Why don't people like to eat egg yolks?


What is wrong with eating egg yolks, I always hear about egg whites around here. Is there too much fat in them and how bad are they for clean eating, or BFFM? I know they have cholesterol in them but want to know why people avoid them, do they hurt dieting efforts?
Always wanted to know these things!

Beats me, Colleen. Personally, I eat the yolks. Yes, they contain alot of cholesterol, but they also contain all of the fat soluable vitamins (A, D, E, K). To me, there is nothing less inviting than an egg white omlete.

i only eat two whole eggs and the rest egg whites(might eat 3-5 eggs at a sitting). mainly b/c i still want the protien benefits without adding more fat and calories.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I think the only problem with egg yolks is that they have a lot of fat. It's good fat so it's really not a problem unless you're trying to cut calories to lose weight. The great thing about egg whites is that they're a fat-free source of protein.


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
It relates to the fact that the cholesterol in the egg is in the yolk. And we all know eggs took a beating several years ago by cardiac doctor's who said no one should be eating eggs because they will elevate your cholesterol levels.

Now, cardiologists are starting to change their tune for the general public. John Q. Public who doesn't have a heart condition is now being encouraged to eat the whole egg again. Or maybe not encouraged...but not discouraged. There is a ton of information on the web about eggs so just do a google and you'll find plenty of information out there.

I personally never stopped eating eggs because I like them and we happen to raise chickens so we have plenty of eggs. I don't have issues with cholesterol, my numbers are all really good. My DH has cholesterol issues and he stopped eating eggs five years ago. He still has high cholesterol, alot of bad cholesterol. He is now after five years of changing his diet etc....going on the medication to see if it can help.

Bottom line...you can eat your eggs and have the yolk too...providing you aren't a heart patient and needing to restrict any and all cholesterol consumption.
>I think the only problem with egg yolks is that they have a
>lot of fat. It's good fat so it's really not a problem unless
>you're trying to cut calories to lose weight. The great thing
>about egg whites is that they're a fat-free source of
>I solemnly swear that I am up to no good

I agree that egg whites are a fat free source of protein, but it doesn't change the fact that all the real nutrients are in the yolk. ;) I would go for the yolk and cut a little fat somewhere else.

my egg box nutrition label states 7 grams protein........if i only eat the whites, how many grams of protein am i losing?
>>I think the only problem with egg yolks is that they have a
>>lot of fat. It's good fat so it's really not a problem
>>you're trying to cut calories to lose weight. The great
>>about egg whites is that they're a fat-free source of
>>I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
>I agree that egg whites are a fat free source of protein, but
>it doesn't change the fact that all the real nutrients are in
>the yolk. ;) I would go for the yolk and cut a little fat
>somewhere else.

For the record, I usually eat the yolk because egg yolks are yummy.


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
That was not very nice. Sorry I asked! Was that your sense of humor? Are egg yolks a touchy subject for you? Is this why many people lurk and not post here, because of being zinged like that?
Thanks for all the responses, I was just curious!
Colleen--please keep posting. Most of us won't zing you:). I love eggs, especially the yolk, but I have high cholesterol, so I limit my egg intake for that reason.

Maggie :)
Boy, I agree Colleen. Some people need to GET-A-LIFE.

Katheryn...if you have a need to get up on a PETA high horse then there are web sites just for people like you. You will find many of your kind there willing to exchange all sorts of animal cruelty photos and stories. Go on..knock yourself out.

This is a forum for Cathe.com. NOT PETA propanganda. In the future I for one would appreciate it if you would keep your 'scare tactics' to yourself.
I LOVE eggs. 40something, if you lived near me I would buy my eggs from you.

I have no desire to sway anyone to my way of thinking or living. I wish everyone would be as respectful of my views.

The mention of animal cruelty is NOT propanganda. It is an opinion that Kathryn is free to discuss. You have the right to disagree if you wish. I for one agree with and enjoy the posts that Kathryn writes.
The pictures she posted are real and not scare tactics. If they scare you, then perhaps you should stop eating animals.

Oh Good Grief. Would anyone else with their Junior High Mentality also like to chime in here?

Oh wait...let me go find some photos of aborted fetuses so we can all have a big photo posting party.

UH-OH: DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER, DANGER. Yet another initially innocent thread on Cathe.com, sprung from a legitimate question is about to take a very controversial turn and head into a bad direction. Run for your lives!!!! ;-) }( :) x(

i was gonna say if you know kathryn, then you know her stance on her vegan lifestyle. whether we agree or not we should look at all sides. maybe there should have been a warning label on what you were about to see but i will not get offended b/c i know who posted it and her views on the subject. i take it as another piece of wisdom from someone else. lets not get so upset and just move on, its only a message board.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Yeah...that was my initial point.

THIS IS CATHE.COM This is neither the web site nor the forum for PETA propaganda. Me thinks Katheryn was just a bit over-zealous with her post and she should be adult enough to edit that link out. But oh...where is she?? Typical of these types. Do a drive-by and then high tail it to safety.

I repeat...this is not the place for that post.
Just wanted to say that it is possible to respect another's point of view and still feel as if there is a time and place for it. We have had many vegan/vegetarian discussions on these boards that involved the discussion of animal rights. There are people on this board who consume animal products. That is their right. They should be able to post topics concerning that without feeling spanked by those who disapprove. If the vegans were having a discussion about the immorality of consuming animal products and a meat-lover on the board posted photos of a family happily enjoying big, juicy burgers I would find it just as unnecessary.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage

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