Why Do I Need MIS?



I really love the PS Series. I'm still working out all the kinks on poundage and form, but I wondered why I would need MIS. I checked the VF reviews and the exercises sound exactly like the ones used in the PS Series. Why would I need this tape? Comments please? I like to shop as much as everyone but,I really don't want to order VHS tapes anymore. I ordered the 8 pack and want to wait for workout DVDs to come out.

Has Cathe ever expressed interest in putting this workout on DVD eventually? Anyone know?

Helen Z
MIS is more of an endurance workout whereas the PS

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-28-00 AT 06:19PM (EST)</font></center>

Series is more of a strength workout. They seem to complement each other very nicely especially if you feel yourself reaching a plateau as a change can do wonders for many people. Some of the exercises in PS are similar to MIS but there are also many differences. Many of the exercises in MIS are not used at all in the PS series. I find that I cannot go nearly as heavy in some of the upper body exercises as I can with PS.

It really boils down to a matter of preference, however, once Cathe's new videos come out, I feel I would have 3 rotations to then play with, one being an MIS/Bodymax rotation, a PS series rotation and the 6 pack (one body part a day) rotation. Should keep things interesting I think.

That's my 2 cent worth cause you asked.

Hi Helen!

I have just a second here but wanted to say that one nice thing about MIS, is that it is a total-body workout,using heavy weights. It hits all the major muscle groups including a great AB section. Granted, the w/o is about 70 minutes long, but it would free up other days for you to do cardio. JMO~~Hope that helps!! DebbieH
I use the upper body part

I sometime find it clumsy to fit in the whole PS series because the upper body is divided into 2 tapes, so I will often substitute MIS upper body instead. It covers the entire upper body in much less time. I prefer the PS legs tape though because it contains more variety. When time is short I leave the floorwork out.

Hi Debbie,

Thanks for the advice everyone has given me. It helps to know how the tapes are used. I think I am weakening. Hopefully, I can scrape up some money before SNM changes the ordering policy.

Helen Z

I just wanted to add my opinion of the difference between PS and MIS. I tend to do the PS series alot more than my MIS tape (mainly because of time constraints) but I've noticed that I can get through a PS tape with no problem and I have no soreness afterwards. However, the MIS tape kicks my butt for some reason. I have to decrease my barbell weight for the shoulder, bicep, and tricep sections. I've also noticed that I'm sore for usually three days after doing MIS.



Right now PS kicks my butt! BUT, I think from all of the responses that my BUTT needs MIS. NO BUTTS ABOUT IT!

Helen Z
MIS contains faster reps

I could be wrong, but when I do MIS vs PS, MIS reps are somewhat lighter and faster and more of them. It's a classic case of muscle confusion and I like to do both.

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