Will I be sacrificing my strength training....?


Active Member
I have been using Cathe's MIS and alternating with Cathe(cardio kicks and cardio from CTX)/Firm cardio...and I am finding that I need to add extra weight work for my inner thighs (a real problem area for me!) I had been adding a few inner thigh exercises on my own after I did MIS,but I just feel this is an area I need to put a little more emphasis on (especially this close to summer!). Would I be sacrificing the strength gains I have made since doing MIS 3x/week, if I switch to doing MIS 2x's and doing Firm Vol.1, in place of the 3rd MIS workout???

I am just worried because since Vol. 1 is more fast paced, than MIS, I don't feel I can safely use as much weight for the workout...I have been pleased with the results from MIS (with the exception on inner thigh results)...but, I just don't have much additional time, to tack on more exercises after doing MIS...any suggestions???

Sorry for rambling...thanks in advance for any advice!

Go for it!

I'm not sure how long you hve been doing MIS 3X/week??? Maybe, adding in Firm-V1 would be just the shock your muscles need. Changing things around is always a good thing. Also, like you said, be sure to lower your weight if need be for safety. Let us know how it goes. Another tip~you could always insert extra inner thigh work where they work outer thigh. GOOD LUCK Bonne!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Go for it!

Thanks DebbieH, I have been doing MIS 2-3X/week for a month or two now, I really like the workout, I just find that for my flabby thighs I need a little extra concentration on my inner thighs...so I will try adding in Vol. 1 and see if that helps...the floor work in that one always kills me!!! Thanks for the advice and encouragement!

Can't spot reduce that way

Remember that you can't spot reduce by working the muscles underneath a problem area over and over again. If the problem is excess fat in your inner thighs, more muscle work won't fix it.
If you've been going deep in those plies in MIS three times a week that should be more than enough.

You need to do extra cardio and watch your food intake. If your body likes the store fat there, it may be the last place it lets go of it.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it's true.
RE: Can't spot reduce that way

Funny but I have the opposite results with MIS, have been doing it 2x/wk for 3 months and my inner thighs are showing results most. I am bottom heavy and trying to firm but glutes, it hasn't helped with that. I agree that the fat reduction might be the key.
RE: Can't spot reduce that way

Jane P

Thank you for the advice, I DO KNOW that you can't spot reduce, My question was will I lose my strength that I have gained using MIS 3x/wk by doing MIS 2x/wk and Firm Vol1(lighter weights, faster reps) to substitute for the third MIS w/o. Yes, My thighs are a problem area, but I was/am more afraid of losing strength than I am of shedding fat (I know that will happen with time). I do, do lots of cardio and watch my diet (with a few cheat days here and there - as I am trying to live my life happily). Also if I remember right you burn more calories to maintain muscle, than you do to maintain fat...so having more muscle would help with losing weight, as long as I keep my eating in check --right??!!??

I think Debbie's suggestion that a change will shock your muscles is right on. Also working out three times per week is most effective when you are in the beginning stages of weight training. Overtime, advanced exercisers do as well with two workouts. But you must find what works for you! Have fun!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!

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