Why do I cry at EVERY Bachelorette Proposal?


I wasn't sure about Ed, but I really grew to like him. LOVED his little green shorts ;).

The proposal was so romantic though. I loved the look on Jillian's face, the way she lit up when he talked to her, and she didn't pussy foot about saying "yes", just came right out and said she loved him...

I also loved her comment after Reid, "Ed better not f'in disappoint me!" LOL!

I know these things hardly ever last, but I hope it does for them.
the winner


I know it's mindless:cool:, unrealistic :confused: tv, but I sure wanted Jill to pick Kypton (sp?) or Reid. There was just something about Ed that I didn't like :mad: and he was so quick to say the big three words. I'm happy for her though:D. I hope it lasts, but I read somewhere thatonly 2 of 17 bachelor/ettes have lasted.

I'll be watching next season too. Did they announce the next bachelor or bachelorette? I missed the After the Rose Show.

Oh I feel your pain! I have cried over every Rock of Love and Rock of Love Tourbus.....mainly because I knew I would never be the one to put Brett Michael's eyeliner on him! :(
I generally watch all the Bachelor and Bachelorette installments but I couldn't get into this one. However, I did tape the finale and just watched it. Boy, she was sure one wanted chickie! We'll see how long it lasts. I'll tape or watch After The Final Rose tonight just to be abreast of their current standing. Hey, I still have to know! :D


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