Why do people shoot cops???

I mean, do they think that they are going to get away with it? I am watching the news right now and this guys was pulled over for a traffic violation, so he shot the cop in the face. WTHeck? I try so hard not to judge people, but that is so stupid!!! Not just for the obvious reasons like it is wrong, you don't hurt people, etc., but cops cars have cameras in them these days, they have your liscense plate number and your make, model and color of your car. How stupid do you have to be to think that you are not going to get caught, and all over rolling through a stop sign? Well, they did catch the genious, and I hope that he gets fried. Some people make me so mad!!! x( x( x(

I am not sure what condition the cop is in, though I know he is still alive. I do hope that he is okay. Cops and firefighters are the bravest souls on this planet, and I don't think that they get paid nearly enough. My hats off to them!

A lot of people really hate cops. They think they can get away with a lot. A lot of people love to brag when they kill or hurt a cop. They don't like the fact they get caught and they don't like the fact the cop is in power. Some do abuse their power. Oftentimes they're scared when a cop pull them over because they don't want to get fined, violations, etc so they do stupid things. I used to work for the police and there were some scary sh*t. We cannot believe how stupid civilians can be at times. What would've been either minor or no violation becomes a felony of some kind oftentimes.

Personally I think people don't think. I think they panic and shoot before giving any thought to it at all. I'm amazed at the stupid things people do.

WOW, last Wednesasy we had a cop shooting in Northern California (Woodland) from a routine traffic stop. It was an odd story. Apparently someone had hired this guy and possibly his girlfriend to shoot someone else. I still haven't heard why he shot the cop tho. This cop did not survive tho :(

The people that commit these crimes have given about a moment's thought to the consequences of their actions, if that. I don't think even the baddest of bad people out there "plan" to shoot an officer, but somehow it happens. Often, I think that people take these measures while under the influence of one thing or another or are on the run about just about out of time now that the officer came along. NO excuse, but that is my two cents on how it happens.
I think it also has something to do with the basic lack of respect for authority people have these days, for whatever reason. People have the belief that they are the center of the universe and can do whatever they want, whenever they want.

>I think it also has something to do with the basic lack of
>respect for authority people have these days, for whatever
>reason. People have the belief that they are the center of
>the universe and can do whatever they want, whenever they

I am married to a police officer for 16 years now, have known him for
21. All I can say is that I try to thank God everyday for him and
to please keep him safe. As I read what you all posted myheart was
beating faster than normal. It's hard at times to be an officers
wife and we are counting the seconds to retirement.
People have no respect for anyone or anything. There is nothing
my husband hasn't heard or hasn't seen, and it's a hard life to live
but somebody has to do it. Just pray for all the men and women out
there that put there lives on the line and their families to
because when they put their uniforms on we do too.
My uncle was a Tactical Police Force Cop (predecessor to SWAT). One Christmas eve he had to climb up a girder on a bridge to keep a jumper from jumping. The jumper was willing to take my uncle with her.

I've told my kids that even if a cop is wrong in pulling them over they are to give him/her the utmost in respect, they'll get their turn in court. But the "badge" always has control of the situation.

My uncle told me that there were bad cops and they were the minority but that they got the majority of the attention. My uncle only lived 5 years after retiring.

All persons in uniform have my respect. God bless them.

After working with criminals for so long, it boils down to the fact that they hate authority figures, so they have to get them out of the way. I could give you more info on how the criminal mind works, but I would bore you all to tears.:7
>After working with criminals for so long, it boils down to
>the fact that they hate authority figures, so they have to get
>them out of the way. I could give you more info on how the
>criminal mind works, but I would bore you all to tears.:7

That reminds of years ago when my Camero got stolen. The guy finally got pulled over for crossing a double yellow line. I happen to mention to the police officer how stupid it was especially in a stolen car and what was the guy thinking. He said the same thing; criminal minds work very differently. And that's just a simple example.

Colleen, What do you do? I just find it interesting that you know about criminals minds and own two viszlas. (I emailed you about your
dog.) Garilee
Ha, I only know about Criminal Minds since my car was stolen and I couldn't believe how dumb the guy was :)

I'm an Exec. Asst. at a children's Hospital for work. For fun, I train my 2 Vizslas and Dobe in agility, hunting (ok not the Dobe), conformation and obedience.

I just thought maybe viszlas were a criminal justice dog of prefrence
and I didn't know it. Our first viszla came from a secretary to a district justice and my husband is an officer, thought maybe when
you talked about a criminal mind thought maybe you were in the field also..... Garilee
Riply our first dog was great on point until he got gun shy.
I do know a lot of people in the health profession who have Vizslas tho. I know 4 nurses, 2 chiropractors and an exec at hospital. I'm not sure if there are any criminal justice careers in my club tho. I am bad for just knowing the dog's name and then the owner is "so and so's owner."

I'm right there with you. My husband is a Sheriff's deputy and a "motorman" aka traffic deputy. The stories he tells me of the things people do(you never get the FULL story in the news, and anyone who is married to someone in law enforcement will agree)is amazing.
I've seen the results(of the things people do to law enforcement and to each other)having worked in a trauma O.R. in California and it's pretty scary.
Thanksgiving is the most dangerous of all the holidays especially with the extra day off a lot of people have and the party functions they go to--Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving to all!!


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