Why is it that some people.....



want to trash Cathe's fans for looking up to her, liking her, and liking her products? It seems that there are people on other forums who believe that alot of the people who frequent this site are so head over heels in love with Cathe that we are blind to the occasional mistake she may make or the few cutomer service issues, etc. I wouldn't say we are blind to those things. It's just that I guess we are willing to give her the benefit of the doubt when it comes to these issues. Why? Because we are fans of hers! It's why the site has her name at the top. It's a place where her fans can come and discuss things that are fitness related. And discuss what we like about her. Hell, it's like any sports figure site really. I am a member of a Jeff Gordon site and we certainly don't go there and talk about how much he sucks and that we hope he gets punted into the stands by Dale Jr.! LOL! That makes this site different from say, the VF Forum, where it's a mish mash of people who like a more varied array of instructors.
So, that's why we defend her. We are fans! And it's also part of the reason, I believe, that SNM wants shipping issues handled more privately rather than by public posts that rail against them. IT'S A CATHE SITE!
Does anyone see the difference or am I just making no sense here?
No flames please. I will get killed in other forums I am sure.....
I too have noticed in the past, on other video exercise forums, that we Cathe-ites are considered a tad geeky for being so devoted to her. And her forums have been described as a "love-fest" (for the life of me I can't figure out why that should be an insult).

I once took great exception to something that Cathe / SNM was considering doing, and I chose to e-mail SNM privately. I see nothing wrong with keeping the love-fest going on the forums, and expressing complaints privately. I think it's laudable (although sometimes mystifying) that Cathe chooses to allow these forums to continue, with some of the weird and sometimes pointedly unpleasant posts and threads that are put up here.

Cyber-dialogue often brings out the beast in a lot of people, because it's so faceless and so safe. Fortunately, here on this site the beasts are few and far between.

Annette, you really think this is a lovefest? LOL! I don't consider it that syrupy.....:)
T. :)
When you are a guest in someone's home, isn't it rude, impolite, bad-mannered and any other like adjectives, to complain about the dinner, and belittle the host or hostess' choice of decorating their house or any other choice they made?
I certainly think so. And to do this in front of a roomful of guests is even more disrespectful and ill-mannered.
I look upon this forum as an extention into Cathe's home. If I have ideas or sugesstions I give them. If there is a problem, I will email her privately.
Yes I love Cathe to pieces. Guilty as charged. Yet,there is a proper place to submit a complaint.
Trevor you are so right in saying this is a different kind of forum. This is owned by an instructor who Makes videos and dvds, not a site that Reviews many instuctor's videos and dvds.

But some people think nothing of it to be insulting in another's home. Even my water softener repairman had the audacity to say "why in the world would anyone paint their room this color?" Well...I didn't think it was his business and I didn't ask his opinion on choosing my color. This is my home. He doens't get to come back. I choose who comes and who can't.

This is Cathe's website.
I don't know Cathe....I've never had the opportunity to meet her but I respect her. Through lurking for almost two years, contributing to and learning from this website, purchasing and using her videos, I am impressed. Not only impressed with the quality of her workouts, but with the way she tries to give people what they want. I believe that she truly cares about the people who buy her products. In the sense that she wants to see her fans reach their fitness goals.

Also, the caliber and diversity of people who frequent this site impresses me. I adore the fact that Cathe does not bar OT discussions on this board. I have learned so much from all of you. I often research the little tidbits I pick up here and read up on them, thereby gaining more knowledge about a plethera of subjects.

Do I think Cathe's perfect? I don't think anyone's perfect. I'm of the mind that it's the imperfections of life that make us all real. I think Cathe, her workouts and this forum are a class act. I don't understand why anyone else would think otherwise!
RE: Trevor -

Trev, you have a point. Probably depends on the day, and the topic. Sometimes syrup of ipecac, maybe . . .


I'm not a "fan" of anyone, really, unless you count my DH. The word is derived from "fanatic" and it tends to make Cathe into a celebrity, and I'm sick to death of celebrities from living in this celebrity-crazy culture of ours! (When is cable coming out with the Britney channel??)

Cathe is the best video instructor in the business; her company is the best in the business; and I enjoy and benefit from the workouts they produce. They have no gimmicks, they concentrate on quality and they just appeal to a more intelligent :)-)) mature, highly selective group of serious exercisers. It is no accident that the people who post on these forums are intelligent, mature, articulate, positive people who know a thing or two about life and have a lot to share with each other. I honestly believe the reason there is so little negativity is because we tend not to be negative people. We've probably had more successes in our lives than others in the general population, and we know that success results from being positive! We have learned, or are learning, how to value ourselves and the natural result is that we value others more.

Anyway, I could go on, but you get the idea. I love being a member of this community and I hope it stays just the way it is!

I agree Trevor. I don't consider myself fanatic, but I really love and appreciate what Cathe's workouts have done for me in a short period of time, and don't mind saying so. I don't think she's perfect, don't expect her to be because I'M NOT. Things happen especially when it involves LOTS of people and mass production. I can overlook the ocassional problem because I hope that's what people do for me.

And as far as Freedom of speech is concerned, it works fine except in my home...you still have a right to say whatever you want, but I have a right to kick you out if I don't like it...same rules should apply here.
Wanda, I agree 100% with you. Yesterday I read a thread on the Ask Cathe complaining about a customer service issue, and all I could thik was, how is this issue a public matter? Why does this person feel a need to post this on the ask Cathe Forum? But to each his own I guess.
I love to come here because of all the wonderful people on this forum. I feel like you are all my friends. I work out of my home and I don't have anyone to talk to besides my 4 year olf son, a yellow lab, and a cat. I come here to have contact with adults, really. Besides, everyone is discussing things that i'm intersted in, getting fit. Or staying fit, whatever the case may be.
"Lovefest"? Ah, I'm not too sure about that, but I think we strive very hard to get along here, and I really appreciate that. But, maybe somtimes it may seem like a "lovefest" to someone that just read a "Thank you, Cathe" post. Yes, sometimes we thank her, big deal! I think she deserves a lot of thanks, first for putting up with us, second for making such great workouts for us.

I appreciate the amount of freedom to talk about different subjects (including other workouts and instructors) that this site allows. I've seen other sites that will only allow discussions of that instructors workouts and anything else is deleted within hours. I also respect Cathe for taking time out of her day to answer questions in a helpful way instead of using it only as a marketing tool.
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!! There are rules on EVERY forum. It's her site, and the rules are clearly posted, and if you violate them then she or Chris have the right to delete posts. I'm sick to death of hearing how you can't come on here and complain without getting flamed. That's ridiculous and not true. Was anyone ever on the FitPrime forum before it became a paid one? I was. Did you ever try to complain about the horrible production quality of Queen Anna's FitPrime tapes? I saw people who did, and Anna herself came on there and scorched them!! I'm not kidding. Can any of us even imagine Cathe doing that on here to a LEGITIMATE complaint? I can't. I've been posting on here since late July, and I've never seen her be anything but kind and professional.

And, this is not the electronic version of Jerry Springer. It's a fan site, like you said Trevor. If you don't like Cathe, why are you even here? To stir up sh*t? To gain attention? To fulfill some need? I mean honestly ... I just don't get it. I don't have time to go on message boards that don't have anything to do with my own interests, let alone go on there with the express purpose of trashing the person it's about. That's just sad. Karma, baby! What goes around comes around. You sit on message boards all day and trash strangers for no legitimate reason, that's going to come back to you.

Legitimate customer service problems happen. Hey ... sometimes life ain't perfect, okay? So deal with it in a PROFESSIONAL and ADULT way, and move on. I've had to return tapes, and SNM has never been anything but professional and courteous to me. Of course, I emailed them and was professional and courteous in my email to being with! DUH. Shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you get what you give. This is not the place to air customer service beefs. The people who do, and who won't back down, are looking for attention. They're no different than trolls who go on message boards simply for the sick satisfaction of stirring up garbage. Garbage in ... garbage out.

Most sites that are set up as this one is - for information and to discuss a specific topic - are the same way. They have rules. It's to protect everyone, but especially to protect those of us who come on here to discuss fitness, and to discuss Cathe's workouts. To those who need the electronic version of Jerry, I politely suggest you go start your own Yahoo or other group, and gripe and bit*h and complain to your heart's content!! We won't miss you here.

Just my humble opinions ... of course ... }( No flames intended. Just an honest opinion from someone who thinks people should turn on their brains before they post.

Happy Cathe fan!!
RE: Trevor -

I will agree with that Annette. I'm sure I have contributed my share of ipecac! LOL!!
One of the hi-lights of my day is coming here. Not only have I met the BEST of friends but I feel like I know Cathe personally. (I don't, but some day I will!) She just has such a caring, warm way of making us all feel good, not to mention the time & energy she puts into her workouts for us. I realize she makes money doing this, but it's her business and the fact that she takes time to "talk" to us, asks our opinions and answers our questions, makes her extra special. No one is perfect and there will always be glitches along the way but I am certain she does her best to clear them up as soon as possible. I can relate somewhat since I own my own business. I have made mistakes along the way but we learn from them. Shoot, there have been times I've thought I'd be banned from here for taking up soooo much space with all my posts. I know there has to be some out there that think, "shut-up already" but I want to try to give back a bit of what has been given to me here! Thanks everyone for making this such a great place to come. HUGS 2 U all!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Just wanted to say that I LOVE THIS SITE and Cathe. I don't care what people say on other Forums about our club. Also, I have met some wonderful people from here and it is so fun when we get together because we have so much in common.

A-jock-I agree, they sure aren't cutting us down when they call it a LoveFest. That is so nice of them. I think people are just so jealous.

My DH works for a small company that prides itself on personal customer service. For better or worse, the company has tremendous potential to grow, and there is quite a struggle going on about how to remain loyal to every individual customer while striving to bring on so many new ones. I think this situation is analogous to what SNM is going through right now.

The exposure from FitTV, the partnership with the Step people, the choice to bring beginners on board are all decisions that I imagine have brought an overwhelming slate of challenges and dilemmas to this home-grown little company.

Personally, in both my DH's and Cathe's cases, I believe that because those involved are human beings and not huge corporations, and because their initial success came slowly and for all the right reasons, the growth will be handled well. Cathe seems genuinely and personally invested in the needs and desires of her audience. As that audience grows in scale and diversity her values will not change. She's always going to want to kick our butts, don't you think?

Love fest or not, we Catheites have created an intelligent, informative, supportive oasis. It is our responsibility to maintain it as it grows.

I'm glad you brought this up Trevor. I couldn't have said it better myself. As I said once before. There are tacky people in the world who thrive on gossip, evil and just like to stir up trouble. I feel I am better than that. I can't believe what Cathe can do in a year, but some people expect so much more, like workouts just for their taste or perfect customer Service. I love Cathe's quality DVD's. I think those of us who are civil should ignore those malicious posts and enjoy our Cathe! :)
I am normally a lurker on this site and many others, but I have to agree with you about people trashing Cathe. I am just grateful that Cathe does not charge for her forum, although it would not surprise me if she does (to keep the trashers away, because they would not pay). I started exercising with firm back in 1986, when the price for a vhs tape was $50.00, and was enrolled in the firm forum. I can remember how rude and nasty some people were back than, I just stopped viewing the message boards and had my name removed from the forum altogether. I now understand why the firm charged for their sites. I am very grateful to Cathe and her support team. In my opinion they do an wonderful job. I find myself lurking on the Cathe forum 99% of the time. She is very talented in what she does and I am always looking for her new workouts whether it is for beg/int or advanced. Vee
I think of it as more of a Love In really! I am an enthusiastic fan and, although I've never met Cathe, I am proud of her and proud to call myself a Catheite and to hang out with like-minded forumites who are, in my mind, the creme de la creme of fit folk although we all do it in our own way.

I am also the idiot who posted the Bill of Rights when that controversial thread was locked. But it didn't take me long to realize (once I had wrestled my inner drama queen down and bound and gagged her.) that I was wrong and Cathe and SNM can and should pull the plug on us at times. I like myself better as an enthusiastic and encouraging sap than an opinionated, argumentative big mouth and being positive and supportive with each other is what I think Cathe and SNM want for these forums. And of course we'll disagree but that can be done graciously. These forums have evoked much laughter and a few tears but sharing our ups and downs, our knowledge and our opinions has been a blessing to me and this is one of my first stops when I am online.

Cathe's workouts challenge me and with her help (and yours) I have come to see myself as athletic and strong instead of clutzy and scrawny. I know there are other wonderful instructors out there but I think Cathe is in a league of her own and in her superb workouts I have found a perfect fit. I find her cueing extraordinary and the fact that she can cue, encourage and even joke while stepping, jumping and pumping through some of most difficult workouts never ceases to amaze me. She exudes warmth and accessibility and she produces fantastic workouts. Who can complain about that?

And, Trevor, I think I may have induced vomiting WITHOUT ipecac on occasion. :D
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"
I agree with you all...

This is a CATHE site, so of course we're going to talk mostly about Cathe & her workouts. This is by far one of, if not the best boards I have ever found. Everyone I've encountered is friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful. How could you not love the boards? You can ask or vent about anything, within reason, and get lots of support. Maybe those people are jealous of our positivity and sense of community lol!!!

By the way, where have you seen these negative posts?


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