<--- Wiggles the Wonder Wombat

<---says wow this thread gets long!
<---Wants to go Christmas shopping like Shelley but son won't tell me what he wants
<---Thinks life is too busy now!

<--- geez <--- goes to lunch and the thread gets crazy :7
<--- thanks everyone for compliments
<--- wonders if it's gounds for termination if <--- kills boss now ;-)
<--- gives Wendy hi 5's, low 5's and sideways 5's for accomplishing Imax 3 and not needing the paramedics :7
<--- congrats Robin on Miss America pagent win <--- know it was the juggling of flaming avacados that was the clincher
<--- is off to walk the tight rope with no net :7
<---is waving goodbye for now
<---will be off for 6 days and probably no where near a computer
<---will miss you all
<---reminds you to have fun and think of <---when you do
<--waves a Miss America goodbye to Robin
<--will miss Robin's posts
<--must leave for today as well
<--will return tomorrow
<--carefully tries to walk away in high heels
<--twists ankle
<--limps away ... <--ankle may be broken but <--'s spirit is not!
<--shall return :)
<--will stop now!!
<--wishes everyone a champagne wishes and caviar dreams ...

Cath :)
<---is taking shelter from the strong wind outside
<---is surprised to finally feel the cold, about damn time
<---hopes Dani feels better
<---misses Sandy, too... and Rogue
<---will miss ya, Robin!
<---tells Amy that yes, we had a blast and I'm kinda paying for it now:p
<---is still really, really TIRED
<---thinks Emily is too young to be forgetful
<---tells Boybie there are posts that weird her out, too:)
<---but who knows who's weirded out by my posts?:p
<---says, WTG Wendy for doing Imax 3!
<---will most probably be doing NapMax for the rest of the afternoon
<---wonders how her TX biatches are doing
<---tells Jes she can do yoga with me anytime:)

<--- invites DW for post work, pre-workout drink
<--- glad DW has appetite back
<--- jumping rope and doing Power Hour this evening
<--- blown into thread by a big gust of wind
<--- pushes <--- wind blown hair out of face
<--- hair looks like a chia pet
<--- week is off to a rough start... no sleep Sunday night, period started (of course the paper gown visit is on the menu this week), made long drive to a very boring 8 hour orientaion on no sleep, developed a blister on my lip during the orientation (could feel it growing), got 2 shots, long drive home, no energy for workout yesterday
<--- feels better after griping
<--- admits some posts freak me out and some posters too
<--- wonders how Missy "heard" about <--- rep as a bad influence
<--- realizes you can never escape your past :p
<--- is off to spin
<--- catches a gust of wind outta here
<--swooshes in on her majestic Hipogriff!
<--waves madly to all dear cathe friends!
<--wants everyone to know how much <--misses you all
<--thinks work is driving <--to insanity
<--hopes this too will pass
<--sorry to hear about Evily's accident but so happy she is not hurt:7
<--sends warm welcome wave to USC Soccer86!! Yes our little thread can get a little, ahem, addicting:7
<--will be away for work the next 2 days, ughh no where exciting unfortunatelyx(
<--so HAPPY <--got to talk to some of the texas gals this weekend!!!!
<--wants Robin to know how much her posts make her laugh!!!
<--needs to go and try to conquer the dreaded treadmillx(
<--says ta ta until friday
<--hops back on hipogriff and waves goodbye to all as <--make spectacular takeoff:7
<--- waves wildly at Sandy as she flies away into the night
<--- posted some pics of her back in her Pictrail
<--- thinks it needs some work *sigh*
<--- wonders what DOESN'T need work
<--- wishes her back looked like Pinky's;)
<---says hey again all
<---is utterly exhausted, been running all day
<---thinks being a SAHM ought to be an olympic sport
<---knows I piqued interest earlier ;)
<---just had to let a little air out
<---thinks y'all can figure it out prolly
<---plans on watching the biggest loser tonight
<---loves my quiet time when Boybs in bed and by myself
<---hopes you all are having an enjoyable evening
<---peace, love, & happiness http://www.smileys.ws/smls/action/00000035.gif

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---yay! is glad to see Sandy!
<---was so happy to talk to you last Saturday, too, Sandy:)
<---doesn't think Autumn aka Tootsie could ever be a bad influence:p
<---hopes Autumn's week gets better
<---just woke up from a long nap
<---didn't work out today
<---is really TOO OLD to have so much fun
<---just talked to the TX girls via e-mail about me being TOO OLD to have so much fun
<---feels good to vent to understanding and accepting people:p
<---thinks Shelley's back is shaping up BEAUTIFULLY:)
<---tells Boybie: I think I know what you're talkin' about... thought that was MORE than weird}(
<---tells Boybie: I have a word for that, but it's not an English word, and it has an insulting connotation, so I'd rather keep my mouth shut}( :p :+
<---yep, peace, love & happiness indeedy:)


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