<--wide awake @ 5am.

<--- is sooooo happy computer is working again
<--- is checking in at lunch
<--- is a second grade teacher
<--- thinks Connor is very lucky to have his back scratched
<--- hopes Wendy will have an incredible vacation and <--- waves bye bye to her!
<--- wonders what Nance will be doing in the Poconos
<--- loves visiting Canada and thinks its a great choice for a trip
<--- thinks of good outlets up there (poconos)
<--- is broke
<--- can't do the outlet thing but hope Nance shops till she drops
<--- hopes Robin is not too buried in work
<--- is also wondering about Powerstrike
<--- hopes Maeghan is feeling better
<--- congratulates Cath and wonders what she does for the schools
<--- wonders what the name of Melody's new language is
<---is here for a quicky
<---yes, some afternoon delight!!!
<---congratulates Cath on the job offer
<---LOL at the slinky wars and thinks the imagination that runs amok at Mel's diner is wonderful
<---tells whoever asked (was it you Maeggy?) that yes powerstrike is a kickbox workout and it is awesome
<---hopes Shelley's butt feels better soon
<---had a terrible morning: Co-worker went to the EMR with chest pains, pain in lower jaw, etc, etc. We were sure he was having a heart attack. It was (only) an angina attack, but he is off the rest of today and has many tests scheduled tomarrow, so we are very short staffed. Sigh.
<---tells you it is dangerous to work here
<---has to get back to work for now, but will try to check back before going home
<---tells Robin the workplace can be very dangerous
<---has had similar symptoms
<---thinks it must be something about hospitals
<---did something positive: ordered Framework!
<--- is seriously worried about Robin in that environment
<--- thinks the stress must be off the charts
<--- hopes they can hire some competent and FUN staff soon to relieve some of the pressure
<--- hates hospitals and will never work in one again
<--- spent about 25 years in that environment and that's enough
<--- is planning to buy "Framework" at some point but needs to do some flinging off her bookshelves first:7
<--- is gathering items to take to Goodwill...has 11 and needs 16 more
<--- cannot comply with Flylady instructions to gather items quickly because her things are stashed and stuffed and require digging to reach them
<--- better finish the task at hand

<---says Yeah, right, 40 posts till <---logs on , then nadda
<---is preparing to finish up and LEAVE
<---invites Michele to come to my house and fling
<---says that would be a great stress reliever
<---thinks becoming a professional flinger could be fun
<---may have to work up a resume along those lines
<---has to go home and try to get some work done for upcoming VBS
<---will maybe have time to get to a baseball game this evening
<---hopes to be around a bit more tomarrow
<---flings workcards, agar plates and dirty pipettes every which way
<---yells DUCK and boogies outa here
<---smackies to all
<--- is popping in to say HI!
<--- is feeling inspired to fling things, but since flinging things is the preferred method of warding off anxiety attacks, doesn't really have much to fling:\
<--- does REALLY need to clean up her garage
<--- has an exciting evening of cleaning bathrooms and working out planned
<--- leads the jet set life
<--- says co-worker's radio is playing "Rhythm is a Dancer" and <--- is feeling compelled to do plie squats with a dumbbell:p
<--- waves to all she missed and rushes back out to finish doing corporate resignations
<--- 's here!!
<--- 's been checking periodically for signs of Robin and Shelley
<--- misses you girls!
<--- would be happy to start a professional flinging business
<--- thinks Robin and <--- can go into business together
<--- will have to come up with a catchy name
<--- will leave that to her partner as she is much punnier that <--- is;)
<--- hopes Robin can make it to the game tonight and have a little fun

<--overtired and in need of sleep
<--enjoyed an ice cream courtesy of Ms. Ding-a-ling who brought everyone free ice cream today
<--didn't even care how much fat was in it
<--says Peace! to the Cathe gang
<----waves good afternoon to the bestest people on the planet
<----invites y'all over to <----'s house for some cleaning
<----is off work until Monday:7:7
<----heard Cath has PB M&M's to share
<----offers Shell some PB, <--- has two jars in the pantry
<----never, ever runs out of PB
<----will BBL
<----hopes the GA boys found some good books at the liebrerrie
<----is off to read the rest of today's chatter
<--- waves wildly to Tammy and promptly falls of chair
<--- forgot to send HUGE congrats to Cath on the job!
<--- bought a new jar of pb at lunch
<--- thinks she should start a traveling cleaning and flinging business
<--- wildly waves at Beavs, Shelley, and Tammy
<--- would kill for an ice cream right now!
<--- thinks it would be a hoot if Shells, Moochele, and Robin went into business together
<--- would love to have an endless supply of things to fling
<--- is a true believer in the cathartic effects of flinging
<--- is about to delve deep into a jar of unclean PB and spread it between dark chocolate pistols (little discs for melting and dipping things into)
<--- loves to make these precious chocolate PB sandwishes that are reminiscent of PB Ritz Bits sandwiches only using chocolate discs instead of crackers
<--- will BBL

<---steps into thread, smiling a dazzling white smile which no doubts blinds it's recipients
<---had the choppers cleaned and polished this morning
<---also rose early at 5:30
<---complete a 4 mile run, the second run this week though one mile shorter than the first when she was a trifle over zealous and ran 5
<---forgot running takes some adaptation in spite of faithful Cathe workouts
<---should do day two of a Slow and Heavy week but is feeling slow and heavy-limbed
<---has to back track and read the thread
<---notes before going that Michele, or should that be Michlee? doesn't know how to spell her name anymore :D
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/tiere/animal-smiley-032.gif
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
<--is popping in very illegally again
<--has a runny nose and doesn't feel so good and is using that as an excuse
<--just noticed that Cath mentioned IN PASSING that she was offered a full time job that she apparently accepted
<--cannot imagine being so cavalier about such things
<--turns everything that happens to her into a federal case, as if you all hadn't noticed by now
<--says congratulations Cath!
<--is worried about Robin's environment too
<--tells Susan that <--'s brother, SIL and Mother own a vacation home in the Poconos and the gang will be out there over the July 4th weekend, so <-- is planning a visit
<--for some reason, can't seem to stay longer than one night out there, even though DT really wants to stay longer
<--starts to feel claustrophobic after about 24 hours of fam damily in such close quarters
<--oops, must answer phone
-Ms. Whineypants

ETA: <--adores PB and wants one of those thingies Michlee is making
<--is very envious that Tammy is off till Monday
<----helps Shelley off floor and back into chair
<----put on her sunglasses to shield the dazzle from Bobbi's polished pearly whites
<----is now craving PB chocolate pistol sammiches
<----hopes Nancy feels better pronto
<----congratulates Cath on the new job...what a great birthday present!
<----says washing machine is calling out to <---
<----BBL taters!
<---says darn you women don't you know not to talk chocolate and pb with a PMS gal around
<---went to lieberrie and did NOT go to the grocery store for chocolate
<---says having DSs with <---is a good way to deter going to store and purchasing chocolate cause <---and boys purchase entire grocery store when together
<---jumps up and down waving hands wildly cause <---wants in on the boogie flinging thingies business
<---waves howdy to beavs and asks is there any leftover ice cream
<---praises Shannon for ordering "Framework" and tells her to read and abide
<---isn't abiding very well
<---praises the woman formerly known as Michele for her FlyLady accomplishments
<---would tackle M for the chocolate pb creations
<---jumps up and down again cause Tammy is off work til Monday
<---praises Shelley for pb purchase cause a life without pb just ain't worth it:+
<---praises Susan for being a second grade teacher and tells her <---'s new language is just a bunch of misspelled words
<---says the boys are upstairs surrounded with 120 books from the library:7 :7 :7
<---yes, they read them all and one DS will finish them all in a few days and complain there are no books in the house he hasn't read
<---is NOT complaining aboot that
<---asks Nancy is it the 4th yet cause this rental car trunk is quite cramped and hot
<---hopes Nancy feels better soon
<---forgets what Meggie Weggie is doing but smiles and waves a big wave
<---knows Amy was here and busy busy busy...duh...reminds her to slow down and breath
<---has to to KPC, CM3, and BBW to be on track
<---may not get that BBW and says <---will just create a new path
<---is probably writing a novel to <---
<---had to run is back to SCREAM HELLO BOBBI, and ask if she's hidden any Catheite fugitives lately:+
<---has to run again
<---can tell Melody was inpired by her trip to the liebrerrie today because she just wrote a novel
<---needed to get a snack so <--- could finish reading the whole thing:7
<---is going to start a massive clean and purge tomorrow
<---also has to get roots done:7
<---wonders if Tig found the bar yet:+ :+
<--obviously has precious cargo in her trunk, so better change her car order from a compact to a van :+
<--really, truly, honestly would love to have you all with her in the Poke-your-Nose
<--says you ladies would love it there because for my family, it's ALWAYS ALL ABOUT THE FOOD
<--says yeah, we swim and bike and sit out at the pool, but that's not what it's all about }(
<--is pretty sure TiG is at the bar by now :D :D
<--wants Tammy to come over here and do a clean and purge when she's done at her house }(
<--is still loving the Amy Love Fest Post cuz <-- loves Amy
<--thinks that to "know" her is to love her and is pretty sure that Bobbi and several others here feel the same way
<--just ate an entire bag of roasted garlic and onion soy chips while she was typing this
<--is waiting for a gigantic sushi order to arrive
<--must put on pants to greet the take-out delivery guy
<--will BBL
-Ms. Notwearinganypants
<---is heading over to Nancy's for sushi
<---hope she got her pants on before the delivery guy showed up
<---is now craving roasted garlic and onion soy chips...YUM!:9 :9
<---is starving even though <--- ate dinner
<---agrees that Amy is the cat's meow!

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