
I bet if this was a year for a new president to be elected, this whole situation would be handled quite differently.
Wendy, I am sick over the entire thing. It infuriates me that in our country people are dying of dehydration. I find it appaling that city officials instructed these people to go to the convention center, and then they are left for days on end without water.

It's horrible. It's so sad that these people survived the hurricane, but were left to die after the fact.

I also think the media needs to stop focusing on looting and violence. It takes away from the relief effort and some people may be less likely to give money and their time.

And could you imagine your baby dying in your arms because you weren't able to give him something to drink? I saw a woman my age holding her 2 month old baby. She was crying, and was telling the reporter that she was making a shirt for her baby, because he didn't have one. She was distressed because her baby was dirty and hot, and hungry.

I am hoping that these baby dying stories at the convention center are rumors. I know adults have died, and I have heard that children have died too, but I don't know if this is a fact.

It's sad enough to lose your life in the storm, which hundreds, probably thousands have. But after??? It's unacceptable.

I heard on the news this morning that help/supplies were "just starting to trickle in". Not fast enough if you ask me but now atleast maybe these poor people can get some minimal relief...I'd be willing to sleep on the sidewalk for a few days so long as I had some food and water.

A person can survive sleeping on a sidewalk but that person can NOT survive w/o food and water...I still believe that supplies could have been brought over to those at the convention center sooner...

I agree with you Lori. Thousands beat the odds and survived the hurricane...it is UNTHINKABLE that those same people are now dying while waiting for minimal relief. ;(
This story shows how evident class division is in this country. Guests staying at the Hilton were bussed out immediately. They are now home in safety. At the same time poor people are dying waiting for relief.

This is a hard lesson to be learned. You can only depend on yourself, be prepared, and get the hell out of there if a Category 5 storm is heading for you. I am not blaming these people for not leaving. A lot of them did not have the recources to get out, but it's so sad that they didn't.

>I bet if this was a year for a new president to be elected,
>this whole situation would be handled quite differently.
I totally agree.
You are so right...Just because you don't have a lot of money doesn't mean you don't count. They deserve a chance to rebuild thier lives just like anyone else does...

I also heard that they are now sending in troops to try to control the crime and violence. Thank goodness. On one hand I can understand why this is going on...the people are thirsty, hungry, hot, dirty and exhausted...Not to mention filled with grief over what has happened. It is sure to turn even the most pleasant and mild personality around and cause them to steal and fight, etc. What I don't understand is why anyone would try to hamper the relief efforts? Who are these people and why are they doing this??? The troops being sent in were told to resort to deadly force if needed...I hope these people that are shooting, etc. at those trying to help are shot dead, no questions asked. I'm sorry if this sounds horrible but they deserve it.
I agree Wendy. Violence cannot be tolerated. My friend's sister and brother-in-law are both resident doctors in New Orleans. They were afraid to leave the hospitals because of snipers. Can you imagine that? It's like a war zone there---but worse.

And if this wasn't traumatizing enough, women are being raped and beaten. My god, where is the humanity??

I am so glad troops are moving in. They need to restore order, so people can be helped.

We are so lucky. So lucky to be alive and heatlthy, to have a home. It's really hard to focus on the trivial when something like this happens. I feel so small and helpless. It's gut-wrenching. I know millions of people feel the same way I do, but it's so difficult to see this sad situation unfolding right before your eyes in one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

Don't believe everything you see on the news is how the story is actually playing out. I've seen and read twisted accounts of three different news stories where I had first hand knowledge of the real situation. I find that you often have to dig around yourself to find out the real story.

It is my understanding that there are 1,012,000 soldiers on active duty, in the Reserves, or in the National Guard. Of them, 261,000 are deployed overseas in 120 countries. Iraq accounts for 103,000 soldiers, or 10.2 percent of the Army. 751,000 (74.2 percent) are in the U.S. About half are active duty, and half Guard and Reserve.

It is also my understanding that 75 percent of the Army and Air National Guard are available nationwide. In addition, the federal government has agreed since the conflict in Iraq started not to mobilize more than 50 percent of Guard assets in any given state, in order to leave sufficient resources for governors to respond to emergencies.

It is also my understanding that twenty-four hours after Hurricane Katrina battered the Gulf Coast, an estimated 7,500 National Guard troops from Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi were on duty, supporting civil authorities, distributing generators, providing medical care, and setting up shelters for displaced residents.

I'm not discounting the tragedy just that we're probably fed the horrible images cause it makes good "news".
I know help is on the way. It's still a nightmare. People are still suffering immensely and it is now Friday. I hope we learn something from this.

It's so heartbreaking to watch. I think we all need to understand that there likely is gaps in communication and action plans due to the chaos and lack of ways TO communicate. Yes, it seems like a slow response, but think of the MASSIVE (square miles, quantity) effort being put forth here. Troops are coming, supplies are coming. But, there is no infrastructute to get it all there in these hard hit areas! It's hard to send water and food, search and rescue and maintain law and order when first of all you can't even get to parts of the city and also when there is NO SAFE WAY to land a chopper! People are mobbing underneath the chopper and shooting at them! What are the pilots supposed to do? I feel I would probably also resort to stealing food and water but the additional lawnessness is shameful. I don't think this is at all the time to be pointing fingers or arguing about politics. I do also want to comment, that it is ironic how after the international assistance with the tsunami disaster, are there any other countries coming to our aid??? Please, let's all pray for these poor people and this tragedy. :(
><<I do also want to comment, that it is ironic how after the
>international assistance with the tsunami disaster, are there
>any other countries coming to our aid?>>
>A bunch of countries have offered the U.S. aid, including some
>of our staunchest critics.
>Read here:

THANK YOU for finding this, Gayle. I had heard very little about aid from other countries and I'm so glad it's been offered.


edited for typos
I don't think the people are being intentionally mislead. In a situation like this, confusion is bound to happen at least in the short term. I'm encouraged that the national guard has arrived. Rescue efforts will be so much more effective if they aren't being shot at!

Please don't take verbatim everything you read or hear. Try and sift through and determine what the truth really is. I'm afraid I don't trust journalists to deliver just the facts. I think we get a lot of sensationalism thrown in there for effect. As if, the disaster itself wasn't sensational enough to stand on its own. sheez
"I don't think the people are being intentionally mislead. In a situation like this, confusion is bound to happen at least in the short term. I'm encouraged that the national guard has arrived. Rescue efforts will be so much more effective if they aren't being shot at!

Please don't take verbatim everything you read or hear. Try and sift through and determine what the truth really is. I'm afraid I don't trust journalists to deliver just the facts. I think we get a lot of sensationalism thrown in there for effect. As if, the disaster itself wasn't sensational enough to stand on its own. sheez"


Well said BK. Thank you for your outlook. It made me feel atleast a little bit better about the situation down there...not that it's a good one by far...but maybe...just maybe it's not all as bad as what I am seeing on TV.
> I do also want to comment, that it is ironic how
>after the international assistance with the tsunami disaster,
>are there any other countries coming to our aid??? Please,
>let's all pray for these poor people and this tragedy. :(

My country, little as it is, has offered help in supplies and rebuilding any levees and dikes (were experts at this). Your country declined! (Guess the giant doesn't want the midget's help).

However, a Dutch navy vessel is on its way to you with supplies (food, medication, etc) incase your government changes its mind in the coming days.

>My country, little as it is, has offered help in supplies and
>rebuilding any levees and dikes (were experts at this). Your
>country declined! (Guess the giant doesn't want the midget's
>However, a Dutch navy vessel is on its way to you with
>supplies (food, medication, etc) incase your government
>changes its mind in the coming days.


Thanks for the info Dutchie!:)

Why in the heck would we decline help??? Does anyone have ANY idea why in the world we would decline an offer to help!?!?
OMG Toasty - I wish I hadn't read your post about the woman who didn't get on the bus but her baby did. Now I'm crying. that is the most horrifying thing I've heard (besides the other horrifying things.)

God - what can we do? donate? sure, but that doesn't cut it - I guess we just have to pray. pray for that poor woman and her baby!

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