Why no VHS offered for High Step Training(Circuit)?


I don't see a VHS option for this workout.
I would think there would be lots of people who would buy it since many of us haven't gone to DVD yet.
I recall SNM posting a few months ago that VHS was "a shrinking market" for them. Perhaps SNM is transitioning to a strictly DVD production company.

We're no longer releasing new titles on VHS. Carrying double inventory (VHS and DVD) no longer makes business sense as DVD sales account for 80 percent of our sales now.:)
I know I have become a dvd snob, but they are soooo much more worth it than vhs. There are so many more options and you can get to certain parts of a work out without FF or RW a tape. A dvd player isn't too costly and I guarantee you will love it! I understand your disapointment but once you convert you will be happy you did.:)
I have no Doubt I'd love DVD. Can you imagine having the money to replace every Cathe vhs tape I have with DVDs? I have ALL of them except Step Fit and StepJam!
I'm bumming.
How easy are those DVD machines? I remember when the VHS machines first came out and it was so darn difficult to record anything, I never did figure it out until they made it user friendly. I hear people talking about working the DVD's so that they program their workouts exactly to their liking, and I am thinking LOL just how difficult is that. I have been thinking that if I wait long enough the machines will get easier to use as they did with VHS.
I understand how you feel. When I started buying Cathe workouts, I only had a vcr so I have all her older workouts on video. I started buying dvd's when the intensity series came out after I purchased a combination vcr/dvd player. Maybe that would be an option for you so you can start getting the upcoming workouts on dvd while still doing your videos on the same player. I saved up and just bought the 27 dvd pack to replace my older vids but you could replace yours as money allows. HTH :)


PS. my Sansui vcr/dvd player was around $125 at Target and I have never had any problems playing the newer dvd's
The dvd players are easy to use. I am electronically challenged (as well as step challenged) and I can use them easily. I have seen them at Costco for less than $50. Either buy a combo player (dvd/vhs) or just the dvd. You can still use your vhs workouts on your vcr. You won't believe how much better the picture quality will look. I don't ever "program" my dvd like some advanced folks do. I just use the chapters or the premixes/workout blenders and it's a piece of cake. There are so many premixes that I don't feel the need to use the special programming features. Hope this helps.
For those of you who are considering dvd, just purchase a dvd/vhs player for now. YOu can get one for about $120. Once you have tried any of Cathe's workouts on dvd, it makes no sense to get vhs. She really makes it worth your while and $'s too with her workout blender and pre-mixes, etc. IMO.

who does understand the I have everything on VHS groan (except for the last couple of pre-sales, I have gone to dvd and won't look back because no one does dvd workouts better).
I didn't know you could get both the VHS/DVD on the same unit, that was very clever thinking on someone's part. Thanks for the info, that solves my problem.

So as an example if I had 5 dvd's and wanted to do one part from each dvd as a total workout how does one do that (step by step)instructions please, that's if you don't mind explaining.
"So as an example if I had 5 dvd's and wanted to do one part from each dvd as a total workout how does one do that (step by step)instructions please, that's if you don't mind explaining."

If you have a PROGRAMMABLE 5 disc player that will program ACROSS discs, this will be no problem. However, I think it is rather difficult to find a player that will do that... *IF* you find one, you simply go to the page on this site that has the chapters for each workout listed, print out those pages, and read the instruction manual for your player. Basically, you would hit numbers on your remote (after pressing the program key); if you have put KPC/L&G in slot #1 of your player, and the warm-up is the third chapter of KPC, you would probably punch in something like 1:1:3, which would indicate that you wanted the player to play the first disc (1), its first title (1), and it's third chapter (3). You would program in all the parts of the different discs, and then hit play, and it would skip around from disc to disc and title to title and chapter to chapter in the order you had programmed it to.

HOWEVER, most players can only be programmed WITHIN discs, so you could program parts of each workout from ONE INDIVIDUAL DVD. With Cathe's DVD's, which each contain 2 or 3 workouts, this is still cool, because you can do maybe the warm-up of MIS, the biceps and triceps of PH, and then the rest of upper body from BodyMax... or any combination of parts from those workouts.

I will say, though, that even with my player being a 5 disc programmable player (which only programs within discs, not across), I NEVER use the program feature. Cathe's DVDs are set up with chapter menus, mix and match menus, quick select premixes, and workout blenders. Although this may sound overwhelming, it is just screens that show up at the click of a button, and from those screens you can choose whatever part of the workout you would like to do.

I have to jump in here and say I LUV my DVD player. I too have a mix of older workouts on VHS and newer workouts on DVD. Of course I eventually want all the DVD's, but my husband hooked up my DVD player to my little workout TV and it works great! One more plug for DVD players...I use ALL the features...the premixes, the blender, and programming my own workouts! LUV, LUV, LUV it! I understand the frustration though if you can't make the switch right now...but start SAVING!!!! You will enjoy it so much!
P.S. Are you a mom....could you drop hints about a DVD player for mother's day? Or work your birthday...anniversary....tee hee}( :7

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