Why does doing Cardio next day help ease DOMS?


Active Member
I always stretch thoroughly after any workout. However, I've noticed that whenever I have DOMS in my legs/butt the day after doing a weighted workout, it is eased almost immediately if I do a Cardio workout and actually speads up my recovery time.

Anyone know why that might be? You'd think it would do just the opposite, but not so.
It recycles the lactic acid that has built up (to create the DOMS).
Just a matter of getting your blood flowing to the right areas again.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart.

hi ya'll. i have another question. i have read recently that you should always do weights before cardio becuz of ATP and alot of other scientific mumbo jumbo. have ya'll heard this> i pretty much trust the source i got it from. i can copy and paste the information if anyone wants to read it. cathe always does cardio first and i was just wondering why.

any ideas, anyone?:D
Following up a weight routine with cardio the SAME day can tone down impending DOMS as well. I try to make sure I always pair up my lower body work outs with some kind of cardio. :)

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