Why does Cathe do this?


In some of the workouts, Cathe puts the barbell on the front of her shoulders when doing plie squats. I hate that positioning of the bar, so I always put it behind my neck. I'm just wondering if there's any benefit to having it in front.
supposedly it gives better balance... (especially when you put your elbows out front)

i put it on my shoulders... i'm more comfortable that way
It could also be an alternative for those who don't have a neckpad and a heavy barbell digs into the bones at the back of the neck, I would think. (I'm a behind-the-head kind of girl too.)

It may put the center of balance a bit more forward, to hit the inner thighs more? But I think it would be such a small benefit that using whatever position is most comfortable for you is best. I find that the front position seems unstable, as if the bar could too easily slip, so I usually use the behind-the-neck position.
I agree with you, Kathryn, I think she puts it in front for plies to hit the specific muscle better. However, she often tells us to pick whatever position suits us, so it must not matter that much. Personally I put it in front if the weightload is lighter, but for the heavier workouts it goes behind my neck, as my shoulders get tired from supporting the heavier barbell. She also uses one 40 pound dumbell for plie squats in the SH series, but I use a barbell for that because I like to go heavier, and holding such a large dumbell tires out my shoulders and forearms too much.


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