Will I Be Able To Do The Terminator



I received BC + ME & UBP + LBP of the "Intensity Series"!! :)

I want to order "The Terminator", but I can not do IMAX 1 or 2. Will I be able to do "The Terminator"? Is there a lot of IMAX 2 & Cardio & Weights in "The Terminator"?

Thanks for any advise
Yes. I think there is alot of IMAX2 and Cardio and weights. It is a three way split between IMAX2, Cardio and Weights and Bootcamp. Those were the videos used for the terminator. From what I have seen, it seems like there is alot of IMAX2 on the dvd. One of the workouts is "IMAX extreme" and that alternates cardio and weights/IMAX2
I did the gauntlet the first day I got my dvds (friday) and it seemed fairly split up from all three workouts,..I haven't done the viper yet

Have you tried IMAX2 yet? I did it today, it was kinda fun in an out of breath way!!!


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