...the nutritionist is also a great idea. I do enjoy reading your posts. I find them helpful and your delivery is always good. Thanks!:7

P.S. Vickie...if anything at all sends you back to your old ways or makes you think about it...AVOID it at all costs. Sometimes I have to quit reading some of the fitness forums(or particular posts at least) and I have never struggled with an eating disorder, but it is so easy to start comparing and never being happy with where we are now or how far we've come. Everyone will not be a "hard body" or a "clean eating" machine and that is o.k. Carpe' Diem(sp?)....enjoy your workouts...enjoy eating healthy foods with a treat now and then...enjoy being a size 6....enjoy being healthy...enjoy your friends and family....:7

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