Why do people invent online identities?


I am fine. Today I am farmer woman! I am gonna be toasty in just a few minutes here though then back to my overalls. So tiring switching from roles to roles, ya know? I was Hilda, the maid yesterday, and no I don't clean my house in maidenwear. lol!

Actually I have been on the hardcore maniacs check in. I am still around. So now you are really a transvestite, and I did not know this of you????? EEEKKKK. Anything else you would like to report??? I want to know all the aka's.

A lot of it is fear of what is out on the internet, but it's also fear of something inside themselves. It's easy to be someone different when no one is going to know, the anonimity is very, very liberating! That's also why you get so many people flaming others (on other websites, not too much here, I've noticed), they can hide behind the veil of no one finding them out!

~~~~~~~~~peeking in from behind a veil, shifty eyed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Because you can be as weird/exciting/perverse as you want and no one needs to know its you. That doesn't mean it's not disturbing sometimes, but that's my best guess.

I'm the flip side of that coin. I give out very little personal information on internet sites. I never post to the threads about, Where Do You Live, I don't put personal information in my profiles. For the 1000 people who post to Cathe.com, there are probably another 1000 people lurking and not all of them innocently absorbing workout information. There are alot of photos here of women in bikinis afterall. ;)
I'm still not used to the complexity of the internet. It is used by MILLIONS of people, most of whom are "normal," but many of whom are mentally unbalanced for a variety of complex reasons. I don't want to live in fear of the latter group, but as others have posted, you do need to proceed with caution (but not paranoia), especially with regard to your children.
> I give out very little
>personal information on internet sites. I never post to the
>threads about, Where Do You Live, I don't put personal
>information in my profiles.


I will post rather non-specific information, for the same reasons you stated.

And I have not posted my photo, and definitely would not post a 'body shot' of myself, to keep some anonymity from possible on-line stalkers.

I sometimes cringe when there is a thread where someone (most probably innocently) asks forum members for personal information, and some respond a bit too freely for my tastes (and for my comfort level). Again, not because of the regular forum members, but because of the millions of non-forum-members who are free to come and go here as they please.

I think it's easy to forget sometimes that this is not a private, relatively small and safe 'community' that we are frequenting, but an 'open house' where anyone can come in off the street.

Just wanted to express my dismay at posting the "where does everyone live" thread. It was completely innocent but I can see that I have a lot to learn about internet safety too. I am hesitant about posting any photos or personal information but in my glee at finding such wonderful people who are as intersted in fitness as I am, I guess I just didn't think. I honestly don't know anyone who understands my love of fitness & I simply wished to find somebody nearby that shared this interest. I mean, it seems like so many of these people are close, have real friendships & meetups, & I just wanted that for myself too. So I just want to say "sorry" & I will try very hard to be more aware in the future. This is the only chat forum to which I belong so I honestly just didn't know & I certainly don't want to place myself in any danger.

I also want to say that I appreciate your knowledge & input on here so much. So thank you for that too!

With some regret...
But also with many thanks & admiration,
Parents here is the proof that you need to know what your children are doing on line....this all took place near my hometown in Colorado. The world remains a scary place; the internet is even more so.

BAILEY, Colorado (CNN) -- The gunman who shot and killed a high school student after holding her and five others hostage had asked for students by name, a Colorado police chief said Friday.

All six girls were molested by Duane Morrison, 53, Park County Sheriff Fred Wegener said, though he did not know if the hostages were the ones on Morrison's list.

Investigators were also checking rumors that Morrison may have researched his victims by looking at MySpace.com, an online community that allows users to post personal pages and network with friends, Wegener said.

Morrison sent a suicide note to a family member in Colorado, Wegener said, adding that police have traced one of two guns found with the suspect to the same relative.

Morrison shot 16-year-old Emily Keyes in the head as she tried to escape when SWAT teams burst into the Platte Canyon High School classroom where he were holding her and one other student. He had released the other four students one at a time Wednesday afternoon.

The suicide note may yield clues as to what led Morrison to the high school in Bailey, Colorado, Wegener said.

Wegener added that the six female hostages were "all molested, but I don't know how much or to what degree."

Wegener has said he ordered the classroom raid to end the three-hour standoff after hearing Keyes and the other hostage screaming.

Morrison had used Keyes as a human shield when the officers burst in. When she ran, he shot her in the back of the head, Joe Morales, executive director of Colorado's Department of Public Safety, told reporters Thursday.

Morrison then shot himself. When his body was removed from the classroom, authorities found a semi-automatic pistol and a revolver on him, the sheriff said. (Watch sheriff reveal what happened after the gunman was pinned down in a classroom -- 3:05)

Keyes was taken by helicopter to a Denver hospital where she was pronounced dead.

On Thursday police released her photo and the last text message she had tapped out to her family, as she was being held: "I love u guys."

Authorities have searched Morrison's car, in which he appeared to be living, the sheriff said.

Wegener said the suspect did not have much of a criminal history and only minor things were on his record.

Bailey is not far from Columbine, where two students killed 12 classmates and a teacher before killing themselves in 1999.

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